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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-237244CEDARS 2020-21 Changes - Implement 2020-21 Versions of Files

CEDARS 2021-2021 (All Files): Version 20.0
A - Location File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
B - District Student File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
C - School Student File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
D - Course Catalog File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
E - Student Schedule File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
F - Staff File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
G - Staff Schedule File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
H - Student Grade History File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
I - Student Attributes and Programs File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
J - English Learners File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
K - Student Schedule File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
L - Student Ethnicity File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
M - Student Race File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
N - Student Absence File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
Q - Student Growth File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
S - Students Restrained or Isolated File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2020-2021

New CEDARS reports are implemented to support the 2020-2021 school year reporting. For more information about the changes, see the following PowerSchool Community article:

Notes regarding CEDARS 2020-2021 Updates:

  • The new CEDARS U – Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File is not included in this release but is expected to be available early September.
  • State requirements for the new CEDARS V - Student Supports File is not yet finalized. PowerSchool will begin work on this extract when finalized requirements are available.
PSSR-239876CEDARS R File: Update to Pull Suspension and Expulsion Attributes From New Location

R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2020-2021, Version 20.0
R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2019-2010, Version 19.2
The CEDARS R File is updated to pull elements R16-R23 from the Incident_Action_Attribute and Incident_Detail tables, in place of S_WA_IAC_X. Because all existing data has been migrated to the new model, users will not notice any difference in the output after this update.

PSSR-235251WA CEDARS 20-21 Changes - Data Collection: Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines (Data Collection)

The student Washington Special Education Timeline page is updated with the following changes to support additional data collection requirements in the new CEDARS U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File.

  • Consent Type is updated to only allow selection of 'Initial Eligibility'
  • Added a new checkbox on the page to flag if this is a 'Part C to Part B Student?'
  • A new field is added to collect 'Initial Referral Date'
  • A new field is added to collect 'Number of School Days to Complete Initial Eligibility'
    • The value will be calculated based on days between Consent Received Date and Eligibility Date, but can be overridden by users.
  • A new field is added to collect 'Original Evaluation Due Date'
  • The 'IEP Date' is relabeled to read: 'Initial IEP Date'
  • A new field is added to collect 'Reason for IEP developed after 3rd birthday'
  • A new field is added to collect 'Other Reason for IEP developed after 3rd birthday'
PSSR-238131WA CEDARS 20-21 Changes - Data Collection: Special Ed PK Assessment

New Data Elements are added on the WA 'Student Special Education Information' page in the 'Special Education Enrollments and Exits (CEDARS)' section to collect PK assessment information.
The following data elements will display on the page when either a PK or or an 'Any Grade Level and Any Age' LRE code is selected:

  • Element K16 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Entry
  • Element K17 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Entry
  • Element K18 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Entry
  • Element K19 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Exit
  • Element K20 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Progress
  • Element K21 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Exit
  • Element K22 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Progress
  • Element K23 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Exit
  • Element K24 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Progress
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