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WA P-223 Form and Audit


Form P-223 is also known as the Monthly Report of School District Enrollment Eligible for Basic Support. This report includes enrollment data based on student Full-Time Equivalency and a variety of programs. The data is used to calculate state basic education funding and levy authority transfers from serving school districts to resident school districts. The report also helps determine eligibility for local effort assistance (LEA). This report may be run at the school or district level.

To include data validations for this report, return to the State Reports page and run the WA P-223 Validation which outputs the Form, Audit, and a Validation file.

Required Setup

For Districts operating a Skills Center, it will be necessary to designate your Skills Center School as such on the School Setup page at District Office (Start Page > District > Schools/School Info > [select the school]). Only one school should be designated as such; otherwise, the skills center FTE might be duplicated if multiple schools are combined into a single output.

The 2015-2017 biennial budget requires OSPI to collect FTE enrollment at a school level beginning in the 2015-2016 school year. This change will not impact funding as it is only a change in the required level of reporting.

The report performs FTE calculations by counting course enrollment minutes for students. Courses must be categorized appropriately for the FTEs to be calculated correctly. The calculated FTEs may be overridden manually by entering FTE values on the Washington State Information > FTE Overrides student page.

The standard PowerSchool attendance FTE settings do not affect FTE calculations for the P223 report.

FTE Values

FTE values can be split across various program enrollments. Report the appropriate FTE for each of the following:

Calculation for 18-19 and later:

  • 1.0 for each student in grade levels K-12 who attended 1,665 course minutes per week (333 minutes a day).

  • 0.50 for each half-day kindergarten student.

  • Running Start FTE should be calculated as (# of enrolled credits ÷ 15) x (3 ÷ # of months class is offered)

Legacy Calculation for 17-18 and earlier:

  • 1.0 for each student in grade levels 1-6.

  • 1.0 for each full-day kindergarten student.

  • 0.50 for each half-day kindergarten student.

  • 1.0 for each student in grade levels 7-12 who attended 1500+ course minutes per week (300 minutes a day).

  • Running Start FTE should be calculated as (# of enrolled credits ÷ 15) x (3 ÷ # of months class is offered)

Overrides entered on the State/Province-WA > FTE Overrides page take precedence as usual. If the Kindergarten program ([S_WA_STU_X]KinderProgram) is not set, a grade K student will receive the FTE value defined on the School/School Info page. If no value is entered there, the student will receive 0 FTE but will be counted in the headcount.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis of report results when the report does not return the correct records.

The report selects school records from the [Schools], [Courses], and [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be included in the report.

  • The school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student must not be excluded from the P223 reports.

  • The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.

  • The student must be less than 21 years of age as of September 2 of the reporting school year.

    • SPED students must be less than 21 years of age as of September 1 of the reporting year.

  • The student must not be marked as a Foreign Exchange Student (F-1 Visa) on the State/Province-WA page.

  • The student's 'Serving County District Code' must match the District Number on the District Info page.

  • The student's school Exit Date must occur after the report start date. The report start date is the user-defined Report Date entered at report runtime.

  • The student's school Entry Date must occur before the report end date. The report end date is calculated as the fifth in-session day after the start date.

  • The courses and sections are scanned for a set of custom fields that flag the course as either a Skills Program Course, a Vocational Course, a Work-Based Course, a Running Start Course, or a Non-FTE Course. These custom fields are on the Courses Edit page and Sections Edit page. Sections Edit page values take precedence over Course Edit page values.

  • The students' total membership in the courses is calculated in terms of minutes based on the bell schedule. Note that membership in the course is totaled, not attendance.

    • When using an FTE Calculation Window of one day, the FTE Calculation for a student is based on the date entered in the 'FTE Calculation Date' or on the Report Start Date if FTE Calculation Date is blank.

    • When using an FTE Calculation Window of five days, the FTE Calculation for a student is based on a 5 school day window starting or ending on the report date (determined by the 'Five Day Window Counting Method' parameter).

    • Section enrollments on Calculation or Count date are used in membership calculations.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

Choose one of the following options:

  • Current School Only – Includes all student records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • District Wide (default) – Includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

The District Wide option is only available when running at the district office.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report.

Report Date (MM/DD/YY)

Enter the date to use as the Count Date.

Student's Resident District

Select the district of residence from the popup menu. Districts may be entered on the Start Page > District Setup > Districts of Residence page.

This field does not affect the student selected within the report.

Create a separate form per school

Collection of FTE enrollment is at the school level beginning in the 2015-2016 school year. Input is available on the report run page: “Create a separate form per school” This element is a single checkbox labeled “Separate”.

  • When the box is checked, the P223 form includes one page per school, with FTE and Headcount data only for that school. The school number is appended to the Serving District Name at the top of the form.

  • When the box is not checked, all the data is combined into a single form for the district.

Type of audit to include

Select the Long audit or Short audit.

Calulate Elementary FTE

Select the checkbox to calculate FTE for elementary students (Grade level 1-6). If Calculate Elementary FTE is not selected, then regular, basic, and total FTEs will report as 1 (and other FTEs will report as 0) or the corresponding student FTE overrides.

FTE Calculation Window

Select whether to run the report for 1 Day or a 5 Day window.

  • If the 1 Day window is selected, enter the FTE Calculation Date

  • If the 5 Day window is selected, choose whether the report should look forward or backward from the report date.

FTE Calculation Date (MM/DD/YY)

If the FTE Calculation Window is set to 1 Day, enter the date to use for determining student FTE values.

If blank and FTE Calculation Window is set to 1 Day, the Report Date will be used for determining student FTE values.

Five Day Window Counting Method

If the FTE Calculation Window is set to 5 Day, select whether the report should look forward or backward from the report date.

Report Output – P223 Form

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The WA P223 Audit report has been updated to support District-wide and School-specific column headers used by the CSV file. The default option is to extract all columns. District-wide configuration is set on District (setup) > District Info > Customize Dynamic Report Headers. Each school may override these settings by navigating to District (setup) > Schools/School Info > (school selection) > Customize Dynamic Report Headers.

Data Element



Serving District Name

The name of the school district reporting the enrollment counts.

If run at the school level, the district name will be followed by the school number and abbreviation.





County Name

The name of the county served by the district.



Serving District

The number of the district reporting the enrollment counts.




The district’s Educational Service District number.



Report Month

The month for which the enrollment totals are reported.

Calculated based on the report dates.

Resident District Name

The name of the district entered at report runtime.



Resident District

The district number entered at report runtime.




The school year for which enrollment is reported.



Headcount of Individual Students

K – 12

The number of students attending the school or district during the report date range.

The total includes students enrolled in Remote and Necessary and High Poverty schools as well as ALE students.

This total excludes College Only Running Start students and Open Doors Program students.

[S_WA_SCH_X]RemoteNecessary = 0 or 1

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart not equal to 2

Headcount of Individual ALE Students

K – 12

The number of students who have ALE FTE in the school or district during the report date range.





Full-Time Equivalent Students

K – 12

The total FTE value of students attending the school or district during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The student’s FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Basic FTE field on the FTE Override page.

This total excludes College Only Running Start students.

[S_WA_STU_FTE_X]FullTimeEquiv (optional override)

[S_WA_STCH_X]RemoteNecessary = 0 or 1

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart not equal to 2


Full-Time Equivalent ALE Students

K – 12

The total FTE value of students who have ALE FTE in the school or district during the report date range.

ALE FTE values must be entered on the student’s FTE Overrides page.





Total TK Headcount

Sum of the count of students who have a program code of "67 - Transitional Kindergarten". The count is for the school that their current enrolment record is associated with. These students are excluded from other grade counts. For example, if the program code of a grade 3 student is changed to "67 - Transitional Kindergarten", the sum of the count of grade 3 students will be reduced by 1.



Sum of FTEs of all students who have a program code of "67 - Transitional Kindergarten".


Total RS Students – Headcount of Individual Students

The number of students associated with Running Start program, either (1) Concurrently Enrolled Student, or (2) College Only.

This total includes running start students taking courses at the high school who are counted in the K-12 totals, as well as college only students.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 1 or 2

College RS Only – Headcount of Individual Students

The number of students associated with the College Only Running Start program.

These students are excluded from the K-12 totals.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 2

Nonvocational RS – FTE Students

The number of running start FTE students attending non-vocational courses. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. Students can have partial FTEs – part vocational, part nonvocational.

The course must not be vocational, Work-Based, or Non-FTE Credit, or a Skills Program Course.

  • The student’s FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Non-Vocational RS FTE field on the FTE Override page.

  • These students are excluded from the K-12 totals.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 2

[Courses]Vocational not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]WorkBased not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Vocational RS – FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending vocational courses. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. Students can have partial FTEs – part vocational, part nonvocational.

The course must not be a Skills Program Course, Work-Based Course, or Non-FTE Course.

  • The student’s FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Vocational RS FTE field on the FTE Override page.

  • These students are excluded from the K-12 totals.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 2

[Courses]Vocational = 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]WorkBased not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Nonvocational RS at High School Setting – FTE Students

The number of running start FTE students attending non-vocational courses in the High School setting. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. Students can have partial FTEs – part vocational, part nonvocational.

The course must not be vocational, Work-Based, or Non-FTE Credit, or a Skills Program Course.

  • The student’s FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Vocational RS FTE field on the FTE Override page.

  • These students are excluded from the K-12 totals.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Vocational not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]WorkBased not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Vocational RS at High School Setting – FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending vocational courses in the High School setting. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. Students can have partial FTEs – part vocational, part nonvocational.

The course must not be a Skills Program Course, Work-Based Course, or Non-FTE Course.

  • The student’s FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Vocational RS FTE field on the FTE Override page.

  • These students are excluded from the K-12 totals.

[S_WA_STU_X]RunningStart = 1

[Courses]Vocational = 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]WorkBased not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program - Total Headcount

The count of students in the Open Doors program. These students are not included in the regular headcount and FTE above.



Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program - Nonvocational FTE

Total non-vocational FTE for all students in Open Doors programs. This value must be entered on the students’ Open Doors enrollments.


Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program - Vocational FTE

Total vocational FTE for all students in Open Doors programs. This value must be entered on the students’ Open Doors enrollments.


TBIP TK Headcount

Sum of the count of students who have a program code of "67 - Transitional Kindergarten" and are also enrolled in a bilingual program.

The student is determined to be enrolled in a bilingual program if one of the following is true:

  • The student is marked "Yes" for State Transitional Bilingual Program (STBP) on the Limited English Proficiency Information page.


  • If the student’s ELL Program Exit Date is blank or after the report start date, and the ELL Enroll Date occurs before the report start date.



The total number of Kindergarten through 6th-grade students enrolled in a bilingual program.

The student is determined to be enrolled in a bilingual program if one of the following is true:

  • The student is marked Yes for State Transitional Bilingual Program (STBP) on the Limited English Proficiency Information page.


  • If the student’s ELL Program Exit Date is blank or after the report start date, and the ELL Enroll Date occurs before the report start date.




TBIP 7-12

The total number of 7th through 12th-grade students enrolled in a bilingual program.

The student is determined to be enrolled in a bilingual program if one of the following is true:

  • The student is marked Yes for State Transitional Bilingual Program (STBP) on the Limited English Proficiency Information page.


  • If the student’s ELL Program Exit Date is blank or after the report start date, and the ELL Enroll Date occurs before the report start date.




Exited TBIP Headcount

The total number of students who exited TBIP in the previous two years.

The student is determined to be exited if:

  • The student has an ELL Program exit date before the report date.

  • The student must have the “Exited Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program” box checked.

  • The student’s value for “Include as exited TBIP on P223 for Year:” must include the year which includes the report date.




Vocational 7th and 8th Grade Program – Total FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending 7th- and 8th-grade Vocational Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The course must not be Non-FTE Credit or Skills Program.

The student’s Vocational FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Vocational FTE field on the FTE Override page.

[S_WA_STU_FTE_X]Voc_FullTimeEquiv (optional override)

[Sections]Grade_Level = 7 or 8

[Courses]Vocational = 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Vocational 7th and 8th Grade Program – ALE FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending 7th- and 8th-grade ALE Vocational Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The course must not be Work Based, Non-FTE Credit, or a Skills Program.

The student’s ALE Vocational FTE must be set by entering a value in the ALE Vocational FTE field on the FTE Override page.


Vocational 9th – 12th Grade Program – Total FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending 9th-, 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-grade Vocational Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The course must not be Non-FTE Credit or Skills Program.

The student’s Vocational FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Vocational FTE field on the FTE Override page.

[S_WA_STU_FTE_X]Voc_FullTimeEquiv (optional override)

[Sections]Grade_Level = 9 or 10

[Courses]Vocational = 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram not equal to 1 or 2

[S_WA_CRS_X]WorkBased not equal to 1

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Vocational 9th – 12th Grade Program – ALE FTE Students

The ALE FTE total for students attending 9th-, 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-grade ALE Vocational Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The course must not be Non-FTE Credit or Skills Program.

The student’s ALE Vocational FTE must be set by entering a value in the ALE Vocational FTE field on the FTE Override page.


Skills Center Program – Total FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending Skills Program Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The course must not be Non-FTE Credit.

The student’s Skills Program FTE can be overridden by entering a value in the Skills Program FTE field on the FTE Override page.

[S_WA_STU_FTE_X]Skills_FullTimeEquiv (optional override)

[S_WA_CRS_X]SkillsProgram = (1) Skills Courses

[S_WA_CRS_X]Non_FTE_Credit not equal to 1

[CC]Course_Number = [Courses]Course_Number

Skills Center Program – ALE FTE Students

The FTE total for students attending ALE Skills Program Courses during the report date range. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic.

The student’s ALE Skills Program FTE must be set by entering a value in the ALE Skills Program FTE field on the FTE Override page.


Certification – Signature and Date

Signature lines are included for use by the district superintendent or authorized official.


Report Output – P223 Audit1

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: The report may be run with a Long audit or Short audit. All elements in the short audit are included in the long audit. Items that only appear in the long audit are marked “Long Audit Only” in the description.

Data Element



Reporting School

The school abbreviation for the reporting school the student is enrolled in. Used in sorting audit records.


Enrolled School

The school abbreviation for the main school of attendance the student is enrolled in. Used in sorting audit records.


School Type

The school type.

Schools marked as Remote and Necessary are noted. The default value is Regular.

Valid values:

  • Regular

  • Remote



Student Number

The student’s district ID number.


Grade Level

The student’s grade level. 

Note: If the Enable/Disable Grade Level LTK Mapping option is enabled as part of District Info and the report is run for school year 2024-2025, then for students who are assigned grades such as TK or TK1, the grade level is reported as TK or TK1.  The 67 - Transitional Kindergarten program code does not have any impact. Therefore, if a student has the 67 - Transitional Kindergarten program code with the grade level as 1, then the grade level is reported as 1.

If the Enable/Disable Grade Level LTK Mapping option is enabled as part of District Info and the report is run for school year 2023-2024, students who have a program code of 67 - Transitional Kindergarten, their grade level appears as TK.

If the Enable/Disable Grade Level LTK Mapping option is disabled as part of District Info and the report is run for school year 2024-2025, students with grade level TK or TK1 are not displayed in the report output. However, Students who have a program code of 67 - Transitional Kindergarten, their actual grade levels (1, 2, 3, and so on) are reported and not TK.


Last Name

The student’s last name.



First Name

The student’s first name.



Include in Headcount

Is this student included in the FTE Headcount? (Y/N)

Long Audit Only.


Total FTE

The student’s calculated total FTE.

This is the sum of the Total Basic FTE and Total Skills FTE. This value is capped at 1.0, 1.2, 1.6, or 1.8, depending on the student.

Skills Center FTE is no longer included in this total unless the Skills Center is the student's main school of attendance.


Report Start Date

The report run date.

Long Audit Only.

Entered by the User.

Report End Date

The last day used for FTE calculations. This is the 5th in session day after the Report Start Date.

Long Audit Only.


Student Assigned Resident District Code

The resident district number assigned to the student.


Reported Resident District Code

The resident district number the student is reported under.

Long Audit Only.


Student Type

The student’s type of school.

Valid values: One or more of:

  • Private Schooled Part Time

  • Home Schooled Part Time

  • Running Start (College Only)

  • Running Start (Concurrent)






A description of the student’s grade level.



Bilingual Status

Is the student in the State Transitional Bilingual Program.

Long Audit Only.


ELL Entry Date

The date the student enrolled in the State Transitional Bilingual Program.

Long Audit Only.


ELL Exit Date

The date the student exited the State Transitional Bilingual Program.

Long Audit Only.


Count as Bilingual

If the student is counted in the Bilingual headcount on the P223.

Long Audit Only.




Count as Exited TBIP

If the student is counted in the Exited TBIP headcount on the P223.

Long Audit Only.




Open Door Start Date

The date the student entered the Open Doors program.

Long Audit Only.


Open Door End Date

The date the student exited the Open Doors program.

Long Audit Only.


Open Door FTE

The student’s non-vocational Open Doors FTE.

Long Audit Only.


Open Door Voc FTE

The student’s vocational Open Doors FTE.

Long Audit Only.


Include in Open Doors

If the student is counted in the Open Doors program.

Long Audit Only.


Open Doors Exclude

If the student has an Exclude from Open Doors box checked. The exclude reasons are listed here. Expected values:

  • Attendance Requirement

  • Weekly Status Check

  • Academic Progress

Long Audit Only.




NonVocational RS FTE

The student’s Non-Vocational RS FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Vocational RS FTE

The student’s Vocational RS FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Reg FTE Override

The student’s regular FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Voc FTE Override

The student’s vocational FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Skills FTE Override

The student’s skills FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Skills Basic FTE Override

The student’s skills basic FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


Work Based FTE Override

The student’s work-based FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.


ALE Reg FTE Override

The student’s regular ALE FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.

Long Audit Only.


ALE Voc FTE Override

The student’s vocational ALE FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.

Long Audit Only.


ALE Skills FTE Override

The student’s skills center ALE FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.

Long Audit Only.


ALE Skills Basic FTE Override

The student’s skills basic ALE FTE, as populated on the FTE Override student page.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s total Skill Center ALE FTE.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s total regular ALE FTE.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s total ALE FTE.

Long Audit Only.


Regular Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in regular courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Vocational Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in vocational courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Skills Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in skills center courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Skills Basic Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in skills center basic courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Work Based Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in work-based courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Running Start Non Vocational Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in non-vocational running start courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Running Start Vocational Membership Minutes

The number of minutes the student is in vocational running start courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.



The number of minutes the student is enrolled in courses, based on membership.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Reg FTE

The student’s calculated regular FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default value if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s calculated regular FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default value if populated. This value is capped at 1.0 or 1.2.

Skills Center FTE is no longer included in this total unless the Skills Center is the student's main school of attendance.


Uncapped Voc FTE

The student’s calculated vocational FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Skills FTE

The student’s calculated skills FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Skills Basic FTE

The student’s calculated skills basic FTE, based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Work Based FTE

The student’s calculated work-based FTE, based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped non-Vocational Running Start FTE

The student’s calculated non-vocational Running Start FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Vocational Running Start FTE

The student’s calculated vocational Running Start FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is calculated without capping.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s calculated vocational FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is capped at 1.0.


Skills FTE

The student’s calculated skills FTE based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is capped at 1.0.



Skills Basic FTE

The student’s calculated skills basic FTE, based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is capped at 1.0.


Work Based FTE

The student’s calculated work-based FTE, based on course hours. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is overridden by the default if populated. This value is capped at 1.0.



The student’s calculated regular ALE FTE after capping. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is capped at 1.0.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s calculated vocational FTE after capping. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is capped at 1.0.

Long Audit Only.


Skills ALE FTE

The student’s calculated skills ALE FTE after capping. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is capped at 1.0.

Long Audit Only.



The student’s total calculated ALE FTE, after capping. See WA P-223 Form and Audit#FTE Values for FTE logic. This value is capped at 1.0 or 1.6.

Long Audit Only.


Non-vocational Running Start FTE

The student’s calculated non-vocational Running Start FTE, after capping. This value is capped to a total of 1.2 when combined with basic FTE.

Long Audit Only.


Vocational Running Start FTE

The student’s calculated vocational Running Start FTE, after capping. This value is capped to a total of 1.2 when combined with basic FTE.

Long Audit Only.


Basic FTE

The student’s calculated total basic FTE. This value is the total of Regular, Vocational, Work-Based, and Skills Basic FTE. This value is capped at 1.0 or 1.2.

Long Audit Only.


Uncapped Total Skills FTE

The student’s calculated total Skills Center FTE. This value is the total of Skills FTE. This value is capped at 1.0.

Long Audit Only.


Report Output – P223 School Level Enrollment

Schools are required to report their enrollment at the school level starting with the 2015-2016 school year. As part of this, OSPI has added the ability to submit the P223 report as a flat-file. A new output is included in the P223 Form and Audit report. The file is named according to OSPI specifications as YYYY-YYYY_MM_#####_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MI-SS.txt (SchoolYear_ReportMonth_DistNumber_CurrentDateAndTime.txt). The records in this file are as follows:

Data Element



Record Type

Will always be "09" for P223


Must be one space.




Must be one space.


01-12 for the corresponding month


Must be spaces.

District Code

CCDDD – County District Code

[Prefs] Value, [Prefs] Name=ServeDistCounty


Must be spaces.


The four-digit code for the school.

The alternate school number is used when the alternate school number is not 0.

[Schools] SchoolNumber



Must be spaces.


CCDDD – County District Code

[Gen] Value, [Gen] Cat=districts


Must be spaces.



Must be one space.


FTE, HeadCount, Hours (Whole Number)

See corresponding field in P223 Form


Must Be ‘.’ (Decimal Point)

See corresponding field in P223 Form


For FTE only.


Must be spaces.


09 2015-2016 05 05402 3737 05402 000096 000000000111.50

09 2015-2016 12 34111 0000 34111 000014 000000000001.00

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