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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-265368Ed-Fi Framework: Publish Half Day Attendance With Daily Time To Day Conversion

The Ed-Fi Framework is updated to publish half day default attendance with the Daily mode and time-to-day conversion is set up if only half day attendance is provided.

PSSR-263475Indiana IREAD-3 Exemption Extract Report Update

Indiana IREAD-3 Exemption Extract Report: Version 1.6
The 'Out of State Assessment Exemption Needs' column is removed from the Indiana IREAD-3 Exemption Extract Report.

PSSR-263062Updates to the IN State Information Section of the Enrollment Pages

Access School field is added to the following pages:

  • Current Enrollment
  • Previous Enrollment
  • Transfer out
  • Reenroll Student
  • New Enrollment

The value entered in the Access School field for the Current Enrollment record also reflects in the Previous Enrollment.

On New Enrollment and Reenroll Student pages, the fields listed below will default to blank:

  • Primary School of Enrollment
  • Accountable School field
  • Access School
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