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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235247CEDARS Graduation, Course, and Program Related Data Collection Changes

The following data collection changes are implemented to support CEDARS 2020-2021 changes related to Graduation Requirements, Course, and I File Program data reporting.

  • ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test Status, ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test Score, ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Administration Year and Credit Waiver are added to the WA Graduation Requirements screen.
  • Two new Course Designation Codes are added to Course/Sections/Historical Grades new/edit screens.
    • E – Local Transition
    • F – CTE Core Plus
  • A new field, Course Level is added to the Course/Sections/Historical Grades screens to collect a course's level of rigor.
    • Reports will default to 'G - General or Regular' if blank.
  • Industry Recognized Certifications Offered is added to Course and Sections screens to collect certifications offered for CTE courses.
    • Reports will default to '1 - No Industry Certification Offered' if blank.
  • CTE Course Equivalency Identification, CTE Equivalency, and CTE Credit Equivalency fields are added to the sections page.
  • Industry Recognized Certifications Earned is added to the student All Enrollments screen to collect if a student has earned a certification in a CTE class offering an Industry Certification.
  • The Student Programs and Attributes student screen (element I06 – Attribute or Program Code) is updated to have additional values for 20-21:
    • (69) Career Launch
    • (68) Levy-funded (Preschool)
    • (999) Other (Preschool)

Note: Additional CEDARS data collection items are in progress (mostly related to SPED reporting) and will be available in a future state reporting release.

PSSR-239875WA Incident Management - Suspension/Expulsion Fields moved to Action Attributes

In order to make Washington's incident management functionality fully compatible with PowerSchool 20.4, the eight incident action data fields that are unique to suspensions and expulsions are being migrated to action attributes. This update applies to all core versions of PowerSchool.

The new incident action attributes are seeded such that they are sorted in the same order in which they appeared previously. Users are free to change the sort order via District Setup; however, in order for the group to appear properly segregated by blue header rows when editing an action, it is assumed that Academic Services will remain the first of the eight, and Appeal Code will remain the last.

To ensure that all data regarding incident actions comes from one consistent source going forward, existing data in the S_WA_IAC_X table gets migrated into Incident_Action_Attribute and Incident_Detail records. Note that text fields with null values in S_WA_IAC_X still get migrated, with the associated (newly seeded) subcodes having state_detail_report_code of '0'; this allows the descriptive messages from the old dropdowns to be preserved. Audit fields (created_by, created_ts, etc.) retain their comparable values from S_WA_IAC_X.; however, user names are converted to [SchoolStaff]ID values when possible for consistency with records entered through the User Interface.

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