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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note

PSSR-308809All States/Provinces: System Reports Missing - Update

The reposchema is updated with a precondition to ensure the script runs (at the correct time); This will ensure all reports load as expected on the System Reports tab.

PSSR-305023CEDARS: District Student File (B file) and Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File (T File): Column Names

Updated the following column names to match CEDARS specifications.:

  • Report: B - District Student File 2022-2023
    Version: 22.1
    • B11- CSRSEthnicityCode
    • B21- IsHomeless
    • B06- LastName
    • B07- FirstName
    • B31- IsStudentImmigrant
    • B33- NumMonthsUSAttendance
    • B34- NumMonthsNonUSFormalEducation
  • Report: T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2022-2023
    Version: 22.1
    • T04- SSID
    • T08- AttemptTitle
    • T12- ALEFunded
PSSR-305041J File Validation Update - CEDARS “English Learners (Limited English Proficiency) Enrollments page - Data Entry Validation Added for J23

Updated the English Learners (Limited English Proficiency) Enrollments data entry page logic to reflect that a value for “J23 - Overall Placement Score” is required if the user selects “10 – WIDA Screener (in Washington Public Schools)“ for the Placement Test Code field.

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