R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2023-2024
This file captures information regarding behavior and exclusionary discipline actions for students involved in incidents during school or school-related activities. All firearm incidents must be reported, regardless of the exclusionary action applied. This file only collects information related to students who received disciplinary actions, not all student(s) affected by the disciplinary incident.
This file consists of one record for each exclusionary discipline action recorded for a student offender as part of an incident during the current school year. If multiple students are associated with the same incident, then one record must be submitted for each student being disciplined.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis of report results when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:
The student must be the offender in an incident with a reportable behavior or a reportable action.
The student must have had disciplinary action taken against them connected to the incident.
Report Input
For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Current Selection Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report. |
School Year | Choose the year for which to run the report. |
Scheduling | Select Schedule to run the report on a specific date and time. The default setting is 'Run Now.' |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
This file has been updated to extract the same output, before and after the end of year process is completed.
Item | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Reqd | Field Type | Length |
R01 | School Year | The four-digit year in which the school year ends. | [Terms]LastDay | Yes | Char | 4 |
R02 | Serving County District Code | The County District code for the district submitting the data. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | Yes | Char | 5 |
R03 | District Student ID | The locally assigned student identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | Yes | VarChar | 50 |
R04 | State Student ID (SSID) | The identifier assigned to each WA public school student by OSPI. Rule: This field is not required if the student has not yet been assigned an SSID. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Con | Char | 10 |
R05 | Location ID | The Location ID for the school. The school number is reported. | [Schools]School_Number | Yes | VarChar | 4 |
R06 | Incident ID | The ID number of the incident with which the offender is associated. | [Incident]Incident_ID | Yes | VarChar | 20 |
R07 | Incident Date | The date the reported incident occurred | [Incident]Incident_TS | Yes | Date | 10 |
R08 | Behavior Code | The behavior of the student as it relates to the incident. If the Safety and Security Staff Involvement action attribute is set to "Yes" for an incident, then the value 99 is reported for this element. | [Incident_LU_Code] State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = behaviorcode | Yes | Integer | 2 |
R09 | Other Behaviors | This element indicates any additional behaviors associated with the incident. | [Incident_LU_Code] State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code [Incident_LU_Code]Code_Type = behaviorcode | No | VarChar | 40 |
R10 | Weapon Type | If the incident involved a weapon, this element provides the type of weapon involved. If Element R08 – Behavior Code reports a valid value of 8 – Possession of a Weapon, this element is required. If the State Weapon Type is (Handgun, Rifle or Shotgun, Multiple Firearms) AND (Knife or Dagger, Other Weapon), the code FO (Firearm and Other Weapon) is output. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type=objectcode [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Con | VarChar | 2 |
R11 | Exclusionary Action Applied | This element indicates the intervention applied for the behavior reported in Element R08 – Behavior Code. This field only reports as NA if an incident involves reportable behavior but no exclusionary action is taken. When Action Code = XS (Suspension), then:
If the value of the 08 - Behavior Code element is extracted as 99, then this element will report “EE”. | [Incident_LU_Code] State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code [Incident_LU_Subcode]Code_Type=actioncode | Yes | VarChar | 2 |
R12 | Exclusionary Action Date | The date the action against the student began. | [Incident_Action]Action_Plan_Begin_Dt | Yes | Date | 10 |
R13 | Duration of Exclusionary Action Days | The total number of consecutive school days a student is excluded from their regular education setting as a result of the corrective or disciplinary action(s). If more than one exclusionary action is applied to this student for this incident, each exclusionary action is reported as an individual record. The reported value will be the least value of the calculated duration. If the list value of duration is null, then 180 days are reported. | [Incident_Action]Duration_Assigned | Con | Integer | 4, 1 |
R14 | Total Amount of Exclusionary Time | The total amount of time the student was excluded from a regular educational setting due to the exclusionary action. This value can be considered 'missed seat time' and is different than the duration of the action collected in Element R13 – Duration of Exclusionary Action Days. Students excluded from a regular educational setting for less than a full school day are reported with an FTE value of less than 1.0, rounded to the nearest 0.1. | [Incident_Action]Duration_Actual | Con | Numeric | 4, 1 |
R15 | Interim Alternative Education Setting | Indicates if students, identified as receiving special education services, are receiving educational services in an Interim Alternative Education Setting (IAES) due to disciplinary action. IA Action Code Dates must be within the action dates of another action (EX, IS, LS, etc.) If Element R11, Exclusionary Action Applied, reports a valid value other than No Intervention Applied (NA) and the student is reported as receiving special education services in Student Special Education Programs File (K), then this element is required. If more than one exclusionary action is applied to this student for this incident, each exclusionary action is reported as an individual record. An administrative law judge (ALJ) removals are only in Interim Alternative Education Settings. However, for the purpose of CEDARS reporting, only report valid value Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Removal for these actions. Valid values:
| [Incident_LU_Code] State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code=IA [Incident_LU_Subcode]Code_Type=actioncode | Con | VarChar | 1 |
R16 | Academic Services | This element reports if academic services, as defined by district policy, were offered and the student participated during the exclusionary action. Valid values:
If the selected action code is Expulsion or Suspension, then Academic Services is required. | [S_WA_IAC_X]Academic_Services | Con | Char | 1 |
R17 | Behavior Services | This element reports if behavior services, as defined by district policy, were offered and the student participated during the exclusionary action. Valid values:
If the selected action code is Expulsion or Suspension, then Behavior Services is required. | [S_WA_IAC_X]Behavior_Services | Con | VarChar | 1 |
R18 | Date Petition for Readmission Submitted | The date that a Petition for Readmission was submitted by or on behalf of the student expelled or suspended. | [S_WA_IAC_X]Pet_Read_Submit_Date | No | Date | 10 |
R19 | Date Petition for Readmission Granted | The date that a Petition for Readmission was granted or approved for the expelled or suspended student. | [S_WA_IAC_X]Pet_Read_Grant_Date | No | Date | 10 |
R20 | Petition For Extension of an Expulsion | This element indicates if a petition to exceed more than one calendar year for a suspension or expulsion was made. Valid values:
| [S_WA_IAC_X]Pet_Exceed_Year | Con | Integer | 1 |
R21 | Reengagement Plan | This element indicates if the district developed a re-engagement plan for the student's return from a suspension or expulsion. Valid values:
| [S_WA_IAC_X]ReEngage_Plan | Con | VarChar | 1 |
R22 | Date Reengagement Meeting Held | The date that a reengagement meeting was held with the student returning from a suspension or expulsion. | [S_WA_IAC_X]ReEngage_Meeting_Date | No | Date | 10 |
R23 | Appeal Code | This element indicates if a suspension or expulsion was appealed. Valid values:
| [S_WA_IAC_X]Appeal_Code | Con | Integer | 1 |
R24 | Safety and Security Staff Involvement Status | This element indicates the involvement of the safety or security staff. The corresponding action attribute while defining the incident is - Safety or security staff were involved. Valid values:
| [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Yes | Integer | 1 |
R25 | Safety and Security Staff Involvement Type | This element indicates the involvement type of the safety or security staff. The corresponding action attribute while defining the incident is - Safety or security staff used force. Valid values:
Note: If for element R24, Safety and Security Staff Involvement Status is 1 - Safety or security staff were involved, then the value for this data element is required. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Con | Integer | 1 |
R26 | Safety and Security Staff Involvement Outcome for Student | This element indicates if the student was arrested or not. The corresponding action attribute while defining the incident is - Student was arrested Valid values:
Note: If for element R24, Safety and Security Staff Involvement Status is 1 - Safety or security staff were involved, then the value for this data element is required. | [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Con | Integer | 1 |
R27 | Interpreter Services Requested for Exclusionary Discipline Reengagement Meeting | This element indicates about the status of interpreter request for the Discipline Reengagement meeting Valid values:
| [Incident_LU_Sub_Code]Code_type=actionattribute [Incident_LU_Code]State_Aggregate_Rpt_Code | Con | VarChar | 1 |