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CEDARS Data Validation Messages

This appendix is the student-level validation messages, based on OSPI Validation Messages used for CEDARS.

The OSPI validation message wording is simplified to better relate to PowerSchool terminology. For example, the report returns 'NO DOB' instead of 'Required Field: DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09) must be a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.'

  • NO GENDER – B – Required Field: DistrictStudent.Gender (element B12) must be a char with a max length of 1.
  • NO DOB – B – Required Field: DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09) must be a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • NO DISTRICT ENTRY DATE – B – Required Field: DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14) must be a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • BIRTH COUNTRY NOT 3 LETTERS – B – Required Field: DistrictStudent.BirthCountry (element B10) must be a char with a length of 3.
  • NO PRIMARY LANGUAGE – B – Required Field: DistrictStudent.PrimaryLanguageCode (element B17) must be a number.
  • NO LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME – B – DistrictStudent.LanguageSpokenAtHome (element B18) is required.
  • FUTURE BIRTH DATE – B – DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09) must be prior to the current date.
  • INVALID GENDER VALUE – B – DistrictStudent.Gender (element B12) must be either M or F.
  • INVALID DISTRICT ENROLLMENT DATE – B – DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14) must be greater than student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09) AND no more than 6 months into the future.
  • INVALID DISTRICT EXIT DATE – B – DistrictStudent.DistrictExitDate (element B15) must be greater than or equal to the DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14).
  • INVALID HOMELESS VALUE – B – DistrictStudent.IsHomeless (element B21) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • INVALID PrivateSchoolPartTime VALUE – B – DistrictStudent.IsApprovedPrivateSchoolStudentAttendingPartTime (element B22) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • INVALID HomeBasedPartTime VALUE – B – DistrictStudent.IsHomeBasedStudentAttendingPartTime (element B23) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • INVALID ForeignExchange VALUE – B – DistrictStudent.IsF1VisaForeignExchangeStudent (element B24) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • NO GradRequirementsYear – B – GradRequirementsYear (element B26) is required when DistrictStudent.GradeLevel (element B13) is 9 through 12
  • EXCEEDED GradRequirementsYear – B – GradRequirementsYear (element B26) cannot be greater than DistrictStudent.SchoolYear (element B01) plus 4 if DistrictStudent.GradeLevel (element B13) is 9, 10, 11, or 12.
  • BELOW 2000 GradRequirementsYear – B – DistrictStudent.GradRequirementsYear (element B26) cannot be less than 2000.
  • STOREDGRADES CreditsAttempted and CreditsEarned NOT PROVIDED TOGETHER – B – CreditsAttempted (element B29) and DistrictStudent.CreditsEarned (element B30) must both be provided together. If one field is not null, the other field must also not be null.
  • STOREDGRADES CreditsAttempted LOWER THAN CreditsEarned – B,H – CreditsAttempted (element B29) must be greater than or equal to DistrictStudent.CreditsEarned (element B30). StudentGradeHistory.CreditsAttempted (element H11) must be greater than or equal to StudentGradeHistory.CreditsEarned (element H12).
  • INVALID EXPECTED YEAR OF GRADUATION – B – DistrictStudent.ExpectedGradYear (element B27) must be a number.
  • EXPECTED YEAR OF GRADUATION EXCEEDS 25 YEARS AFTER DOB – B – ExpectedGradYear (element B27) cannot be greater than 25 years after the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • NO EXPECTED YEAR OF GRADUATION – B – DistrictStudent.ExpectedGradYear (element B27) Data is required if the students is in grades 9-12
  • BILINGUAL/LANGUAGE CONFLICT – B – LEP Student with English as primary language is a possible conflict (element B17 and element J17).
  • InitialUSAPlacementDate LOWER THAN DOB – B – DistrictStudent.InitialUSAPlacementDate (element B32) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • InitialUSAPlacementDate BIGGER THAN EnrollmentDate – B – DistrictStudent.InitialUSAPlacementDate (element B32) must be less than or equal to the student's DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14)
  • INITIAL USA PUBLIC SCHOOL ENROLLMENT REQUIRED – B – DistrictStudent.InitialUSAPlacementDate (element B32) is required when DistrictStudent.BirthCountry (element B10) is not 'USA'.
  • NUMBER MONTHS NON US ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOL REQUIRED – B – Student not born in USA requires entry of number of months non US school attendance (element B34).
  • NO STUDENT RACE – B – DistrictStudentId (element B04) and DistrictStudent.SSID (element B05) combination is missing a corresponding record(s) in the StudentRace file (file M)
  • OVERLAPPING ENROLLMENTS – C – Combination of SchoolStudent.ServingCountyDistrictCode (element C02), SchoolStudent.LocationId (element C05) and SchoolStudent.DistrictStudentId (element C03) must not have overlapping enrollment spans (SchoolStudent.SchoolEnrollmentDate (element C06) and SchoolStudent.SchoolExitDate (element C08)).
  • INVALID PrimarySchool VALUE – C – SchoolStudent.IsPrimarySchool (element C10) must be 'Y', 'N' or null. (A value other than Y/N has been found in the database.)
  • DISTRICT ENROLLMENT DATE AFTER SCHOOL ENROLLMENT DATE – C – SchoolStudent.SchoolEnrollmentDate (element C06) must be on or after DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14)
  • SchoolWithdrawalCode IS C2 BUT NO K FILE RECORDS – C – SchoolStudent.SchoolWithdrawalCode (element C09) indicates that the student is in special education, but a matching SpecEdProgram.DistrictStudentId cannot be found in SpecEdPrograms (file K)
  • SchoolWithdrawalCode IS C2 BUT NO 36 I06 RECORDS – C – SchoolStudent.SchoolWithdrawalCode (element C09) can only be 'C2' when StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) is set to '36' - Student Identified with a Disability.
  • DUPLICATE CC RECORDS – E – StudentSchedule.ServingCountyDistrictCode (element E02), StudentSchedule.DistrictStudentId (element E03), StudentSchedule.LocationId (element E05), StudentSchedule.CourseId (element E06), StudentSchedule.SectionId (element E07) and StudentSchedule.Term (element E08) combination must be distinct
  • Participated in courses with INVALID ALEFunded values – E – StudentSchedule.ALEFunded (element E09) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR ProgramCode (I06) – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (I07)) GREATER THAN ExitDate (I08) – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ExitDate (element I08) must be greater than or equal to StudentAttributesAndPrograms.StartDate (element I07).
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH ExitDate (I08) and ExitReasonCode (I09) NOT PROVIDED TOGETHER – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element I09) and StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ExitDate (element I08) must both be provided together unless StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06 - Attribute or Program Code) is value 36 - Student Identified with a Disability. If one field is not null, the other field must also not be null.
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR LunchCode (I10) WHEN ProgramCode (I06) IS 19 – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.QualificationCode (element I10) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual - Appendix X for this school year when StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) is '19'.
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR GRADS Code (I10) WHEN ProgramCode (I06) IS 30 – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.QualificationCode (element I10) must be A, B, or C when StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) is 30 (GRADS Program).
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR Disability Code (I10) WHEN ProgramCode (I06) IS 36 – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.QualificationCode (element I10) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual - Appendix I for this school year when StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) is '36'.
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (I07) LESSER THAN DOB – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.StartDate (element I07) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • StudentAttributesAndPrograms RECORDS WITH Disability Code (I10) DIFFERENT THAN 1 WHEN STUDENT LESS THAN 9 years old' – I – StudentAttributesAndPrograms.QualificationCode (element I10) can only be '1' if student is less than 9-years old as of 8/30 of the current school year when StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) is '36'
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH ProgramDesignation (J17) NULL value – J -BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) cannot be null.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR InstructionalModelCode (J06) – J –BilingualPrograms.InstructionalModelCode (element J06) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH InstructionalModelCode(J06) NULL VALUE WHEN ExitReasonCode (J09) IS DIFFERENT THAN 'O' – J –BilingualPrograms.InstructionalModelCode (element J06) is required when BilingualPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element J09) is not 'O' - student tested but did not qualify.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH PlacementTestDate (J22) GREATER THAN StartDate (J07) – J – BilingualPrograms.StartDate (element J07) must be greater than or equal to the student's BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestDate (J22).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (J07) DIFFERENT THAN ExitDate (J08) OR PlacementTestDate (J22) WHEN ExitReasonCode IS 'O' – J – BilingualPrograms.StartDate (element J07) must be equal to both BilingualPrograms.ExitDate (element J08) and BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestDate (element J22) if BilingualPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element J09) is 'O'.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (J07) GREATER THAN ExitDate (J08) – J – BilingualPrograms.ExitDate (element J08) must be greater than or equal to the BilingualPrograms.StartDate (element J07).
  • LEP RECORD WITH EXIT DATE AND NO EXIT REASON – J –BilingualPrograms.ExitDate (element J08) and BilingualPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element J09) must be provided together.
  • LEP RECORD WITH NO INITIAL PLACEMENT TEST DATE – J – LEP Students require an Initial WA Placement Test Date (element J13).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR ExitReasonCode (J09) – J – BilingualPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element J09) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH ExitReasonCode (J09) DIFFERENT THAN o WHEN PlacementTestLevelScore (J21) IS 4 or 5 – J – BilingualPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element J09) must be O - Tested but did not qualify if BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestLevelScore (element J21) is L4 or L5
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH 0 VALUE FOR PlacementTestScaleScore (J20) WHEN PlacementTestDate (J22) IS LATER THAN MAY 2006 – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestScaleScore (element J20) is required when BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestDate (element J22) is later than 5/1/2006.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR PlacementTestLevelScore (J21) – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestLevelScore (element J21) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH 0 VALUE FOR PlacementTestLevelScore (J21) WHEN PlacementTestDate (J22) IS LATER THAN MAY 2006 – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestLevelScore (element J21) is required when BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestDate (element J22) is later than 5/1/2006.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH InstructionalModelCode (J06) DIFFERENT THAN NULL WHEN PlacementTestLevelScore (J21) IS 4 or 5 – J – When BilingualPrograms. PlacementTestLevelScore (Element J21) is L4 or L5, BilingualPrograms.InstructionalModelCode (Element J06) must be NULL
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR ProgramDesignation (J17) – J – BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) must be 1 or 3.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR PlacementTestCode (J18) – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestCode (element J18) must be 1,2,3,4 or 5
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH NULL VALUE FOR PlacementTestCode (J18) WHEN PlacementTestDate (J22) IS LATER THAN MAY 2006 – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestCode (element J18) is required when Placement Test Date (element J22) is after 05/01/2006.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (J07) LOWER THAN DOB – J – BilingualPrograms.StartDate (element J07) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH PlacementTestDate (J22) LOWER THAN DOB – J – BilingualPrograms.PlacementTestDate (element J22) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • InitialWAPlacementDate (J13) LOWER THAN DOB – J – BilingualPrograms.InitialWAPlacementDate (element J13) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH VALUE OF 3 FOR ProgramDesignation (J17) WHEN StudentRace.RaceCode (M05) IS NOT American Indian/Alaskan Native – J – BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) cannot be '3' if StudentRace.RaceCode (element M05) is not 'American Indian/Alaskan Native' Race.
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH VALUE OF 3 FOR ProgramDesignation (J17) BELONG TO STUDENT WITH PrimaryLanguageCode (B17) DIFFERENT THAN 639 OR 640 – J – Students with a BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) valid value of 3 must have a DistrictStudent.PrimaryLanguageCode (element B17) set to English (639) or American Sign Language (640).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH VALUE OF 3 FOR ProgramDesignation (J17) BELONG TO STUDENT WITH LanguageSpokenAtHome (B18) DIFFERENT THAN 639 OR 640 – J – Students with a BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) valid value of 3 must have a DistrictStudent.LanguageSpokenAtHome (element B18) set to English (639) or American Sign Language (640).
  • BilingualPrograms RECORDS WITH VALUE OF 1 FOR ProgramDesignation (J17) BELONG TO STUDENT WITH BOTH PrimaryLanguageCode (B17) AND LanguageSpokenAtHome (B18) SET TO 639 English – J – Students with a BilingualPrograms.ProgramDesignation (element J17) valid value of 1 must have either DistrictStudent.PrimaryLanguageCode (element B17) or DistrictStudent.LanguageSpokenAtHome (element B18) set to something other than English (639).
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR LRECode (K06) – K – SpecEdPrograms.LRECode (element K06) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual - Appendix W for this school year
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH ExitDate (K08) AND ExitReasonCode (K09) NOT PROVIDED TOGETHER – K – SpecEdPrograms.ExitDate (element K08) and SpecEdPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element K09) must be provided together.
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH ExitDate (K08) BEFORE StartDate (K14) – K – SpecEdPrograms.ExitDate (element K08) must be on or after the date in SpecEdPrograms.StartDate (element K14)
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUE FOR ExitReasonCode (K09) – K – pecEdPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element K09) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual for this school year.
  • SpecEd InitialEligibilityDate (K11) BEFORE ReferralDate (K10) – K – SpecEdPrograms.InitialEligibilityDate (element K11) must occur on or after the date reported for SpecEdPrograms.ReferralDate (element K10).
  • SpecEd InitialEligibilityDate (K11) AND ReferralDate (K10) NOT PROVIDED TOGETHER – K – SpecEdPrograms.ReferralDate (element K10) and InitialEligibilityDate (element K11) must both be blank Or both must contain a date.
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH InitialEligibilityDate (K11) AFTER StartDate (K14) – K – SpecEdPrograms.InitialEligibilityDate (element K11) must occur on or before the date reported for SpecEdPrograms.StartDate (element K14)
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH NO CORRESPONDING 36 ProgramCode (I06) – K – Students enrolled in SpecEdPrograms (file K) must have a StudentAttributesAndPrograms.ProgramCode (element I06) set to '36' - Student Identified with a Disability. We check this error only for programs that starts after the 2014/08/01.
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH StartDate (K14) BEFORE DOB – K – SpecEdPrograms.StartDate (element K14) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH A DIFFERENT VALUE THAN 6 FOR ExitReasonCode (K09) WHEN SchoolWithdrawalCode (C09) IS DIFFERENT THAN T1 – K – SpecEdPrograms.ExitReasonCode (element K09) may only be '6' if SchoolStudent.SchoolWithdrawalCode (element C09) has a valid value other than 'T1'.
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH ReferralDate (K10) BEFORE DOB – K – SpecEdPrograms.ReferralDate (element K10) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09)
  • SpecEdPrograms RECORDS WITH InitialEligibilityDate (K11) BEFORE DOB – K – SpecEdPrograms.InitialEligibilityDate (element K11) must be greater than the student's DistrictStudent.BirthDate (element B09).
  • NO FED ETHNICITY – L – Required Field: StudentEthnicity.EthnicityCode (element L05) must be a char with a length of 2.
  • StudentEthnicity or StudentRace RECORDS WITH INVALID VALUES FOR EthnicityCode (L05) OR RaceCode (M05) – L,M – StudentEthnicity.EthnicityCode (element L05) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual - Appendix Y for this school year; StudentRace.RaceCode (element M05) must be a valid value from the CEDARS Data Manual - Appendix Q for this school year.
  • DUPLICATES StudentRace RECORDS – L,M – StudentRace.ServingCountyDistrictCode (element M02), StudentRace.DistrictStudentId (element M03) and StudentRace.RaceCode (element M05) combination must be distinct.
  • StudentAbsence RECORDS WITH AbsenceDate (N06) NOT BETWEEN DistrictEnrollmentDate (B14) AND DistrictExitDate (B15) – N – StudentAbsence.AbsenceDate (element N06) must be between the DistrictStudent.DistrictEnrollmentDate (element B14) and the DistrictStudent.DistrictExitDate (element B15).
  • StudentAbsence RECORDS WITH AbsenceDate (N06) NOT BETWEEN SchoolEnrollmentDate (C06) AND SchoolExitDate (C08) – N – StudentAbsence.AbsenceDate (element N06) must be between the SchoolStudent.SchoolEnrollmentDate (element C06) and the SchoolStudent.SchoolExitDate (element C08).
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