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WA CEDARS Reports for 2019-2020

Report Descriptions

The following are descriptions of the 2019-2020 CEDARS files.

Report NameDescription
CEDARS 2019-2020 (All Files)This file consists of all of the 2019-2020 CEDARS files.
A - Location File 2019-2020This file contains information about each district with an OSPI assigned County-District Code and each school within the district. Each of the District's schools with enrolled students will be reported in this file using the OSPI assigned school code. Additional district and school information will continue to be collected through the Education Data System (EDS) Profile.
B - District Student File 2019-2020This file contains the record(s) for each served student’s enrollment occurrences in the district during the current school year.
C - School Student File 2019-2020This file consists of a record(s) for each student of the enrollment data associated with each entry and exit for every school that served the student within the current school year.
D - Course Catalog File 2019-2020This file is a catalog of all courses for all grades in the current school year offered at each school in the district.
E - Student Schedule File 2019-2020Schedules for each student in grade PK through grade 12 will be provided in this file. Only include those courses the student is currently taking during the term effective at the time of submission.
F - Staff File 2019-2020This file contains information about district staff teaching a course or assigned to a homeroom for the current school year in grades PK-12.
G - Staff Schedule File 2019-2020The Staff Schedule File includes all teachers and the courses taught by teachers in the current school year.
H - Student Grade History File 2019-2020This file contains records for every students high school credit courses where credit was attempted. The final grade for the course must be the same grade that will appear on the student's transcript. 
I - Student Attributes and Programs File 2019-2020This file details student participation in various programs for the current school year.
J - English Learners File 2019-2020This file captures program information unique to the State Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program.
K - Special Education Programs File 2019-2020This file captures program information unique to the Special Education Program. 
L - Student Ethnicity File 2019-2020This file captures program information unique to the Special Education Program.
M - Student Race File 2019-2020This file captures race information unique to each student.
N - Student Absence File 2019-2020This file details student absence information for the school year.
Q - Student Growth File 2019-2020This file captures information regarding academic growth for students participating in the Learning Assistance Program (LAP). Districts are required to report to OSPI the amount of academic growth gained by students participating in the LAP English Language Arts (program code 37), LAP Math (program code 6), LAP Academic Readiness (program code 7), and LAP Behavior (program code 38). Districts are also required to report student entrance and exit assessment data as well as the services used to support LAP students.
2020-10-20_23-21-29_R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2018-2019This file captures information regarding behavior and exclusionary discipline actions for students involved in incidents during school or school-related activities. All firearm incidents must be reported, regardless of the exclusionary action applied. This file only collects information related to students who received disciplinary actions, not all student(s) affected by the disciplinary incident.

S - Students Restrained or Isolated File 2019-2020

This file contains information about students who are restrained or isolated and any staff injured during those incidents of students restrained or isolated. Restraint is defined as: Physical intervention or force used to control a student, including the use of a restraint device to restrict a student’s freedom of movement. It does not include appropriate use of a prescribed medical, orthopedic, or therapeutic device when used as intended, such as to achieve proper body position, balance, or alignment, or to permit a student to safely participate in activities. Physical restraint does not include the touching or holding of a student without the use of force for the purpose of directing or assisting the student in an activity. The term physical restraint does not include a physical escort which is temporary touching or holding of the student's hand, wrist, arm, shoulder or back for the purpose of inducing a student to walk to a safe location.

T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2019-2020

This file contains all non-scheduled courses and other non-course credit activities where high school credit was attempted while the student was enrolled at any school in the district during the current school year, including those students who exit the school. Non-scheduled courses are courses for . students where there is not a corresponding record in the Course Catalog File (D) or the Student Schedule File (E). Only activities from the current school year should be included.
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