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Student SSID Import


This import reads a file provided by OSPI containing new State Student ID (SSID) numbers for students. The assigned SSID numbers are imported into the SSID field on the WA State/Province page, ([Students]State_StudentNumber) field. After importing the page reports the count of SSID numbers isupdated.

Note: The student's SSID is excluded from the import if it is a duplicate SSID. An Alert message will appear, containing the student's number, SSID number, name, and school id.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.

Import Process

When the import is run, the selected file is read by PowerSchool and values are extracted from the file. This includes:

  • The DistrictStudentID is matched to the corresponding Student Number ([Students]Student_Number) within PowerSchool.
  • The SSID is imported into the student's SSID field ([Students]State_StudentNumber) within PowerSchool.

The expected file format is a tab delimited file, with a header row. The following fields are expected, in the order listed:

  1. SSID
  2. ServingDistrict
  3. DistrictStudentID
  4. LastName
  5. FirstName
  6. MiddleName
  7. BirthDate
  8. Gender
  9. Grade_Level
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