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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261666AD Student Tab - Page Logic Updates for Multiple Student Status Flags

The logic on the AD tab is updated as outlined below:
504, Foster Care, Active Duty, High Ability and Unaccompanied Youth Status:
Each of these values displays a 'Y' for any student with a related AD record that is active as of the current system date.
Status for Homeless Status:
The value displayed is a 'Y' for any student with a Homeless record that was active at any point within the current school year, which is the value that is reported in the AD extract.

PSSR-260571AD Student Tab - Script to Evaluate and Update Multiple Student Status Flags on a Daily Basis

A script is added that runs daily at 1:00 AM. This script is designed to evaluate and update the following student status flags, based on the current system date:

504, Foster Care, Active Duty, High Ability and Unaccompanied Youth:
Update this value to a 'Y' for any student with a related AD record that is active as of the current system date.
Update this value to a 'Y' for any student with a Homeless record that was active at any point within the current school year, up to and including the current system date.


AD Tab – Allowed Entry of Future End Dates

The AD tab is updated to allow users to enter future end dates on all the sections of the page.
PSSR-257645All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Update for Multi-Select Fields in PowerSchool 21.4

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.1
As the fields listed were changed to multi-select in PowerSchool version 21.4, the Office Visit Clinic Log is updated to handle multiple saved values for the Outcome field.
The report works as expected for districts that upgrade to PowerSchool version 21.4 as well as previously supported versions of PowerSchool.

  • Assessment
  • Visit Reason
  • Visit outcome
  • Procedure
  • Treatment
PSSR-257685Add the Ability to Enter and Edit Staff Assignments for Ed-Fi Reporting

A link to the new Indiana Staff Assignments page is now available on the Staff Information page. Start > Staff > Select a Staff Member > Add/Edit Information.

The values for the Staff Classification drop down are populated based on the ‘StaffClassificationDescriptor’

PSSR-259191Ed-Fi - IN DOE - Remove all Resources Related to 'Graduation Plans'

The IN DOE profile is updated to remove the Graduation Plans resource. As a result, this resource will no longer display in the following areas:

  • 'Data view’ drop-down list
  • Organization Setup Category
  • Publishing
PSSR-256931Ed-Fi Framework: Codeset Mapping Drop-down Fields Ordered Alphabetical

In Code Set Mapping and Code Set Mappings (other) pages, the Code Set Mapping drop-downs fields are now ordered alphabetically.

PSSR-258441Ed-Fi Framework: Hide Publish and Delete Buttons for View Only

For groups with View Only access and Pages with View Only permissions, the Publish and Delete buttons cannot be seen on the Ed-Fi Publishing pages.

PSSR-255657IN - e-Transcript XML Extract- The 'Academic Summary' Section is Missing When a Student Has No GPA Calculation to Display

Indiana e-Transcript XML: Version 2.9

The Indiana e-Transcript XML extract is updated to include the 'Academic Summary' section in cases where a student has no GPA calculation to display.


IN INsite – Staff Email Is Incorrectly Reported with a Type ’Other” for Staff DemographicsIndiana INSite profile is updated to publish the staff email address with a default email type (electronicMailType) of 'Work'.
PSSR-259190IN INsite – Positive Attendance Records Are Being Published Erroneously

Positive attendance records are longer be published, and the Attendance Event option is removed from the code mapping page.

PSSR-259194Indiana Ed-Fi (DOE): Updated Logic to Include Attendance Taken for Remote Classes

The Indiana DOE Profile is updated to support the inclusion of attendance records tied to classes taken at a remote school.


New Field is Added to the Textbook Reimbursement Page

A new checkbox field "Student is not participating" is added to the Textbook Reimbursement page to track whether a student is participating in the Textbook program.
PSSR-260269IN - Real Time (DOE-RT) Report v 3.5 - Pulls Student Enrollment From Excluded School when Student is in Mid-Transfer to Included School.This issue is now resolved. Students who have not been completely re-enrolled in a school will not be included in the report.
PSSR-255571IN INsite - Students' SSN should not be publishedSSN is not publishing in the Students resource, even if the SSN value is populated for a Student.
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