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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-253855CEDARS H File Updated to Report Only Current Content Area Code Values

H - Student Grade History File 2020-2021: Version 20.3

The report is updated so that field H14 (Content Area Code) is reported only if the value is still valid as of the school year selected as the report parameter. Code values that are deprecated as of the selected school year are now reported as null.

PSSR-253782CEDARS J File Update to Report Previous Years' Records Only From Current Year's Schools

J - English Learners File 2020-2021: Version 20.1

Until now, the report was including English learners enrollments from previous school years if they had an exit code of 'o' (student tested but did not qualify), regardless of the associated school. This could cause an error on submission because the state now requires all records in the J file to have LocationID values matching those in the C file for that student.

The report is updated to only pull previous years' 'o' records if the associated school matches one in which the student has an enrollment during the reporting school year.

PSSR-241507Courses - Course By Year Page Update

The 'Course by Year' Courses page is updated to allow for maintaining course field history for the below Washington specific state fields:

  • ApprovedOnlineProgram
  • ApprovedOnlineProvider
  • CourseLevel
  • crsDesig_NonInstructional
  • CTECourseEquivalency
  • Desig_CTE_CorePlus
  • Desig_DistrictOrLocal
  • Desig_locCrsAssessment
  • Desig_locTransition
  • Desig_YouthReengagement
  • DualLangInstructionLang
  • DualLangInstructionType
  • IndustryCertOffered
  • SingleSexCode
PSSR-252495Edit Section Page Inserts Blank Space Into Input For State Course Code

When creating a new section by linking to the Edit Section page from a teacher's schedule, such that the associated course is unknown at the time the page loads, the page was inserting a blank space into the input for State Course Code. Although invisible to users, this would cause a non-null value to be written to the database, and reports looking for this value would not pull it from the course level as expected.

The page is fixed such that space is no longer inserted. This allows a null value to be saved, which in turn allows the reports' logic to correctly find it in the course record.

In order to allow records that were previously saved by the faulty page to work correctly, a script is included with this update to perform a one-time conversion of the [S_WA_SEC_X]StateCourseCd values, removing any leading or trailing spaces. Interior spaces are preserved.

PSSR-235252New Data Collection for CEDARS V Data (Student Supports)

In order to collect data to be reported in the CEDARS V File, a new tab/link is added to the State/Province - WA page, titled "Student Supports." The resulting page is used to manage records that are stored in a new table, S_WA_STU_StudentSupports_C. Note that Interventions Used (V10) is a multi-valued field. If multiple values are selected, their codes are concatenated into a comma-separated list and stored in a single database field.

PSSR-253235Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal

A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default.

This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces.
Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous.

PSSR-253137Security Update - Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal Data Collection

A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in.

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