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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282157All States/Provinces: Health Info Report - Student Contacts Update

Health Info Report: Version 1.1

The report is now updated to pull the data from Student Contacts.

PSSR-300101All States/Provinces: New - Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search

A new “Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search” link is added to the special functions page and will allow users to search for Digital Equity & Learning Preference records using configurable filters.

PSSR-274766All States/Provinces: Report Works Startup Updates

The config files have been modified and are now only called through the re-initialization cycle. This will improve SRP startup times and avoid previously reported failures.

PSSR-275058All States/Provinces: Sub Teachers Portal Honors the Pref "Prevent Attendance Page Submit If Blank"

When the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" pref is checked on the Attendance Preferences page on the admin portal, the Sub Teacher is not able to submit attendance if blank attendance is used for Single day attendance and Seating Chart.

PSSR-302327Ed-Fi: Curricular Material Reimbursement and School Food Services Program Publishing Update

An issue was found in which selecting the Student Is Not Participating flag was not preventing Curricular Material Reimbursement Program Association Records from getting published. With this State Reporting Release, this issue has been resolved.

PSSR-299527SPED Changes on the SE/EV State Student Page

With this State Reporting Release, the following changes have been made to the SE/EV State Student page:

  • The Special Education Transition Heading has been renamed to Special Education Termination.
  • The following fields have been removed:
    • Exclude From SE Report
    • Exclude From EV Report
    • Exclude From TR Report
    • Initial Evaluation Date
  • The following fields have been added:
    • Exclude From Ed-Fi: [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ExcludeFromEdFi
    • Service Begin Date: [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate
    • Last Evaluation Date: [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]LastEvaluationDate
  • The following fields have been renamed on the screen and the database:
Old Field Name on the PageNew Field Name on the PageOld Field Name in the DatabaseNew Field Name in the Database
Services Beginning for First Steps Transition StudentsFirst Steps Transition Date[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ServicesBeginDate[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]FirstStepsTransitionDate
Case Conference DateIEPReviewDate[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]CaseConferenceDate[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate
Referral DateParental Consent Date[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ReferralDate[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate
Reason for Termination or TransitionReason for Termination[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ReasonforTerminationNo Change
Date of Termination or TransitionService Termination Date[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateofTerminationNo Change
  • All the existing data in the old fields will be retained in the new fields.
  • For retaining the value in the newly added Exclude From Ed-Fi field, if any one of the Exclude options in the SE/EV page is set to Yes, then the Exclude From Ed-Fi field is also set to Yes.
PSSR-301241Ed-Fi 2022-23: SPED Evaluation and Service Publishing Updates

Ed-Fi 2022-23: SPED Evaluation and Service Publishing Updates:

  • The below-mentioned new fields will be used for publishing the data elements:
    • For beginDate
      • If SpecialEdPlacement is not blank and not 58 then
        • The newly created Service Begin Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate) field is used if not blank
        • If the Service Begin Date is blank then the newly created IEP Review Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate) field is used
      • if SpecialEdPlacement is blank or 58 then
        • The newly created Parental Consent Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate) field is used
    • For iepReviewDate:
      • The newly created IEP Review Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate) field is used.
    • For lastEvaluationDate:
      • The newly created Last Evaluation Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]LastEvaluationDate) field is used.
      • If blank then the newly created IEP Review Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate) field is used
    • For firstStepsTransitionDate:
      • The newly created First Steps Transition Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]FirstStepsTransitionDate) field is used.
    • For parentalConsentDate:
      • The newly created Parental Consent Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate) field is used.

Publishing Logic Updates with the new fields:

  • The records get excluded from publishing if Exclude From Ed-Fi is set to Yes.
  • Modification to the publishing for the Begin Date (also noted above):
    • If Special Education Placement is neither Blank nor 58 Undefined (Evaluation), then the Begin Date’s value is pulled from the newly added Service Begin Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate) field and if it is blank then the Begin Date is pulled from the IEP Review Date.
    • If Special Education Placement is Blank or 58 Undefined (Evaluation) then the Begin Date’s value is pulled from the newly added Parental Consent Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate) field.
  • Records get published where the program’s End Date is null or greater than/equal to the start of the school year (July 1).
    • The end date’s value is pulled from the value filled in the newly modified Service Termination Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination) field, if it is not blank.
    • If the Service Termination Date is blank and sped placement is Blank or 58 Undefined (Evaluation) then the End Date’s Value is pulled from the newly added IEP Review Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate) field.
PSSR-301404Ed-Fi DOE 2022-23: Choice Voucher Publishing Updates

Choice voucher publishing updates:

  • The below-mentioned new fields will be used for publishing the data elements:
    • For beginDate:
      • The newly created Service Begin Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate) field is used.
        If the Service Begin Date is left blank then
      • The newly created IEP Review Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate) field is used.
        If both are blank, then use the Entry Date from the school enrollment record.
    • For endDate:
      • The newly modified Service Termination Date ([S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination) field is used. If it is left blank until the end of the school year, use the school’s last date.

Publishing logic updates with the new fields:

  • The records get excluded from publishing if Exclude From Ed-Fi is set to Yes.
  • Other publishing logic, such as the selection of (99) Choice Voucher from the Special Education drop-down list remains as it is.
PSSR-3018342022-2023 Changes on Accommodations Page (Formerly TL/TA)
  • With this State Reporting Release, the following changes are now available on the Accommodations Page (formerly known as TL/TA):
  • We have renamed the following pages as the latest INDOE Guidelines:
    • TL/TA tab to Accommodations tab.
    • TL/TA Accommodations to Assessment Accommodations.
    • DOE-IR Exemptions to IR Exemptions
    • Under the Testing Information tab, Exclude From DOE-TA to Exclude From Ed-fi, which will be a checkbox.
  • We have updated the Accommodations page as per the Instructions provided by the State. For full details, Accommodations refer to the page.
  • For fields in the Accommodations, we have updated the field type, and the saved values will be Null or 1. Null is the default value.
PSSR-301361Access Issues in the State Student PagesAn issue was found in which, View Only Users could see the New/Submit/Delete button and even make changes on the Transcript tab under the State Student page. With this State Reporting Release, the issue has been resolved.
PSSR-302983Publishing Performance Improvements to Student DemographicsAn issue was found in which the Student Demographic Records were not getting published and continuously remained in processing if the student's Email Address Element was excluded from getting published, this stopped even other resources from publishing. With this state reporting release, this issue has been fixed.
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