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CEDARS 2020-21 Changes Overview

This page discusses 2020-21 reporting and data collection changes for CEDARS. CEDARS files not listed below had no changes for 2020-21 school year reporting.

B - District Student File

The B - District Student File has four new elements for reporting, all added to the student Graduation Requirements state page:

  • Element B39 – ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test Status
  • Element B40 – ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test Score
  • Element B41 – ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Administration Year
  • Element B42– Credit Waiver

C - School Student File

The C - School Student File has a new valid value added to an element:

  • Element C09 - School Withdrawal Code
    • Added Value:
      • U4 – Involuntarily withdrawn due to nonattendance

Note: School Withdrawal Codes are set up by users on the Exit Codes setup screen at District Office (Start Page > District > Exit Codes).

D - Course Catalog File / T - Non-Traditional Credit Attempt File

The D - Course Catalog File has a new valid value added to an element, as well as two new elements (added to the Courses/Sections pages):

  • Element D07, H13, T10 – Course Designation Code
    • NEW: E – Local Transition
    • NEW: F – CTE Core Plus
  • NEW: Element D16, T18 – Course Level
    • Course Level is populated on the Course and Sections setup pages (section overrides course)
    • Optional for 20-21, required beginning 21-22.
    • CEDARS D File will report 'G - General or Regular' if blank in PowerSchool.
  • NEW: Element D17 - Industry Recognized Certifications Offered
    • Populate for CTE courses offering industry-recognized certifications through the course.
    • D File will report '1 – No Industry Certification Offered' if blank for CTE Courses.
    When applicable, the above changes are also available on the Historical Grades (new and edit) pages for grades not associated with a district course/section.

E - Student Schedule File / H - Student Grade History File

The E - Student Schedule and H - Student Grade History Files have a new element for reporting CTE course certificates earned.

  • Element E15, H31 – Industry Recognized Certifications Earned
    • Collected on the Student All Enrollments (class schedules) edit screen.
    • The student screen will only show certifications offered by the course/section. Use the Courses/Sections edit screens to flag a CTE course as offering industry-recognized certifications.
    • The CEDARS E, H Files will default to '1 - No Industry Certification Offered' for CTE course enrollments where the CTE Course does not offer certification.
    • The CEDARS E, H Files will default to '2 - No Industry Certification Earned' for CTE course enrollments where the CTE Course offers a certification, but one was not earned by the student.

G - Staff Schedule File

The G - Staff Schedule File has a new valid value added to an element:

  • Element G10 - Teacher Indicator
    • Removed Values:
      • U – Team-Alternate
      • B – Job Share-Alternate

Teacher Indicator values are set up on the Co-Teaching Roles Administration page.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > System > Roles Administration > Co-Teaching.
  2. Update existing Roles having an Alt. code 1 value of U or B, selecting an applicable value from the 2020-2021 CEDARS Manual.
    1. All other fields are up to district discretion, in accordance with district security policy.

I - Student Attributes and Programs File

The I - Student Attributes and Programs File has new valid values added to an element:

  • Element I06 – Attribute or Program Code
  • New Values:
    • 68 Levy-funded (Preschool)
    • 999 Other (Preschool)
    • 69 Career Launch

K - Student Special Education Programs File

The K - Student Special Education Program File has two new elements added that are applicable to all students as well as new Pre-K student entry and exit assessment elements:

  • All Grade Levels:
    • Element K06 - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Code
      • New codes added/removed and a number of descriptions are renamed.
    • Element K15 – Non-Public Agency
      • Populate when Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Code is 11
      • Added to the 'Special Education Enrollments and Exits (CEDARS)' screen
    • Element K25 – Date of Annual IEP Meeting
      • Added to the 'Student Special Education Information' screen
  • Pre-K Students (Elements below display when a PK LRE Code is selected in K06)
    • Element K16 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Entry
    • Element K17 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Entry
    • Element K18 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Entry
    • Element K19 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Exit
    • Element K20 – PreK Positive Social-Emotional Skills - Progress
    • Element K21 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Exit
    • Element K22 – PreK Acquisition and Use of Knowledge/Skills - Progress
    • Element K23 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Exit
    • Element K24 – PreK Appropriate Behaviors and Skills - Progress

R - Exclusionary Discipline File

The R - Exclusionary Discipline File has new valid values added to an element. The below codes were added to Incident Management and will display after re-running the Load Codes / Subcodes at District Office (District Info screen)

  • Element R08 – Behavior Code
  • New Values:
    • 22 - Intimidation/NonSexual Harassment
    • 23 - Threat to Other
    • 24 - Arson

U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File

The Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File is a new file for 2020-21 that information on all currently enrolled students referred for an initial evaluation to determine if a student is eligible for special education. The student Special Education Timeline Requirements screen is used to capture this information and has been updated to collect additional information required by CEDARS Reporting.

Reported Elements:

  • Element U01 – School Year
  • Element U02 – County District Code
  • Element U03 – District Student ID
  • Element U04 – State Student ID (SSID)
  • Element U05 – Date of Initial Referral
  • Element U06 - Date District Received Consent
  • Element U07 - Date of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility Determination
  • Element U08 - Number of School Days to Complete Initial Evaluation/Eligibility
  • Element U09 - Reason for Late Initial Evaluation/Eligibility
  • Element U10 - Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility
  • Element U11 - Date of Initial IEP Meeting
  • Element U12 - Reason for IEP Developed After Third Birthday

For more information about the above elements, see the following articles:

V - Student Supports File

The Student Supports File is a new file for 2020-21 that collects information regarding students screened for various supports.

As of October 2020, valid values for a required field are listed as 'Pending' in the CEDARS Data Manual. PowerSchool will implement data collection for this report once requirements are finalized by OSPI. The report currently will pull with just header information included.

Reported Elements:

  • Element V01 - School Year
  • Element V02 - Serving County District Code
  • Element V03 - District Student ID
  • Element V04 - State Student ID (SSID)
  • Element V05 - Location ID
  • Element V06 - Support Code
  • Element V07 - Identification Assessment
  • Element V08 – Identification Assessment Date
  • Element V09 - Support Determination
  • Element V10 - Interventions Used

For more information about the above elements, see the following article:

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