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Weapons in Schools and Student Behavior Suspension and Expulsions Data Collection


This report provides both a printable report file for entering the data at the OSPI website, and the batch data file that can be loaded directly to OSPI. The report is written using the State Reporting Platform (SRP).

PS_Enrollment_All - This view provides Current Enrollment, Previous Enrollment, and Special Program Enrollment information.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis of report results when the report does not return the correct records.

The report selects school records from the [Schools] and [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be included in the report.
  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.
  • The student's Incident Date must have occurred after or on the Report Start date and before or on the Report End Date.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.




Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.
  • District Wide (default) – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Report Start Date (MM/DD/YY)

Enter the start date of the report.

Report End Date (MM/DD/YY)

Enter the ending date of the report.

Use Current Selection (Must Select this option if you select ‘The selected X students only’ above)

Select the checkbox to run the report for the current selection of students, as opposed to all students in the district or school.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table. The report provides three different report formats Summary, Audit, and Batch file.

Report Description: The purpose of this report is to gather student incident information, specifically state reportable suspensions, expulsions, behaviors and weapons. The report counts those students who were engaged in any of these activities during the selected academic year.

Report Output - Weapons Summary

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. SeeUnderstanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School Abbreviation

The name of the school for each selected school.



The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a handgun to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Handgun


The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a Shotgun/Rifle to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Shotgun/Rifle

Multiple Firearms

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Multiple Firearms to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Multiple Firearms

Other Firearms

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Firearms to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Other Firearms


The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a Knife/Dagger to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Knife/Dagger

Other Weapon

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Weapons to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Other Weapon


The number of incidents involving bullying.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 01.


The number of incidents involving Tobacco.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 02.


The number of incidents involving Alcohol.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 03.

Illicit Drugs

The number of incidents Illicit Drugs.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 04.

Fighting without Major Injury

The number of incidents Fighting without Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 05.

Violent Incidents without Major Injury

The number of incidents involving Violent Incidents without Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 06.

Violent Incidents without Major Injury

The number of incidents involving Violent Incidents with Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 07.

School Abbreviation

The name of the school for each selected school.



The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a handgun to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Handgun


The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a Shotgun/Rifle to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Shotgun/Rifle

Multiple Firearms

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Multiple Firearms to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Multiple Firearms

Other Firearms

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Firearms to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Other Firearms


The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a Knife/Dagger to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Knife/Dagger

Other Weapon

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Weapons to school.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Weapon = Other Weapon


The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving bullying.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 01.


The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Tobacco.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 02.


The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Alcohol.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 03.

Illicit Drugs

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Illicit Drugs.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 04.

Fighting without Major Injury

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Fighting without Major Injury.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 05.

Violent Incidents without Major Injury

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Violent Incidents without Major Injury.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 06.

Violent Incidents without Major Injury

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Violent Incidents with Major Injury.

Count the number of students that were expelled or suspended and where Behavior code = 07.

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Report Output - Weapons Audit

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School Name

The name of the school for each selected school.


Student Number

The student's locally assigned identifier.



The student's State number


Student Last Name

The students' last name.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.



Student First Name

The students' first name.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.



Student Middle Name

The students' middle name.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.



Grade Level

The student's grade level.


Birth Date

The student's date of birth.



The student's gender.


Incident Date

The date that the incident occurred, reported in the format MMDDYYYY.


Incident Number

The incident number assigned by the district to uniquely identify the incident leading to the disciplinary action.


Behavior Code

The Behavior exhibited by the student. In PowerSchool, this is one of the codes for the code type: behaviorcode.

[Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = behaviorcode


Action Code

The disciplinary action taken as a result of the incident. In PowerSchool, this is one of the codes for the code type: actioncode.

[Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type= actioncode


Object Code

The weapon in the student's possession during the incident. In PowerSchool, this is one of the codes for the code type: objectcode.



Object Comment

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Report Output - Weapons Batch File

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School Name

The name of the school for each selected school.



The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a handgun to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Handgun

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a handgun to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Handgun


The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a Shotgun/Rifle to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Shotgun/Rifle

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a Shotgun/Rifle to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Shotgun/Rifle

Multiple Firearms

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Multiple Firearms to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Multiple Firearms

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Multiple Firearms to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Multiple Firearms

Other Firearms

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Firearms to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Other Firearms

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Firearms to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Other Firearms


The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought a Knife/Dagger to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Knife/Dagger

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought a Knife/Dagger to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Knife/Dagger

Other Weapon

The number of incidents in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Weapons to school.

Count the number of incidents where Weapon = Other Weapon

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident in which one or more students possessed or brought Other Weapons to school.

Count the number of students where Weapon = Other Weapon

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying

The number of incidents involving harassment, intimidation, and bullying.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 01.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving HIB.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 01.


The number of incidents involving Tobacco.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 02.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Tobacco.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 02.


The number of incidents involving Alcohol.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 03.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Alcohol.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 03.

Illicit Drugs

The number of incidents Illicit Drugs.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 04.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Illicit Drugs.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 04.

Fighting without Major Injury

The number of incidents Fighting without Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 05.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Fighting without Major Injury.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 05.

Violent Incidents without Major Injury

The number of incidents involving Violent Incidents without Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 06.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Violent Incidents without Major Injury.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 06.

Violent Incidents with Major Injury

The number of incidents involving Violent Incidents with Major Injury.

Count the number of incidents where Behavior code = 07.

The number of students suspended or expelled resulting from an incident involving Violent Incidents with Major Injury.

Count the number of students where Behavior code = 07.

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