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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-303892CEDARS H - Student Grade History File 2022-2023 - missing columns

Report: Student Grade History File: Version 22.1

The reporting logic is updated to ensure all required columns are included and displayed in the required order.

PSSR-304244CEDARS J File Missing PlacementTestScore Column

Report: English Learners File (J) 2022-2023: Version 22.1

The reporting logic is updated to ensure that all columns are included and displayed in the required order.

PSSR-232240Students' State Graduation Requirements page - The '"Clear All" button is Not Working as Expected

The logic for the Clear All button has been updated to ensure that all entered values are cleared out as expected.

PSSR-250239WA- Student Attributes and Program Enrollments page UI issues

The page is updated as follows:

  • The list of values for “I06 - Program Code” is now sorted by code, with the deprecated values pushed to the bottom of the list.
  • The navigation path shown in the breadcrumb now matches the page header text.
  • The note for "I10 - Student participating in a 1418 Reengagement Program Code" has been realigned to ensure that it does not overlap the data entry fields.
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