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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259988All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting - minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated. This can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.
PSSR-269849All States/Provinces: Contact Relationship Details Enterprise Report Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-270776, PSSR-260290

Contact Relationship Details (Enterprise Report): Version 2.0

Updated the Contact Relationship Details Enterprise report with the following changes:

  • Corrected issue where phone, email, or address might not display when there is data in the contact’s record.
  • Added second email address.
  • Added many new student fields, including Track, legal name, legal gender, and guardian alert.
  • Added all fields from the PersonCoreFields table.
  • Added field-level security (FLS) support to all supported student and contact fields.
  • Other design enhancements have been made, including a reset button and full-screen button.
PSSR-258130All States/Provinces: Contact Tracing Report Update - Attendance Data

Student Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.4

The Contact Tracing report has been updated and now pulls attendance data based on a newly added report parameter. When this parameter is selected, the attendance for the selected students will be reported by Day/Period (depending on if the default for the student’s FTE is meeting or daily attendance).

PSSR-270782All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.2

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated and will no longer pull invalid inventory records that result in a negative inventory value.


Update WA P223 Enrollment Report for Correction of ALE FTE Calculation

WA P-223 Form and Audit: Version 1.31

The WA P223 Enrollment Report is updated to correct in issue with inflated ALE FTE totals.

  • Updated calculation of ALE Reg FTE: This field includes Basic + Vocational ALE FTE.

  • Total ALE was also updated to remove the vocational ALE calculation from one point as this was calculating twice.


CEDARS 21-22 Changes: New Program Code - Continuous Learning 2.0+

The Student Attributes and Programs Information page is updated to include a new Program Code for 2021-22 reporting. There are no qualification codes associated with this program.

  • 74 - Continuous Learning 2.0+

PSSR-270753CEDARS 21-22 Changes: Work Based Learning Report Updates: Default Values

E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.1
H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022: Version 21.1

The CEDERS E and H files are updated to default to '10 - Student did not participate' for the Work Based Learning Activity column if the course is a CTE course and the student class or grade fields are blank.


WA - CEDARS Course Sequence Reporting Improvements

D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022: Version 21.1
E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.1
G - Staff Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.1
H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022: Version 21.1

Course Number reported is being updated with a new format. If there is no section level override for the course sequence, then the course number will be reported as it is. If there is section level override for course sequence, then the course number will be reported as course_number_sequence_coursesequencegroup. The maximum length of the course number will be 20 characters.

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