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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-232275CHIRP: Blank Date for HealthStudDoseRec Causes Unsuccessful Import

Previously, when immunization date(s) were blank in PowerSchool and an attempt was made to request records from CHIRP, these records were not downloaded and an error occurred. The logic for CHIRP request functionality is now updated to allow immunizations in PowerSchool with blank dates to be matched with records that are requested from CHIRP.

PSSR-232274CHIRP: Update CHIRP Key_Value Length

When downloading CHIRP records, some internal RXA messages were longer than expected; this prevented the messages from downloading into PowerSchool. PowerSchool is now updated to account for longer RXA messages.

PSSR-232943DOE-RT and DOE-EM Reports - Logic Update for Dropout and Mobility Code

Real-Time (DOE-RT) Report
Nonpublic Enrollment & Mobility (DOE-EM) Report

The reports now include the new Dropout and Mobility code 35 (Participation in the HSE Pilot Program), when that option is selected from the Dropout and Mobility drop-down list.

PSSR-225102Ed-Fi: Special Characters in a Key or Secret Are Not Saved

Ed-Fi is updated to correctly handle special characters that may appear as part of a districts key or secret.

PSSR-230737Ed-Fi: Student Records Continuously Publish Causing Errors in the State ODS

When a student transfers from one district to another, the first district is no longer authorized by the state to update that student's record. Previously, these records resulted in dependencies that would continuously try to publish, causing multiple errors in the State ODS. The system will now detect a student record that has successfully published in the past, and will mark the record as published if the state returns an unauthorized error.

PSSR-211564Implement Indiana Immunization Rule for HepA Seeded

The Indiana-specific immunization rule for HepA is implemented, in addition to the CDC rules.

Under Health Setup > Vaccines, the new Indiana-specific Hepatitis A vaccine rule is available. The rule validates that:

    • All students in grades K-7 and grade 12 have two doses.
    • The minimum interval between 1st and 2nd dose is six calendar months (176 days).
PSSR-193190LEP Field Now on General Page instead of on Obsolete Tab

The Limited English Proficient field now appears on the General Information page as a read-only field. The value is automatically calculated based on the student's English Proficiency Level.

PSSR-231426The Home Visitation Option for Title 1 Support Field Is Missing For All Students

A new Home Visitation Support option is added to the Title 1 Support field on the Title Information tab and the Science Instruction option is removed. This new value is now also displayed in the Title I (DOE-TI) Report.

PSSR-232944New Code For Dropout and Mobility

A new code "35 -Participation in the HSE Pilot Program" is added to the Dropout and Mobility drop-down list. In addition, the description for Dropout and Mobility code 33 is updated to "Student who is Serving an Expulsion".

PSSR-220122Update DOE-ES Report Logic to Prepend Zero to Incident ID

The Incident ID field is now reported as a nine-digit number. Any incident IDs that are less than nine digits are padded with leading zeros in the Expulsion and Suspension report.

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