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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.


Release Note Title

Release Note


All States/Provinces: CRDC School Submission File Update

If a school has no out-of-school suspensions to report, the following columns will be populated with a value of zero:





All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update

The immunization rules engine can now compare immunization dose dates and the number of doses a student has received to date fields in Core and extended tables (Student.EntryDate, for example)

Note: Immunization rules must be updated to utilize this new functionality.


All States/Provinces: Null Pointer Exception Error When Saving Vaccine Dose Data

Student dose data is now saved now in the Nightly Batch process. This will prevent users from receiving the null pointer exception error when entering (and saving) vaccination dose data.


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Cannot be Run Successfully for More Than 1000 Students

Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.7

The Attendance Profile now has a maximum limit of 200 students per report run.


B - District Student File 2023-2024 - Update

The B - District Student File 2023-2024 (version 23.1) has been updated to extract a new element “B43 – Language(s) Family Prefers to Communicate In”.


Course Designation Code - Updates

A new Course Designation Code ‘Recruiting Washington Teachers (P)’ will be available for selection on the UI.

The new code will also be extracted in the Course Catalog File 2023-2024 (Version 23.1) and H - Student Grade History File 2022-2023 extracts.


cst_pubAPI incorrectly using UPPER(NAME) on prefs table

Performance improvement changes to read from the pref table. Changed UPPER(NAME) to Lower(NAME) based on indexes already present.


Industry Recognized Certifications Offered/Taken - UI Update

The “Industry Recognized Certifications Offered“ and “Industry Recognized Certifications Taken“ fields D17, E15 and H31 are updated to have the codes up to date.


State Information is Missing State Fields When on Core

State Information sections on several pages which were missing State Fields when PowerSchool SIS had been applied now have these fields appearing again.


WA - B - District Student File 2022-2023 - Update

B - District Student File 2023-2024
B - District Student File 2022-2023

The fields, B28, B29 and B30 will now calculate and display values from all the available store codes for a student if "Store Codes to be used in the CEDARS B file" fields value is null at school info page.


WA CEDARS - 23-24 Versions of the Reports

The 2023-24 Version of the CEDARS Reports will now be available under the state reports. The 2021-22 version of the reports have been deprecated from the UI.


WA CEDARS - D, E and H File - Update

D - Course Catalog File 2023-2024

E - Student Schedule File 2023-2024

H - Student Grade History File 2023-2024

The Reports have been updated to extract the new CEDARS codes for Industry Recognized Certifications.


WA CEDARS - R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2022-2023 - Updates.

R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2023-2024 23.1
R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2022-2023 22.2

The R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File has been updated to extract the same output, before and after the end of year process is done.

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