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Selection Criteria for the TN04 Report

The following selection criteria can be used as a check list to search for a ADA/ADM problems:

  • Student must be enrolled in the school during the reporting period selected at report runtime.
  • Student must have a gender of M or F.
  • Student must have a grade level of 0 (K), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.
  • Attendance is only calculated for sections for enrolled students and not marked as Exclude from Attendance.
  • Student must have a valid entry code, i.e. E, E1, EC, TR, TC.
  • Special education students (Options 07, 08, and 09) must have a current year primary option of 07, 08, or 09 and a beginning and ending date within the school calendar. End dates are as critical as begin dates. Without an end date, the student shows up in membership as well as in his grade total, but the record is not shown in the grade N category at the bottom of the page. Providing the end date will cause it to calculate correctly.
  • State reports rely on the bell schedule and not the value of the Class Duration field on the Sections page.



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