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Highly Qualified Teacher Codes - Obsolete

As of 2017-18 data collection, these codes are no longer reported.

Choose the core subjects that each staff member is qualified to teach: English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, history, geography, and fine arts. For each core subject selected, the following codes are used on the DOE-CP Certified Personnel extract to identify a staff member's qualification level in a core academic subject.




Not applicable, this person is a certified non-teaching person.


This class is taught by a computer program that this teacher / employee monitors. A value of 1 is derived in PowerSchool. When the Class Instruction field on the Sections page contains a value of 3, a 1 is extracted for Highly Qualified Subject


No, not highly qualified in this core subject.


No, not a core academic subject.


HQ requirements do not apply. State operated school, the schools that employ/contract college professors and nonpublic schools. This would also include non-certified teachers.


Yes, highly qualified in this core academic subject via HOUSSE.
Note: This option is only for veteran teachers who completed HOUSSE prior to the 2007-2008 school year.


Yes, highly qualified in this subject via passing PRAXIS II/NTE or Pearson's Licensing CORE exams, in addition to the pedagogy exam after February 10, 2014.


Yes, highly qualified in this core academic subject via 24 credits/degree in core academic subject (not education degree).
NOTE: No longer includes KG-12 for Art and Music.


Yes, highly qualified in this subject via National Board Certification (NBCT).


Not primary instructor for this core academic subject.


Yes, highly qualified, earned a Master's Degree or Ph.D. in core academic subject area (not education degree). NOTE: This code is for teachers of grades 7-12.

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