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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-231044Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The all-states installer is modified to only allow the state reporting installer to install on a PowerSchool server with a minimum version of

As of September 2, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will be focused solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later.

PSSR-237227CEDARS: U – Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2020-2021 (New)

Additional Reference: UXT-3919

U – Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2020-2021: Version 20.0
A new WA CEDARS: U – Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2020-2021 report have been added. For details refer to the Washington State Reporting Online Help.

PSSR-243445New - Student Learning Preferences Functionality

New functionality is now available that gives administrators and school personnel the ability to track a student's learning preferences as well as their internet and device access.

To access, navigate to:

  • Start Page > [select student] > Learning Preferences

Districts set up their own Learning Preference options on the following page:

  • Start Page > District Setup > District Info > Student Learning Preferences
PSSR-243467P-223H Form and Audit Updates for 2020-2021

WA P-223 Form and Audit: Version 1.31
WA P-223H Form and Audit: Version 1.14

The Audit part of the P-223H Form and Audit report is updated for the 2020-2021 school year.

  • The birth-2 category is no longer reported, so students under the age of 3 are no longer counted.
  • The K-Age 21 category is now split and two new columns are added to the audit file to show which students are counted in each category:
    • K-Age 21 Tier1: those spending at least 80% of their time in a general education setting (LRE Code equal to 1), and
    • K-Age 21 Other Tier: those spending less than 80% of their time in a general education setting and any other setting as well (LRE Code not equal to 1).
      This is determined by the LRE Code values in a student's special education enrollment records overlapping the report date.


  • There is no update to the P-223H Form as the PDF requirements are not available from the department of education as yet.
  • There is no update to the P-223 Form and Audit report. Its version is incremented because some of the P-223H updates were made to code that is shared with P-223.
PSSR-243413SPED LRE Codes and Non-Public Agency Codes Update

Non-Public Agency and LRE Codes have been updated according to the 2020-2021 state requirements including the order of the code values.
WA Special Education Timeline screen has been updated with the following changes:

  • Calculate buttons have been added to the Number of School Days and Original Evaluation Due Date.
  • Number of School Days is calculated between Consent date and Eligibility date, starting 1 day after the Consent date
  • Original Evaluation Due Date is calculated as 35 in-session days starting from 1 day after the Consent Date.
  • DOB and Age have been added in Header of Timeline home screen.
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