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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245936Update to Calculation of Special Education Timeline Fields

When creating or editing a student's Special Education Timeline record, the two calculated fields (Number of School Days to Complete Initial Eligibility and Original Evaluation Due Date) are now based upon the calendar(s) of the school(s) the student is enrolled in during the time period, instead of the currently selected school. This allows the calculations to work correctly when the record is being created or edited from the district office, or if the student transferred schools.

PSSR-229569WA Immunization Changes for 2020-21

WA School Immunizations Report Grades K-12: Version 1.6

The WA School Immunizations Report Grades K-12 is updated to report compliance information for the following cohorts: Grade K, Grade 7, Grades K-12 and is updated to align with the below TDAP vaccine changes.
Immunization Health Rules are updated to support TDAP vaccine requirement changes for the 2020-2021 school year:

  • All students entering 7th through 12th grades must have one booster dose of Tdap vaccine.
  • The TDAP booster may be entered on either the 'DTAP or TDAP' row or separately on the TDAP row, with the below age rules taken into account in either scenario.
  • In the 2020-2021 school year, all students in 7th grade must have received their Tdap dose on or after age 10 years.
  • Students in 8th through 12th grades must have received their Tdap dose on or after age 7 years.
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