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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Out Report Update

A Favorite icon is available next to the page header, allowing users to easily add the current system report to their favorites with a click. This applies to reports using the State Reporting Platform (SRP) (indicated by the existence of an icon to the left of the report name).


All States/Provinces: Improved Gender Inclusivity in Discipline Incident Letters Report

Discipline Incident Letters Report: Version 1.3

The Discipline Incident Letters Report now includes all headers and paragraphs for students of any gender identity. Previously, these sections were missing for non-binary or other gender identities.


Add support for core Grade-level LTK - changes for WA state reporting (New TK grade level)

Support for adding a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Grade Level in PowerSchool.

Pick any unused grade level less than 0, to translate it as TK, by the following:

Start Page, System Administrator, Page and Data Management, Localize PowerSchool, Data tab, Grade Levels, View

  • Define translated values as appropriate to call as TK

    • The grade level value will continue to be stored as a numeric value (0, -1, -2, etc.) in the database.

Enable the LTK Grade Level Mapping preference.

Start Page, District Setup, District Information and locate the Enable/Disable Grade Level LTK Mapping flag:

  • Select the checkbox to enable the use of grade-level values mapped using LTK.

  • Deselect the checkbox to disable the use of grade level values mapped using LTK.

  • [Prefs]Name = EnableSRLTK

Once the above steps have been completed, the updated state reporting pages and reports will honor the LTK grade-level mappings defined by the district.

Ref: PSSR-34850, PSSR-348502, PSSR-348503, PSSR-348504


District Information Page - Fix

The State Information section heading was displaying twice on the District Info page, this has been rectified.


WA - D - Course Catalog File - Fix

D - Course Catalog File 2024-2025 24.1

D - Course Catalog File 2023-2024 23.3

The Student Selection field has been removed from the Course Catalog File as it was not required or relevant for the course catalog report.


WA - F - Staff File Update

F - Staff File 2023-2024 version 23.1

F - Staff File 2024-2025 version 24.1

The F - Staff File has been updated to display the correct records and not fail when run by selecting staffs partially from the full list of staffs.


WA - G - Staff Schedule File - Fix

G - Staff Schedule File 2023-2024 version 23.1

G - Staff Schedule File 2024-2025 version 24.1

The G - Staff Schedule File has been updated to display the correct records and not fail when run by selecting staffs partially from the full list of staffs.

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