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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-263484All States/Provinces: Asset Inventory Enterprise Report

A new Asset Inventory Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-263489All States/Provinces: Asset Management Enterprise Report

A new Asset Management Enterprise Report is now available for Enterprise Report Managers to add to their list of published Enterprise Reports.

This Enterprise Report requires the Asset Tracking functionality in PowerSchool SIS 21.4.0 or newer.

PSSR-262117All States/Provinces: Compliance Pages Updates to Support the New User Experience

The Staff Information page is updated and displays correctly without any errors when New User Experience is enabled.

PSSR-260209All States/Provinces: Health Report Update - Vision and Hearing

Health Report: Version 1.2
The Report has been updated and now pulls the Display Value (rather than the State Name) when outputting Vision & Hearing (Color Blindness and Outcome) screening results.

PSSR-258099All States/Provinces: Medication List Report Update

Medication List Report: Version 2.0

The Medication List report updated and now runs and completes as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-261996CEDARS 21-22 Changes - Adding New Course Designation Codes

The Courses, Sections, and Historical Grades screens are updated to include the following course designation code changes:
New CTE Core Plus Course Designation codes:

  • (G) CTE Core Plus – Advanced Manufacturing
  • (U) CTE Core Plus – Maritime
  • (V) CTE Core Plus – Aerospace
  • (W) CTE Core Plus – Construction

Disabled Course Designation Code:

  • (F) CTE Core Plus
PSSR-261995CEDARS 21-22 Programs and Attributes Updates

The WA Programs and Attributes page is updated to display the following new values for the I-06 field:

  • (70) Inadequate Technology Access
  • (71) District- Issued Learning Device
  • (72) District- Issued Hotspot

The WA Programs and Attributes page is updated to display the following values for the I-10 - Qualification Code field when the user selects a value of 32, 33, 34, or 35 (Gifted codes) for the I-06 Attribute or Program Code field for 21-22 term and beyond:

  • (A) Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure
  • (B) Referred by school or district staff
  • (C) Referred by parent/guardian
  • (D) Referred by self
  • (E) Referred by peer
  • (F) Referred by other
  • (G) Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & school or district staff
  • (H) Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & parent/guardian
  • (I) Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & self
  • (J) Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & peer
  • (K) Referred in the prior year, referral reason unknown

The WA Programs and Attributes page is updated to display the following values for the I-10 - Qualification Code field when the user selects a value of 69 (Career Launch) for the I-06 Attribute or Program Code field for 21-22 term and beyond:

  • K120 | | | New Program
  • K121 | Oroville SD | Oroville High School | Oroville High School - Natural Resources
  • K122 | Kennewick SD | Tri-Tech Skills Center | Tri-Tech Skills Center – Automotive Technology
  • K123 | Oroville SD | Oroville High School | Oroville High School – Health and Public Safety

The Student Attributes and Programs page is updated to display the following new Qualification Codes (I-10 field) when the I-06 Attribute or Program Code field is 71 (District- Issued Learning Device):

  • (1) Desktop Computer
  • (2) Laptop Computer (Chromebook, PC, Mac)
  • (3) Tablet
  • (4) Smartphone
  • (6) Other
PSSR-261189CEDARS L Student Ethnicity File: Update Logic for Non-Hispanic Students

L - Student Ethnicity File 2020-2021: Version 20.2

The CEDARS L Student Ethnicity File 2020-21 is updated to report L05 - Ethnicity Code as follows:

  • When Ethnicity Collection Method = 1 or 2 and FedEthnicity = 0, then Ethnicity Code = H01
  • When Ethnicity Collection Method = 3 or null and FedEthnicity = 0, then Ethnicity Code = 10
PSSR-265400PowerTeacher Portal: Add Vocational Data Entry for CTE Courses

PowerTeacher Portal is updated to include a new Student Screen allowing teachers to enter state reportable vocational data for CTE courses.
After clicking the backpack in PowerTeacher Portal, teachers will have access to a new Vocational Completer student screen for their CTE courses, allowing entry of the following Vocational information:

  • Did the Student Take or Pass a State or Nationally Recognized Assessment Test of Technical Skill and Knowledge?
  • Industry Recognized Certifications Earned
  • Work-Based Learning Activities
PSSR-264966Student Race and Ethnicity Collection Method Fields Overwritten With a Value of 3 for All Students

This issue is the result of an inadvertent reprocessing of a one-time script. The script has been removed from the code-base so that it cannot be reprocessed in the future.

PSSR-261490U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timeline File Update

U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timeline File: Version 20.6

The Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timeline File is updated to no longer generate duplicates records for students who have switched schools within the district during the current reporting term.

PSSR-240185WA Vocational Completer Page Update

The Vocation Completer Student pages in PowerSchool admin ( Student Vocational Completer and Vocational Completers by Student) are updated to include the following fields. Previous to this change, Industry Recognized Certifications Earned displayed on the student All Enrollments, but not the Vocational Completers by Student screen.

  • Industry Recognized Certifications Earned
  • Work Based Learning Activities (New Field)

Note: The Vocational Completers by Teacher page will be updated to include the above two fields in a future release.

PSSR-261993Work-Based Learning Data Collection Implemented

The student All Enrollments and Historical Grades pages are updated to include a new 'Work-Based Learning Activities' field for the 2021-2022 term forward.
This new field is also added to the Vocational Completer screens (the Student page screen and the two listed on the Special Functions screen).

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