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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282995All States/Provinces: CRDC Report (2020-2021): CRDC School 3 File - Headers Update

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The Common template (shared by all states) of the CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to have the correct column headers for the new Staff Offenses columns as per the information provided in the 'CRDC School 3.csv' file.

The base version of the CRDC 2020-2021 report is updated to 1.1 with this release. State-specific updates to the base version are denoted with a second dot version number (e.g., CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1.1).

PSSR-282741All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Student Enrollment in Remote Computer Science Classes

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report Common Template is updated to return student information for remote school enrollments in Computer Science classes. Initially it was only returning information for home school enrollments.

PSSR-277063All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference Updated in Parent Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry page in the public portal has been updated and now records will not save if the Date field is blank.

PSSR-281977All States/Provinces: Digital Equity Device Type Field Added in Public Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference new record page, in the public portal, has been updated and now the Device Type field can be populated by parents and guardians if the district has opted to expose this page.

PSSR-269159All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.4

The Health Report has been updated and the Hearing Screening Outcome column is now returning the display values (Pass/Fail) rather than the State Name value.

PSSR-277894All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Clinic Log report has been updated and will no longer display previous school’s office visit records.

PSSR-278658Ed-Fi (DOE): Delete Staff Assignment Records

Functionality to delete the staff assignment records has been added to the Staff Assignment Edit page.

PSSR-279944Ed-Fi (DOE): Data Exchange Dashboard Is Not Displaying the Expected Values

The Data Exchange Dashboard has been updated to show correct values for the Student Demographics records.

PSSR-274813Ed-Fi (DOE): Updated Year-Based Mapping Queries

The Year-based mapping queries have been updated to only check the values for the last three years, simplifying the mapping process for users.

PSSR-277748Ed-Fi (INSITE): Exit Date Criteria on Staff Assignments Modified

When publishing Staff Assignment data for the INSITE Ed-Fi profile, active staff members are published with no value in the End Date field. Inactive staff members are published using the last day of the selected school year as the End Date.

PSSR-278717Ed-Fi (DOE): No Show Student School Association Records Need to Publish for Re-enrollment Records

For students with a one-day summer withdrawal/no-show record in the previous enrollments list, the expected no-show Student School Association record is generated.

PSSR-280023Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Staff Type 2 (“Staff”) Option Not Working as Expected

Logic for publishing staff data has been updated as follows:

  • If the Publish Staff Type 2 option in the District Info page is not selected, staff with Staff Type= 2 (Staff) are not processed for publishing data in Ed-Fi.
  • Staff that has not been inactive at any point in the selected school year are not processed for publishing data in Ed-Fi.
PSSR-277878Ed-Fi (DOE): Remove ‘Find Contacts’ Option from 'Run Now' Options for the Contacts Resource

The option to 'Find Contacts', which was displayed after clicking the Run Now button for the Contacts resource, is removed, as it was pointing to tables and fields that are no longer in use.

PSSR-281545SPED Records: Location Descriptor Logic Updates

To facilitate the submission of accurate SPED records using both the STN Application Center and Ed-Fi, the Ed-Fi publishing logic for several Location Descriptor codes which are valid for STN App Center but not valid for Ed-Fi has been updated:

  • (05) Residential Placement is published as (09) Private Vendor (Day Program/Residential).
  • (07) Public Preschool Program in a Separate Building value is not published.
  • (08) Head Start is published as (01) Community-Based Preschool/Head start.
  • (99) Not applicable, state-assigned school number provided value is not published.
PSSR-281802State Data Entry Fields Were Not Displayed When Editing a Course after Upgrading Core SIS to

The New/Edit Course page logic has been updated to ensure that the state-specific fields display as expected.

PSSR-280021Student Program 504 Records with Previous Year Program Start Date Were Not Published

When publishing Student Program Records, 504 records that meet all of the following criteria will be published:

  • The program start date is on or before the current system date, even if that date is in a previous school year
  • The end date of the program record is either blank or falls within the current school year
PSSR-276716Ed-Fi (DOE): Virtual Program Needs To Be Date Tracked to Ensure Accurate Reporting

Virtual Student data is now tracked on the AD tab. The student level Virtual Status field is updated based on the start and end dates entered in these records, similar to other program records on this tab.

A one-time migration will create a single record for students, creating a single record. The start date of the new record will be the start date of the student’s earliest enrollment in the current school year, and the end date will be blank.

Users may need to update this record or add additional records if the student's virtual status changed at any point in the current school year.

PSSR-281289CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1.1

The CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to have additional columns of data in the CRDC Student Audit.csv file to help users identify students who are taking classes at another school. The file now includes a SchoolID column after the various CRDC course enrollment columns to let users know where the course was taken.

The CRDC Report (2020-2021) is also updated to count year long Algebra I courses broken into Trimester and Quarter long segments (terms). These term length classes were previously not included in the class counts.

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