Washington High School Transcript
The WA High School Transcript includes final grade, credit, and test score information for students in grade levels 9 – 12. Courses completed in grade levels 8 and lower also qualify when the grade record has potential credit. The report lists names of only high schools. However, if a student received a potential credit in grades 8 or lower in a different school, then the report displays the name of that school along with the list of high schools provided there is no break in enrollment.
There are three versions of this report:
- Washington State Transcript 2008 and beyond – Use this transcript, because it is the most up-to-date. This transcript lists graduation requirements in addition to the grade and credit information included in the other transcripts.
- Washington State Transcript PDF 2007 – This transcript lists the required WASL tests for Mathematics, Reading, and Writing as required for the 2007 graduation year. This report has not been updated since the 2007-2008 school year.
- Washington State Transcript PDF – This transcript does not include any of the WASL test score information and can be used for transcripts before 2007. This report has not been updated since the 2007-2008 school year.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis of report results when the report does not return the correct records.
- A Washington-specific Grade Scale must be defined in District Setup.
- Courses must have the appropriate potential credits assigned, especially the 7th and 8th-grade courses that need to be included in the transcript.
- The End of Term Process must be complete.
Historical Grade Selection Criteria
The report selects historical records from the [StoredGrades] table based on the following criteria:
- The grade must be associated with one of the store codes entered at report runtime.
- The grade level associated with the grade must be greater than or equal to 8.
- The grade must be associated with a potential credit.
- The grade must not be associated with a school that is excluded from state reporting.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Students to Include | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students before running a report. |
Store Codes (Terms) To Include | Enter a list of store codes, comma-separated, without spaces, such as S1, S2. This entry determines which historical grades are included in the transcript for the student. A default list of Store Codes may be entered on the District Information page. A store code is a letter-number combination assigned to a historical grade. You may choose any letter-number combination, but many administrators choose to use a term abbreviation. The store code is entered when running the Permanently Store Grades process, or when manually entering a historical grade on an individual student’s Historical Grades page. |
Print Future Exit Dates | Select this checkbox to print school future exit dates on the transcript. |
Additional District Requirements
The updated Washington State Transcript 2008 and Beyond report in PowerSchool allows you to collect the additional district requirements specified by the state. If the Additional District Requirements (configured at the district office) are applicable for the school/student's graduation year, the Additional District Requirement section is printed in the report.
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Washington State Information > State Graduation Requirements > Additional District Requirement.
- Set up the Additional District Requirement under District Setup.
- Select a student based on the student's school enrollment. You can see the Additional District Requirement data fields in the student's State Graduate Requirements tab.
- Choose the student's graduation year status and click Submit.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
First Year Applicable | Select the status of the student:
| FirstYearApplicable |
Last Year Applicable | Select the status of the student:
| Last YearApplicable |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
School of Record | ||
School Name | The name of the school for which the transcript is run. | [Schools]Name |
Address | The address of the school. | [Schools]SchoolAddress [Schools]SchoolCity [Schools]SchoolState [Schools]SchoolZip |
School Telephone | The phone number of the school. | [Schools]SchoolPhone |
District Name | The name of the district. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtname |
District Seal | Transcript 2008 and Beyond: A district seal is included when the sealed file is available. The seal should be light gray on a white background, and at least 1.5 inches square. Larger images will be automatically scaled to fit. | A picture file is required to be named districtSeal.jpg. When this file is placed in the following location, it is included in the transcript for PowerSchool 7.x.x: \Program Files\PowerSchool\data\picture\general\ |
School Logo / School Seal | Transcript 2008 and Beyond: A school seal is included when the sealed file is available. The seal should be at least 0.4 inches square. Larger images will be automatically scaled to fit. | A picture file required to be named [abbrev].jpg, where [abbrev] is the school abbreviation visible on the Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info page. When this file is placed in the following location, it is included in the transcript for PowerSchool 7.x.x: \Program Files\PowerSchool\data\picture\general\ |
Transcript | ||
Report Date | The current date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | N/A |
Graduation Date | The student’s graduation year, if populated on the Demographics page for the student. | [Students]Graduation_Year |
Student Information | ||
Legal Name | The student’s name. Note: If the Legal Name name fields are populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name, | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name |
Address | The student’s address. | [Students]Street [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip |
Parent/Guardian | The student’s guardian’s name, if populated. Otherwise, the father and mother’s names are reported. Notes:
| [StudentCoreFields]Guardian_fn [StudentCoreFields]Guardian_mn [StudentCoreFields]Guardian_ln [Students]Father [Students]Mother [Person]FirstName [Person]MiddleName [Person]LastName |
[Person]FirstName SSID | The student’s state-assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
Schools Attended The report locates school enrollments for the student by referencing enrollments on the Transfer Info student page. The report also includes schools entered on the Previous Schools student page via Student > State/Province – WA > Previous Schools. | ||
Entry | The date the student first attended the school for the particular school year. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [PreviousSchools]entry_date |
Exit | The date the student last attended the school for the particular school year (maybe reported as the day after their last day, for attendance reasons). | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate [PreviousSchools]exit_date |
School Name | The name of the school. Note: If a student's most recent previous school enrollment is a Summer School, the Graduation School name will show instead of the Summer School name. | [Schools]Name [PreviousSchools]name |
City, State | The city and state in which the school is located. | [Schools]SchoolCity [Schools]SchoolState [PreviousSchools]city [PreviousSchools]state |
Academic Record Note: Records are not included for courses marked to be excluded from transcripts. | ||
Month/Year (MO/YR) | The last day of the term-associated historical grade in the format MM/YYYY. | [Terms]LastDay [StoredGrades]TermID |
Store Code | The store code associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode |
Grade Level (GRD LVL) | The grade level associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade_Level |
Course Code | The state course code associated with the historical grade. | [S_WA_SGR_X]StateCourseCode [S_WA_SEC_X]StateCourseCd [S_WA_CBY_X]StateCourseCd [S_WA_CRS_X]StateCourseCd |
Course Number | The course number associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Course_Number |
Course Title | The course name associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Course_Name |
Letter Grade (LTR GRD) | The letter grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade |
Credited Earned (CRED EARN) | The credit awarded for the historical grade. Credits are reported with up to 3 decimal places in the Course Detail Section of the Transcript | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs |
Credit Attempted (CRED ATTP) | The credit associated with the stored grade – also associated with the course. Credits are reported with up to 3 decimal places in the Course Detail Section of the Transcript | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs |
Course Designation (CRS DSG) | The course designation implies that the course qualifies for one of the following:
| [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_RunningStart [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_TechPrep [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_IB [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_AP [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_Honors [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_CARD [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_CollegeInHS [S_WA_SGR_X]Desig_Cambridge |
Report Period and Cumulative Summary Note: Values are only displayed for grades associated with grade levels 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12. | ||
Grade Level (GRD LVL) | The grade level of the student for the term listed. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level |
Month/Year (MO/YR) | The term associated with the grades. | [Terms]LastDay [StoredGrades]TermID |
Store Code | The store code associated with the group of grades. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode |
Credit Earned (CRED EARN) | The number of credits the student earned for this store code/term. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs |
Credit Attempted (CRED ATTP) | The total number of credits the student attempted for this store code/term. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs |
GPA Earned (GPA EARN) | The student’s GPA credits earned for the store code/term. This is the number of credits earned that qualify to be counted in the GPA. Credits are reported with up to 3 decimal places in the Course Detail Section of the Transcript. Note: The report excludes all credits earned for this store code/term that are marked “Exclude from GPA.” Historical grades are excluded from the GPA by assigning the section to be excluded from the GPA (before storing grades). After grades have been stored, you can mark an individual historical grade to be excluded from the GPA on the Historical Grades student page. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA |
GPA Attempted (GPA ATTP) | The student’s GPA credits attempted for the store code/term. This is the number of credits attempted that qualify to be counted in the GPA. Credits are reported with up to 3 decimal places in the Course Detail Section of the Transcript Note: The report excludes all credits attempted for this store code/term that are marked “Exclude from GPA.” Historical grades are excluded from the GPA by assigning the section to be excluded from the GPA (before storing grades). After grades have been stored, you can mark an individual historical grade to be excluded from the GPA on the Historical Grades student page. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA |
GPA Points (GPA PTS) | The GPA points earned for the store code/term. | [StoredGrades]GPA_Points |
GPA | The student’s GPA for the store code/term. The GPA is calculated as the number of potential credits multiplied by the number of GPA points earned and divided by the number of potential credits. Note: The transcript uses a standard PowerSchool weighted GPA calculation. Review additional information about weighted GPA calculation. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs [StoredGrades]GPA_Points [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs |
Additional State Requirements | ||
Reading Standard | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state reading standard. The report uses the value for Reading Standard on the State/Province-WA > select student > State Graduation Requirements page. When the field [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]ReadingStandard does not contain a value of Met, Not Met, or Waived on the State Graduation Requirements page, the report refers to the student Test Scores page to determine if the student has a State test type named “WASL High School” and converts the value from the test named Reading. If there is more than one Alpha score, the report chooses the score with the highest Number score. Met: If the Alpha score is one of the following, the report returns Met: 4, 3, S1, S2, S3, S4, L3, L4, S-MO, S-L2, S-D3, S-D4, S-P3, S-P4, MET. Waived: If the Alpha score is W, then the report returns Waived. Not Met: If the Alpha score is not one of the values listed above, the report returns Not Met. Note: Students in the graduating classes of 2014 and 2015 can meet the graduation requirement by successfully meeting the Washington State Reading (HSPE) AND Washington State Writing Standard (HSPE) OR by successfully meeting the Washington State English Language Arts Standard (SBA). | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]ReadingStandard [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Reading [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Writing Standard | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state writing standard. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. Note: Students in the graduating classes of 2014 and 2015 can meet the graduation requirement by successfully meeting the Washington State Reading (HSPE) AND Washington State Writing Standard (HSPE) OR by successfully meeting the Washington State English Language Arts Standard (SBA). | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]WritingStandard [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Writing [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Mathematics Standard | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state mathematics standard. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. Note: Only required when the Graduation Requirements Year is 2013 or later | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]MathematicsStandard [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Mathematics [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Mathematics Year 1 | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state mathematics year 1 standard. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. Note: Not included on the Transcript 2008 and Beyond. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]MathematicsYear1 [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Mathematics Year 1 [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Mathematics Year 2 | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state mathematics year 2 standard. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. Note: Not included on the Transcript 2008 and Beyond. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]MathematicsYear2 [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Mathematics Year 2 [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Science Standard 2021 or Later | Beginning with the graduating class of 2021, it is a graduation requirement to meet the state science standard on the high school assessment or by one of the approved alternatives. Since it is not a requirement for students graduating before 2021, that line item will not appear on the transcript until then. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]ScienceStandard [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = Science [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
High School and Beyond Plan | Indicates whether the student met the standards for the Washington high school and beyond plan. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]HighSchoolBeyond |
Culminating Project | Indicates whether the student met the standards for the Washington high school culminating project. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]CulminatingProject |
Washington State History | Indicates whether the student met the Washington state history standard. For more information regarding the determination of Met, Not Met, and Waived values, see the Reading Standard description above. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]StateHistory [Test]Name = WASL High School [TestScore]Name = State History [StudentTestScore]AlphaTestScore |
Certificate of Academic Achievement | Indicates whether the student earned a certificate of academic achievement. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]CertofAcademicAchieve |
Certificate of Individual Achievement | Indicates whether the student earned a certificate of individual achievement. Note: This certificate does not appear if the student has earned a certificate of academic achievement. | [S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X]CertofIndividualAchieve |
Washington State Seal of Biliteracy | This indicates that the student earned a Washington State Seal of Biliteracy. | [S_WA_STU_X]SealOfBiliteracy |