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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-230246Added an Administrator Comment field to New/Edit Stored Grades Pages

A new "Administrator Comment" field is added to the "Edit Stored Grade" and "New Stored Grade Entry" pages to capture notes about the student's grade.

PSSR-228842Updated the English Learner Exit Reason Descriptions

The English Learners (Limited English Proficiency) Enrollments page J09 - Exit Reason Code field now has descriptions for the following codes (to align with 2019-20 CEDARS documentation):

  • a - Transitioned (met Transition/Proficient level on annual ELP assessment)
  • t - Transfer within the district, between models, or end of school year rollover


Washington State Transcript 2008 and Beyond Update

Washington State Transcript 2008 and Beyond: Version 3.3
The following updates are made to Washington State Transcript 2008 and Beyond Report:

  • SCIENCE STANDARD as part of the Additional State Requirements section will not be printed regardless of the GRAD REQUIREMENT YEAR and will not be visible in the UI.
  • The issue of duplicate notes getting displayed when there are more than one COVID-19 impacted terms is fixed.
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