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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261963Ed-Fi Framework: Failed Delete Events Incorrectly Being Removed From The Dashboard

Problem: The order and timing of deletes isn’t always occurring correctly based on dependencies of each resource. For example, when a section is deleted, events are generated for section, studentSectionAssignment and staffSectionAssignment, etc. These records would process in any order, however, a section cannot be deleted until all dependent resources have been deleted. This results in a failed delete with the state ODS and this failure is not communicated back to the user, thus leaving the ODS and PowerSchool out of sync.

Solution: When delete events are published, they will now occur with the lowest record first back up to the highest record. This will result in studentSectionAssignment and staffSectionAssignment being published before section is published. This may not work correctly each time due to simultaneous publishing. If a record does fail, it will now appear in the Errors section on the dashboard with an error from the ODS stating that there is a dependency preventing the record from being deleted. The record will then retry the delete every 10 minutes up to 1 hour. After 1 hour, the record will remain as an error and reconciliation will need to be run to remove the dependencies.

PSSR-308137TN - Student Federal Race and Ethnicity Field Not Updating Upon Submission Of Demographics Screen

Provided script to assist with the update of mismatched values. This has been coded to not happen in the future in a previous SRC release, but the script will be used for pre-existing issues.

PSSR-315432TN 030- Improper "null" Data When Deleting Section Without Students

In the 030 extract, the end date issue for the sections with no enrollment has been fixed.

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