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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Ed-Fi (DOE): Student Section Records

The process for publishing Student Section Records has been updated to publish as expected for all students.


Ed-Fi: Student Programs Not Processing after SR Update: Title I Programs Performance

The process for publishing Student Program records for Title I has been updated for better performance and to prevent records from blocking the Ed-Fi publishing queue.

If Title I programs do not start publishing after this update, navigate to District > System > Data Exchange: Resource Configuration and verify that the Title I program resource has been enabled.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Alternative Education - Update to Add Program Name

The data entry page for Alternative Education records has been updated to include a new field that must be used to select the appropriate program name for the record. This dropdown is populated by the State Program under Downloads on the Ed-Fi dashboard.

State rules mandate that a student must be enrolled in the school that is facilitating the selected program. This means that a new record must be created any time a student changes schools/programs.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Student Program: Alternative Education

Program records for students identified as participating in an Alternative Education Program will be published using the program names that are downloaded via the Ed-Fi dashboard.

State rules mandate that a student must be enrolled in the school that is facilitating the selected program. This means that a new record must be created any time a student changes schools/programs.

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