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e-Transcript Reporting

This section provides information about required setup elements and report details for accurate Indiana e-Transcript XML reporting. The section includes information about remote connection management, district, school, and student setup items and the XML extract report.

Many of the setup elements must be populated with report-specific details before running the XML extract. Some of these items are configured during PowerSchool implementation.

The setup items are for the XML e-Transcript extract for Indiana. Refer to State Reporting Setup.

 The report included is listed in the following table. This table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – The name of the report as displayed in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Note: The e-Transcript file generated is in XML format only.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

e-Transcript PDF Verification Report

This report produces a PDF file containing information on a student's academic performance, testing performance, immunization information, and student achievements for e-transcripts. This report can be used to verify if all student information is correctly entered and to locate missing data before running the e-Transcript XML File Generator.

As needed

e-Transcript XML File Generator

A summary of a student’s academic performance, testing performance, immunization information, and student achievements. The program will allow all students at all accredited Indiana high schools to request that their transcripts be transmitted electronically to state educational institutions, participating Indiana not-for-profit or privately endowed institutions, and participating Indiana institutions authorized by the board for proprietary education.

As needed

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