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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.

PSSR-277959CEDARS 21-22 Changes: October Updates to Data Collection

The following data collection updates are implemented to support recently announced CEDARS 21-22 changes:

  • Washington State Seal of Biliteracy / World Language Competency Test Results (I-09): New value
    • (Y) Tribal Language Assessment | Tribe or Band
  • English Learners Placement Status (J21)
    • Updated descriptions for Placement status for the ‘(10) WIDA Screener (WA)’ assessment (J18 – Placement Test Code)
      • 1-4 - Not Applicable, 5 - Tested and Qualified, 6 - Tested and Did Not Qualify
  • The WA - ‘Limited English Proficiency Enrollment page is updated to no longer require 'J23 Overall Placement Test Score’ to be populated when J18 - Placement Test Code = 10.
  • Special Education Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Codes (K-06)
    • Updated descriptions to align with CEDARS documentation
  • Non-Public Agency (K-15)
    • New non-public agencies (codes 72-77) and updated agency names (codes 27, 41 & 55).
  • Reason for Late Initial Evaluation/Eligibility (U-09)
    • Disabled option 8 for school year 21-22
  • Reason for Late Transition from Part C (U-12)
    • Disabled option 11 for school year 21-22
  • Career Launch Program Type (I-10)
    • New valid value:
      • (K124) Central Valley SD | Spokane Valley Tech | NEWTECH Skill Center – Construction Trades
  • Student Attributes and Programs (Program Code Updates) (I-06)
    • Disable: (39) LAP Readiness to Learn (RTL) (2021-22 forward)
    • Updated: (51) Referral to a Community Truancy Engagement Board
    • Added:
      • (73) LAP Community Partnership
      • (74) Continuous Learning 2.0+
  • Youth Reengagement Program Codes (Qualification Codes)
    • Disabled a number of codes no longer active
    • Added all new program codes. See the CEDARS 21-22 Data Manual for the full list.
  • Qualification Code (I-10)
    • Gifted Program Referral Codes -
      • Disabled:
        • G – Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & school or district staff
        • H – Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & parent/guardian Page | 116
        • I – Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & self
        • J – Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure & peer
      • Description update:
        • A – Referred by system’s automatic referral screening procedure
  • Student Supports Element V07 - Identification Assessment
    • Updated description:
      • 9 – Other Assessment
    • New value:
      • 19 – Not screened with an assessment
  • Courses, Sections, Student Schedules, Historical Grades screen updates:
    • Approved Online Provider
      • New value:
        • 26 - ACCEL Schools
    • Approved Online Programs
      • Disabled: 116, 134, 193
      • Code Correction: 183
      • New Codes Added: 227 - 248
PSSR-279015CEDARS Course Sequence Group Reporting Improvements

D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022: Version 21.3
Sequence Group has been defaulted to course.section number (if blank) when reporting Sequence Group in the Course Catalog file for sections with overridden state fields.

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