015 – District Bus Extract
This extract is to provide additional data about district buses used within the school district.
Report Input
For help with navigation and extract generation, see Create Audit Based Extract File (015, 016, 022).
Extract Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. SeeUnderstanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Track |
1 | Record ID | The identifier of this record. | Always "015" | 3 | N |
2 | Record Version | The version of this record. | Always "01" | 2 | N |
3 | Record Type | One of the following record types is reported in order to indicate how to modify the state data to match data in PowerSchool. The data in this record either needs to be added to, modified in, or deleted from the state data:
| N/A | 1 | N |
4 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 2 | N |
5 | District ID | The district number. | [Prefs]Value | 3 | N |
6 | School Year | The four-digit year that the instructional program will be operated to provide instructional services to students. This is the current full year term, as defined using the special operation. See the District Setup > Years & Terms section for more information. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]School_Year | 4 | N |
7 | Bus Number | The bus number. Enter up to eight alpha/numeric characters. Special characters can be used but will be parsed out when reporting to the state. Only 6 valid characters will be reported to ESI. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]BusNumber_New | 10 | Y |
8 | Specially Equipped | Indicates whether the bus is specially equipped. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]SpeciallyEquipped | 1 | Y |
9 | Daily Miles One Way AM | The number of whole miles the bus in driven daily one way in the AM. Enter as a value up to 9999. This value is front zero padded up to 4 places. The "Daily miles" - one-way AM miles, starting from where the bus is parked to the last school drop off. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]DailyMiles | 4 | Y |
10 | Bus Type | The type of bus. Valid values are: A, B, C or D. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]BusType | 1 | Y |
11 | Year Bus Began Operation | The year the bus was put into operation. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]YearBeganOperation | 4 | Y |
12 | Inspected by TN Dept of Safety | Indicates whether the bus has a current inspection by TN Department of Safety. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]DOSInspectionCurrent | 1 | Y |
13 | Privately owned | Indicates whether the bus is privately owned. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]PrivatelyOwned | 1 | Y |
14 | Wheel Chair Lift | Indicates whether the bus has a wheel chair lift. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]WheelChairLifts | 1 | Y |
15 | Commercial Advertising | Indicates whether the bus displays commercial advertising. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]CommercialAdvertising | 1 | Y |
16 | Total Number of Accidents involved | Indicates the total number of accidents for this bus this year | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]InvolvedAccident_New | 1 | Y |
17 | Occupant Restraints | Indicates whether the bus is equipped with seat belts. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]OccupantRestraints | 1 | Y |
18 | Two Way Communication | Indicates whether the bus contains two way communications. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]TwoWayCommunication | 1 | Y |
19 | Audio/Video Surveillance | Indicates whether the bus contains audio/video surveillance. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]AudioVideoSurveillance | 1 | Y |
20 | Type of fuel | Indicates the type of fuel the bus uses. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]FuelType | 6 | Y |
21 | GPS System | Indicates whether the bus is equipped with a GPS system. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]GPSSystem | 1 | Y |
22 | Air Conditioning | Indicates whether the bus is air conditioned. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]AirConditioning | 1 | Y |
23 | Personal Injury Accidents | Number of personal injury accidents in which the bus was involved. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]PersonalInjury | 4 | Y |
24 | Treated and Released | Number of students treated and released after a bus accident. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]TreatedAndReleased | 4 | Y |
25 | Hospitalized Overnight or Longer | Number of students hospitalized overnight or longer after a bus accident. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]Hospitalized | 4 | Y |
26 | Fatalities on board | Number of deaths on the bus following an accident. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]FatalitiesOnBoard | 4 | Y |
27 | Fatalities off board | Number of deaths off the bus following an accident. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]FatalitiesOffBoard | 4 | Y |
28 | Property Damage Accidents | Number of property damage accidents | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]PropertyDamage | 4 | Y |
29 | Safety Complaints | Number of safety complaints related to the bus. | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]SafetyComplaints | 4 | Y |
30 | Electronic Stability Control System | Indicates whether the bus is equipped with an Electronic Stability control system | [S_TN_DistrictBus_S]ElecStbCtrlSy | 1 | Y |
31 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 16 | N |