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Incident Management: Duration Codes

The following codes are used when assigning duration to an incident.

CategoryState Aggregate
Report Code
SubcodesState Detail CodeState Reportable?CRDC


Durations (in number of days) are currently calculated based on an incident start date and end date on log entry page.

Action Length Difference Reason xStudent Completed Term Reqs Sooner Than ExpectedStuComplTermReqSoonYesNo

xCont Of Prev Year's Disciplinary Action AssignmentContPreYearDisActAsgYesNo

No DifferenceNo DifferenceYesNo


School Year EndedSchool Year EndedYesNo

xTerm Mod By Plcmnt Program Due To Student BehaviorTrmModPlcPrgDueStBvrYesNo

Student Withdrew From SchoolStudentWithdFromSchlYesNo

xTerm Decrsd Due To Extn Health-Rltd CircumstancesTrmDcrDuExtHltRltCrcYesNo

Term Modified By Court OrderTermModCourt OrderYesNo

Term Modified By DistrictTermModDistrictYesNo

Term Modified By Mutual AgreementTermModMutualAgrmentYesNo

Student IncarceratedStudent IncarceratedYesNo
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