Class Attendance Audit Report
The Class Attendance Audit Report is a section specific attendance roster. This is an audit of the Enrollment by Section Report. If a section meets more than one period in a day, the first period it meets will be used for calculating attendance.
Note: This report uses meeting mode, rather than the daily mode, to calculate attendance.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Calander Selection
If the ID, PT, and IS, SP Calendar Membership Type Codes should be created. See 200 Day Event Calendar Type codes for more details.
Note: To create Calendar Membership Type Codes go to District > Calendar Membership Types.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] table based on the following criteria:
- The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.
Note: The school must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student's school enrollment must not be excluded from TN ADA reporting.
- The student's school enrollment Entry Date must occur on or before the report end date.
- The student's school enrollment Exit Date must occur after the report start date.
- The student's school enrollment Exit Date must occur after the school enrollment Entry Date.
- The student must be enrolled in a grade level selected at report runtime.
Course and Section Selection Criteria
- The course must be marked as vocational, if selected at report runtime, i.e. the Vocational field in the Courses table must equal 1.
- The section must be associated with a term that occurs during the report date range
Teacher Selection
- The teacher must be the lead teacher during the reporting date range.
Report Input
This report is run at the School level only.
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Reporting Segment or Begin Date and Ending Date | Select which date range to use for this report:
Note: The date entered must fall within the selected school year term. |
Teachers | Select the teachers for which you want to scan, or select ALL TEACHERS. To select multiple teachers, press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) as you click each of the teachers you want to scan. Note: For a staff member to appear in this list, the Staff Status field (accessible via Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information) must be set to Teacher and Current. |
Periods | Select the checkboxes of the periods you want to scan or leave all the checkboxes blank to scan all periods. |
Processing Options | Select a time to run the report:
After submitting this report, it will be processed in the report queue. On the navigation bar, click the Report Queue button. The Report Queue - My Jobs page displays all your reports. |
Specific Date/Time | If you selected the On Specific Date/Time processing option, enter the date to scan using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry. Use the pop-up menus to indicate the hour and minute. |
Data to be Filled | In this section, select the checkbox next to the following filter fields to save the settings as defaults. From the pop-up menu, choose Set All to select all checkboxes and Reset All to remove all checkboxes next to the following fields. |
Vocational Classes Only | Select the checkbox to limit the audit to just vocational classes. |
Include Student Number | Select the checkbox to include the student numbers on the report. |
Header Label 1 | To include sections and courses table data in the header of this report, enter the text you want to appear on the report. |
Field 1 | If you entered text in the Header Label 1 field, enter the code needed to pull the data from the sections and courses table. |
Header Label 2 | See Header Label 1. |
Field 2 | See Field 1. |
Include Term Name | Select the checkbox to display the selected term in the header of the report, such as Term: 2009-2010. |
Break to a new page for each | Use the pop-up menu to indicate how you want page breaks to be applied. Note: Do not run this report for reporting segments if segments are longer than 20 school days. Also, you must have the Reporting Segments option selected above when using this option. |
Page Size | Choose from the pop-up menu the size of the paper on which you want to print this report. To enter a custom size, enter the horizontal and vertical page measurements in the Custom Size fields. |
Page Orientation | Choose the page layout from the pop-up menu. The portrait is a vertical page; the landscape is a horizontal page. |
Scale | The scale is the finished size of the report. Fit more on a page by reducing it by a percentage, but remember to leave it as large as possible for easier viewing. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.
Review additional information about troubleshooting ADA and ADM calculations.
Note: The classes in the report output are ordered first by teacher name and second by expression.
Report Output Format: The report output format for this report is pdf.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
School Name | The school name. | [Schools]Name |
Teacher | The teacher’s name. | [Users]LastFirst |
Course | The course name. | [Courses]Course_Name |
Section | The section number. | [Sections]Section_Number |
Expression | The expression of the section; i.e. the days and periods during which the section meets. | [Sections]Expression |
Header 1 | The text entered at report runtime. | N/A |
Field 1 | The data stored in the table and field entered at report runtime. | N/A |
Header 2 | The text entered at report runtime. | N/A |
Field 2 | The data stored in the table and field entered at report runtime. | N/A |
Term | The name of the term associated with the section. | [Terms]Name [Sections]TermID = [Terms]ID |
Student Name | The student’s name. Note: This field reports the student's name based on whether Preferred Name or Legal Name was chosen in the report parameters or in the security settings for Report Parameter Authorizations. | [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name [S_TN_STU_X]NameSuffix [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix |
Student Number | The report displays the student’s locally assigned student number if the parameter is chosen at report runtime. | [Students]Student_Number [CC]StudentID = [Students]ID |
Grade Level | The student’s grade level. | [Students]Grade_Level |
Entry Date | The day that the student enrolled in the section. | [CC]DateEnrolled |
Exit Date | The day after the student’s last day in the section. | [CC]DateLeft |
Total Mem | The total number of membership days for the student (days the student is enrolled in the school) during the report date range. | [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate |
Total Att | The number of attendance days (days the student was present at the school) for the student during the report date range. | [Attendance]StudentID = [Students]ID [Attendance]Att_Date [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID = [Attendance_Code]ID |
Attendance Records | The report displays the attendance code recorded for the student in the specific section on the appropriate day and period. The report calculates attendance using the meeting mode. If the section meets for more than one period and attendance is recorded for each period/meeting separately, the report uses the attendance code associated with the first period/meeting. For each day, the report verifies that:
**: The student is off track. --: The section and/or the calendar day is not in session. N/E: The student is not enrolled in the section and/or school. | [Attendance]StudentID = [Students]ID [Attendance]Att_Date [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID = [Attendance_Code]ID [Students]EntryDate [Students]ExitDate [CC]DateEnrolled [CC]DateLeft |
Total Membership | The number of membership days for all students enrolled in the section during the report date range. | N/A |
Total Attendance | The number of present attendance days for all students enrolled in the section during the report date range. An attendance record is considered present of the attendance code is associated with a Present presence status. Navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Attendance Codes to view the presence status of attendance codes. | [Attendance]StudentID = [Students]ID [Attendance]Att_Date [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID = [Attendance_Code]ID [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD = Present |