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CRDC Student Setup (2023-2024)

The following data elements are required for CRDC student setup.


Navigation: [Student selection], Demographics

Data Element

Additional Information


Federal Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • -1 – Default, no value

  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino

  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino


Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the appropriate federal race category.

Select this value if you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race, if appropriate.



  • Male (M)

  • Female (F)

  • Non-Binary (X )


Additional Information

Navigation: [Student selection], Compliance, Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Data Element

Additional Information


Exclude Student from CRDC

Select if the student should not be considered in CRDC reporting.


Count Student as Ungraded in CRDC

If the student should be considered as Ungraded in CRDC reporting, select the checkbox.


Count Student as LEP Qualified in CRDC

If the student should be considered as LEP Qualified in CRDC reporting, select the checkbox.


LEA Questions

DSED-1, DSED-2. Is this a student enrolled in any distance education courses?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is enrolled in any distance education courses.


HSEE-2. Does this student participate in a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program (for ages 16-19) operated by this LEA?

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student participates in a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program (for ages 16-19) operated by this LEA.


School Questions

Enrollment of English Language Learner Students

ENRL-2a. Is this a student who is an English Learner (EL)?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is an English learner.


ENRL-2b. Is this student enrolled in English Learner Programs?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in an English learner program.


Enrollment of Students with Disabilities

ENRL-3. Is this a student with one or more disabilities served under IDEA?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student has one or more disabilities and is served under IDEA.


ENRL-4. Is this a student with disabilities served under Section 504, but not served under IDEA?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student has one or more disabilities and is served under Section 504, but is not served under IDEA.


PENR-1, PENR-2. Is this a student enrolled in Gifted and Talented programs?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in gifted and talented programs.


PENR-3, PENR-4. Is this a student enrolled in Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit Programs?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in dual enrollment or dual credit programs.


PENR-6. Does this student participate in at least one credit recovery program?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in dual enrollment or credit recovery program.


APIB-2. Is this a student enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program?

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the student is enrolled in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program.


Discipline Information Required for CRDC

Log Entries

Harassment / Bullying Basis

Check the box or boxes to indicate if this was an incident involving harassment or bullying on the basis of:

  • Sex

  • Race

  • Disability

  • Religion

    • Perceived Religious Affiliation (This item is about allegations of harassment or bullying and not about the religious affiliation of the alleged victim. Do not ask the alleged victim about his or her actual religion, but only collect and enter allegations data based on the likely motives of the alleged harasser. This item is not intended to have a school-record an alleged victim’s religious affiliation and the school should not ask the alleged victim about his or her religious affiliation)

      • <Blank>

      • (1) Atheist/Agnostic

      • (2) Buddhist

      • (3) Catholic

      • (4) Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other)

      • (5) Hindu

      • (6) Islamic (Muslim)

      • (7) Jehovah’s Witness

      • (8) Jewish (Judaism)

      • (9) Mormon (Latter-day-Saint)

      • (10)Multiple Religions, Group

      • (11) Other Christian

      • (12) Other Religions

      • (13) Protestant

      • (14) Sikh

  • Sexual Orientation

From the Student Role Drop down choose one of the following:

  • Victim

  • Offender







DISC-3-6/7a/9a. Student Received Corporal Punishment

Check the box if the student was received corporal punishment.

Note: This might be a case CRDC is used as the Log Type rather than Discipline as there might not have been an actual discipline incident that led to the restraint.


DISC-7g/9g. Student was Expelled under zero-tolerance policies

Check the box if the student was Expelled under zero-tolerance policies.


DISC-8a/10. Transfer to Alternative School for disciplinary reasons

Check the box if the student was Transfer to Alternative School for disciplinary reasons.


ARRS-1a/2a. Student was Referred to Law Enforcement

Check the box if the student was Referred to Law Enforcement.


ARRS-1b/2b. Student was Arrested as a result of this incident

Check the box if the student was Arrested as a result of this incident.


OFFN-1. Offense Category

Select the appropriate CRDC Offense Category if applicable.

01 = Rape or Attempted Rape

02 = Sexual Battery (Other than rape)

03 = Robbery with a weapon

04 = Robbery with a firearm or explosive device

05 = Robbery without a weapon

06 = Physical attack or fight with a weapon

07 = Physical attack or fight with a firearm or explosive device

08 = Physical attack or fight without a weapon

09 = Threat of physical attack or fight with a weapon

10 = Threat of physical attack with a firearm or explosive device

11 = Threat of physical attack without a weapon

12= Possession of a firearm or explosive device


RSTR-1a-2a/RSTR-3 Student was subjected to Mechanical Restraint

Check the box if the student was subjected to mechanical restraint.

Note: This might be a case CRDC is used as the Log Type rather than Discipline as there might not have been an actual discipline incident that led to the restraint.


RSTR-1b-2b/RSTR-3 Student was subjected to Physical Restraint

Check the box if the student was subjected to physical restraint.

Note: This might be a case CRDC is used as the Log Type rather than Discipline as there might not have been an actual discipline incident that led to the restraint.


RSTR-1c-2c/RSTR-3 Student was subjected to Seclusion

Check the box if the student was subjected to seclusion.

Note: This might be a case CRDC is used as the Log Type rather than Discipline as there might not have been an actual discipline incident that led to the seclusion.


EXAM-1. SAT and ACT Participation

Did this student take the SAT?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the student took the SAT.


Did this student take the ACT?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether the student took the ACT.


CRDC Retention Override (This flag indicates the student is to be retained in the same grade in the next school year.)

Select this option to indicate that student is to be retained in the same grade in the next school year

Deprecated Fields

EXAM-2a/b.   Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Taken (*If student did not take any AP courses, then leave blank)

(*Consider only exams for which the associated AP course was also taken)

Select one of the options to indicate if the student has taken Advance Placement (AP) Exams.

  • (S) Took ALL or SOME AP exams for AP courses taken 

  • (N) Took AP courses but NONE of the associated exams

 Not applicable.

All Enrollments

Navigation: [Select student],  All Enrollments, Course

Data Element

Additional Information



Information about the class of enrollment.


Transfer Info

Navigation:  [Select student], Transfer Info, Select an Enrollment Date

Data Element

Additional Information


Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the student’s school enrollment.



Exit date

Enter the exit date for the student’s school enrollment.



Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.



Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.



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