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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235827CEDARS 2019-2020 K And J File Updates: Exit Date

J - English Learners File 2019-20: Version 19.1
K - Special Education Programs File 2019-20: Version 19.1
The English Learners and Special Education Programs Files are updated to report exit date as the day before the exit date entered on the PowerSchool data entry screens to align with how student school exit dates are reported in the School Student File.

PSSR-237934Incident Management - Implement New Behavior Codes for 2020-2021 Reporting

The PowerSchool Incident Management behavior data entry page is updated to include the three new behavior codes needed for 2020-2021 incident reporting.

  • (22) Intimidation/NonSexual Harassment
  • (23) Threat to Other
  • (24) Arson

Note: The 2020-2021 CEDARS Exclusionary Discipline (R) File will be available in a future release.

PSSR-237434Student Special Education Information Updates for 2020-2021 Reporting

The WA Student Special Education Information page is updated with the following changes to support 2020-2021 CEDARS reporting:

  • The K06 LRE Code dropdown is updated to have new
  • codes, new headings, removal of deprecated codes, and updated code descriptions to align with 2020-2021 CEDARS requirements.
  • The following new fields are added:
    • K15 Non-Public Agency is added to the Special Education Enrollments and Exits (CEDARS) screen.
    • K25 Date of Annual IEP Meeting is added to the Student Special Education Information screen

Note: Special Education fields pertaining to pre-school entry, progress, and exit assessments will be available in a future release.

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