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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

SSR-261917All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0
Attendance Change History Report is a new System report that lists the students with attendance changes during the selected period.

PSSR-267750All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates

Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-269275All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.3

The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-252074All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates

The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:

  • The Alternative Report Code and Set as Default fields are now editable
  • The Edit & New Digital Equity & Learning Preference record page is now updated to honor the Learning Preference Set as Default setting.
PSSR-267527All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates

Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal.

PSSR-265894All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update

The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page:


PSSR-269123All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update

Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3

The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-257496All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received” inventory.

PSSR-261994CEDARS 21-22 Changes: Work-Based Learning Report Updates

H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022: Version 21.0
E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.0

The above CEDARS reports are updated to support work-based learning reporting for the 2021-22 school year.
The reports are updated to include an additional data element: Student Work-Based Learning Activities.

PSSR-262518CEDARS 21-22 Report Changes: Course Sequence

D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022: Version 21.0
E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.0
G - Staff Schedule File 2021-2022: Version 21.0
H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022: Version 21.0
T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2021-2022: Version 21.0

The CourseId field is updated for the below reports based on course number, section number and sequence (to ensure a unique CourseID is reported for multiple sequences within a Course):

  • D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022
  • E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022
  • G - Staff Schedule File 2021-2022
  • H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022

The CEDARS D File is updated to report the following new data elements:

  • D18 – Sequence
  • D19 – Sequence Group

The CEDARS T File is updated to report the following new data elements:

  • T19 – Sequence
  • T20 – Sequence Group

Note: The CEDARS D and T Files are updated to report the following default values for Sequence and Sequence Group if not populated in PowerSchool:

  • Sequence: 1 of 1
  • Sequence Group: Course_Number

Additional Note: A Course Sequence Section Administration page is planned for a future release. This new page will allow for mass-updating of Section Sequence and Sequence Group values for a school.

PSSR-266451CEDARS C - School Student File: Remote Enrollments Update

C - School Student File 2020-2021 - 20.1
C - School Student File 2021-2022 - 21.0

The CEDARS C - School Student File is updated to include records for students having multiple remote enrollments. If there are multiple remote enrollments that are not overlapping in enrollment time then a new record will be created for each non-broken enrollment period.

PSSR-266843CEDARS Course Catalog File Reporting Updates

D - Course Catalog File 2020-2021 - 20.2
E - Student Schedule File 2020-2021 - 20.5
G - Staff Schedule File 2020-2021 - 20.2
H - Student Grade History File 2020-2021 - 20.5
D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022 - 21.0
E - Student Schedule File 2021-2022 - 21.0
G - Staff Schedule File 2021-2022 - 21.0
H - Student Grade History File 2021-2022 - 21.0

The D - Course Catalog File is updated to include additional records for sections that have differing (overridden) state fields. For example, if a section is overridden to have a course designation code of O - Online, but the course is not flagged as an online course.

The CourseID field is updated for the above reports so that a unique CourseID will be reported for sections having overridden course values. For overridden sections, courseID = course dot section number.

The E, G and H Files are updated to report the correct CourseID for Student Schedules, Staff Schedules and Student Grade Histroy records associated with overridden sections.

PSSR-266076CEDARS Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File (U) - Implement 2021-22 Report Changes

U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2021-22: Version 21.0

The CEDARS U Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2021-22 report is updated to have the new field name ReasonforLateTransitionFromPartC instead of ReasonForIEPDevelopedAfterThirdBirthday.

PSSR-265300Implement 21-22 Versions of CEDARS Reports

CEDARS 2021-2022 (All Files) - 21.0
A - Location File 2021-2022 - 21.0
B - District Student File 2021-2022 - 21.0
C - School Student File 2021-2022 - 21.0
F - Staff File 2021-2022 - 21.0
I - Student Attributes and Programs File 2021-2022 - 21.0
J - English Learners File 2021-2022 - 21.0
K - Special Education Programs File 2021-2022 - 21.0
L - Student Ethnicity File 2021-2022 - 21.0
M - Student Race File 2021-2022 - 21.0
N - Student Absence File 2021-2022 - 21.0
Q - Student Growth File 2021-2022 - 21.0
R - Student Exclusionary Discipline File 2021-2022 - 21.0
S - Students Restrained or Isolated File 2021-2022 - 21.0
U - Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines File 2021-2022 - 21.0
V - Student Supports File 2021-2022 - 21.0

A 21-22 version of all CEDARS reports not needing any other change is added to the State report tab. CEDARS reports requiring specific updates for 21-22 reporting are called out individually in separate sections of this page.

PSSR-264788Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Timelines Screen: Field Default Enhancement

The 'WA Special Education Timeline' new/edit screens are updated to automatically default 'Reason for IEP Developed After Third Birthday' to 12 for all records not having the 'Part C to Part B student?' box checked.

PSSR-266740Special Education Timeline Screen: 'Number of School Days to Complete Initial Eligibility' Update

The value of ‘Number of School Days to Complete Initial Eligibility' is updated to calculate by counting the number of school calendar in-session days (using calendar dates of the student's school enrollment(s)) after Consent Received Date, up to and including ‘Eligibility Date'. Previous to this update, the page was not including school days occurring before a student’s school entry date.

PSSR-262613WA - CEDARS 21-22 Changes: Core Plus Course Type

D - Course Catalog File 2021-2022 - 21.0
H - Student Grade History 2021-2022 - 21.0
T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2021-2022 - 21.0

D - Course Catalog File 2020-2021 - 20.??
H - Student Grade History 2020-2021 - 20.??
T - Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File 2020-2021 - 20.??

The Course Catalog File (D), Student Grade History File (H), and Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File (T) reports are implemented for 2021-22 reporting. The reports are updated to report the new CTE Core Plus course designation codes if populated at the course or section.

The 2020-21 versions of Course Catalog File (D), Student Grade History File (H), and Non-traditional Student Credit Attempt File (T) reports are updated to not report the new Course Designation codes if populated at the course or section.

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