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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227129P-223 Form and Audit Not Excluding Students Marked as Exclude From P223 Reports Only

The Washington State/Province page is updated and it now saves the value of "Exclude From P223 Reports Only" to the [S_WA_STU_X]ExcludeFromP223 field. Previously the page saved data to the older custom field, instead of the newer Database Extensions. This release includes a script that will populate the [S_WA_STU_X]ExcludeFromP223 field from data stored in the older ExcludeFromP223 Custom Field.

PSSR-225825P-223 Performance Improvement for Districts With Large Numbers of Schools

WA P-223 Form and Audit: Version 1.30

Version 1.29 of the P-223 report showed considerable performance improvement for smaller data sets but did not seem to help very large districts. Version 1.30 introduces additional enhancements designed to speed the report up for larger data sets.

PSSR-189547Staff Race Codes List Update

The Staff Information page now has a collapsable Race Codes list. The page is also updated to display a list of selected Races above the collapsible codes so that the selected values can be seen without having to expand the codes.

PSSR-163355Student Special Program Enrollment Pop-up Window Update

The Student Special Program Enrollment is updated to improve usability. The page now displays the Submit and Delete buttons within the viewable area of the page. You no longer need to scroll right to see the buttons. A number of drop-down options have been updated to reduce page scrolls.

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