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CEDARS 2021-22 Changes Overview

This page discusses 2020-21 reporting and data collection changes for CEDARS. CEDARS files not listed below had no changes for 2020-21 school year reporting.

B - District Student File

The B - District Student File has the following updates:

  • Element B14 - Date Enrolled in District. Outdated reference to Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) replaced by Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs).
  • Element B15 - Date Exited from District. Outdated reference to AYP replaced by AMOs

C - School Student File

The C - School Student File has the following updates:

Element C06 - Date Student Enrolled in School Outdated reference to AYP replaced by AMOs.
Element C08 - Date Student Exited from School Outdated reference to AYP replaced by AMOs.

D - Course Catalog File / T - Non-Traditional Credit Attempt File

The D - Course Catalog File has the following updates:

  • D18 – Sequence allows NULL (no data) for 2021-22.  This is also required school year 2022-23 forward.
  • D19 – Sequence Group allows NULL (no data) for 2021-22.  This is also required school year 2022-23 forward.

E - Student Schedule File / H - Student Grade History File

  • E16 – Student Work-Based Learning Activities: File D and File E corresponding records

Description: The work-based learning (WBL) activities a student participated in as a result of taking the CTE Course reported in Element D10 – Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Number. All CTE courses have the expectation that WBL activities are embedded in the curriculum.CEDARS considers a course record between File D and File E to be corresponding when:

  • D01 – School Year equals E01 – School Year
  • D02 - Serving County District Code equals E02 – Serving County District
  • D03 - Location ID equals E05 – Location ID
  • D04 – Course ID equals E06 – Course ID
    More than one valid value may be used (separated by a comma) to identify
    all of the WBL the student participated in for this CTE course. If E16 is 10, no
    other valid value may be used.

G - Staff Schedule File

The G - Staff Schedule File has a new valid value added to an element:

    • Element G10 - Teacher Indicator

Include the Teacher Indicator for all teachers. Default would be primary. Districts are not required to submit data for short term substitutes or paraeducators, but are encouraged to submit data for paraeducators.

H - Student Grade History File

  • Element H20 – Is the Student a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program Completer?

Not required beginning with the 2022-23 school year

  • Element H32 – Student Work-Based Learning Activities

Description: The work-based learning (WBL) activities the student participated in as a result of taking the CTE Course reported in Element H17 – Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code. All CTE courses have the expectation that WBL activities are embedded in the curriculum. Data is required when Element H17 – Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Number contains a value and Element H30 – Course School Year is 2022 or after. More than one valid value may be used (separated by a comma) to identify all of the WBL activities the student participated in for this CTE course. If H32 is 10 or 11, no other valid value may be used. 11 may only be reported for transfer courses, where Element H26 – School Code is 9999.

I - Student Attributes and Programs File

  • Element I10 – Qualification Code - Early preview of Gifted (Highly Capable) referral code changes planned for implementation as part of the v14.2/winter update.

K - Student Special Education Programs File

The K - Student Special Education Program File has two new elements added that are applicable to all students as well as new Pre-K student entry and exit assessment elements.

J - English Learners File 2021-2022

18 – Placement Test Code - The following updates are made to valid values. 

8 – WIDA ACCESS (not in Washington Public Schools)
9 – WIDA Alt ACCESS (not in Washington Public Schools)
10 – WIDA Screener (in Washington Public Schools)

Added Element J23 – Overall Placement Test Score. The OSPI will not accept this data until the spring update to CEDARS; including this element prior to then 
will result in the rejection of the entire CEDARS submission.

N - Student Absence File 2021-2022

File description updated.  Clarified in alignment with Chapter 392-401 WAC updates.

Q - Student Growth File 2021-2022

Q06 – Program Code: Added a new LAP program code.

Q15 – Extended Learning Time Intervention Outside of Regular School Year/Day: Prior school year and current school year reconciliation adjustment.
Q16 – Intervention During Regular School Day: Prior school year and current school year reconciliation adjustment.

S - Students Restrained or Isolated File 2021-2022

S09 – Type of Restraint or Isolation:  Correction to the code for reporting Walking  restraint/escort/transport

T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2021-2022

Non-Traditional Student Credit Attempt File (T): File description updated Clarifies expectations for  summer school.

U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2021-2022

U11 – Date of Initial IEP Meeting Business Rule Clarified Explains what to report if the  Initial IEP is not completed.
U12 – Reason for IEP  Developed After Third  Birthday Clarified description, updated  business rule, and updated  valid value carried forward from v13.3

V - Student Supports File

Student Supports File (V) Updated file description Aligns reporting language with policy expectation about allowable screening methods.
V07 – Identification Assessment: Valid value 9 description  update clarifies it is for reporting other assessments. New valid value 19 is for reporting when a non-assessment screening method determined a student is at risk.
V09 – Support Determination Updated element description Aligns reporting language with  policy expectation about  allowable screening methods.
V09 – Support Determination Valid value update carried forward from v13.3. Prior school year and current school year reconciliation adjustment.

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