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Compliance - Get Started


PowerSchool Compliance lists the reports, tools, and data entry elements required by the school districts to adhere to state/provincial data collection and reporting requirements. This is built within the framework of PowerSchool SIS, and they work together to meet the requirements of District/School Administrators and Staff. The PS SIS includes four core sections (District Setup, School Setup, Student Setup, and Staff Setup) that are leveraged by Compliance to deliver its data collection and reporting solution. The District Setup, School Setup, Student Setup, and Staff Setup each have state/province-specific items that need to be reviewed/updated to ensure proper data collection prior to a submission window.

  • District Setup: Includes state-specific data settings that apply to district-wide schools. You need District-level access.

  • School Setup: Includes state-specific data settings that apply to an individual school only.

  • Student Setup: Includes state-specific data settings that apply specifically to the student, and/or any of the student's enrollment transactions.

  • Staff Setup: Includes state-specific data settings that apply specifically to the staff, and/or any of the staff enrollment transactions.

This document helps you to get started with Compliance for Indiana State Reporting.

District Admin

As a district admin, go to the State Reporting Setup section to set up elements for accurate Indiana state reporting.

The setup elements must be populated with report-specific details; therefore, ensure the required setup is complete prior to running any Indiana reports.

  1. Start with the District Setup. Review the setup table for more details.

    1. Perform any data downloads as appropriate

    2. Add/Review entry, exit, and ethnicity codes

    3. Review and update school information

    4. Update the default term level

    5. Review and update Day Type options

    6. Update course information

    7. Review and update Grade Setup 

    8. Review all Ed-Fi mappings

    9. Review IN Calendar section under School Info. 

      • Start time (24-hour format)

      • End time (24-hour format)

      • Instructional minutes

      • Non-instructional minutes

      • Waiver Days

  2. Go to School Setup and update the following information:

    1. Add Years & Terms

    2. Add/Review Periods and Cycle Days

    3. Review Sections

      1. Verify the School Association

    4. Review Bell Schedule

      1. Shortened Days

    5. Complete Calendar Setup

      1. Set the IN Day Type as appropriate

      2. In-Session days should be set to a Day Type of Student Calendar

    6. Review Attendance Preferences, Codes, Categories, and Conversions. 

    7. Review Full-time Equivalencies

  3. Go to Staff Setup to add/update staff information:

    1. Review staff member demographic information

    2. Verify LEA ID

    3. Review School Associations and Roles

    4. Update staff assignment records. 

  4. Go to Student Setup to add/review student information

    1. Review student demographic information

    2. Review school enrollment

    3. Review Primary School of Enrollment an ADM Type

    4. Review Indiana-Specific Program Dates and Settings

    5. Review Indiana-specific Special Education Information

    6. Review Indiana-specific Testing Information

    7. Verify Exclude Flag status

    8. Verify Accountable School and Access School fields

  5. Verify the eTranscript Information

School Admin

As a School admin, go to the State Reporting Setup section to set up elements for accurate Indiana state reporting.

The setup elements must be populated with report-specific details; therefore, ensure the required setup is complete prior to running any Indiana reports.

  1. Go to School Setup and update the following information:

    1. Add Years & Terms

    2. Add/Review Periods and Cycle Days

    3. Review Sections

      1. Verify the School Association

    4. Review Bell Schedule

      1. Shortened Days

    5. Complete Calendar Setup

      1. Set the IN Day Type as appropriate

      2. In-Session days should be set to a Day Type of Student Calendar

    6. Review Attendance Preferences, Codes, Categories, and Conversions. 

    7. Review Full-time Equivalencies

  2. Go to Staff Setup to add/update staff information:

    1. Review staff member demographic information

    2. Verify LEA ID

    3. Review School Associations and Roles

    4. Update staff assignment records. 

  3. Go to Student Setup to add/review student information

    1. Review student demographic information

    2. Review school enrollment

    3. Review Primary School of Enrollment an ADM Type

    4. Review Indiana-Specific Program Dates and Settings

    5. Review Indiana-specific Special Education Information

    6. Review Indiana-specific Testing Information

    7. Verify Exclude Flag status

    8. Verify Accountable School and Access School fields

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