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Descriptor Data (State Codes)

This category captures the descriptors defined by the state and used in subsequent publishing to the state.


The Ed-Fi Descriptor category is used to describe metadata about the descriptors and their structure. It is used to define enumeration vocabularies that are not "fixed" within the XML schema, but are loaded in XML files and linked to their source.

  • Descriptors provide states, districts, vendors, and other users of the Ed-Fi solution with the flexibility to use their own enumerations and code sets without modifying the Ed-Fi core schema.
  • Descriptor values are defined at the state level and downloaded from the state.
  • This information is downloaded and stored in PS publishing tables and used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading to the ODS.
  • As Ed-Fi data is subsequently published to the state, any element flagged in the resource table as a Data Type of "Descriptor" will be output using one of the valid code values specified by the state.

Downloaded Code Set Summary

This view proves a summary of the valid descriptor code sets defined by the state and downloaded into PowerSchool. The view captures the Code Set Name, the Description, number of Code Values Defined, and the Last Update. The download may include Descriptors used in the current Tennessee Ed-Fi implementation, as well as items defined by the state for potential future use. While included in the data view, the number of Code Values Defined and the Last Update are omitted from the list provided below.

Descriptor Name



This descriptor holds the description of the content or subject area of an assessment, for example: arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language.


This descriptor defines variations used in how an assessment is presented or taken.

Achievement Category

This descriptor defines the category of achievement attributed to the student.

Administrative Funding Control

This descriptor holds the type of education institution as classified by its funding source, for example: public or private.

Assessment Period

This descriptor holds the period of time in which an assessment is supposed to be administered, for example, Beginning of Year, Middle of Year, and End of Year.

Attendance Event Category

This descriptor holds the category of the attendance event, for example: tardy.

Behavior Category

This descriptor holds the categories of behavior describing a discipline incident.

Calendar Event

This descriptor holds the types of scheduled or unscheduled event for the day, for example, Instructional day, Teacher-only day, Holiday, Make-up day, Weather day, Student late arrival/early dismissal.

Classroom Position

This descriptor defines the type of position the staff member holds in a specific class/section.

Competency Level

This descriptor defines various levels for assessed competencies, including the competency levels defined to rate the student for a course.

Completion Document

This descriptor defines the various completion documents for students, for example: Regular Diploma, Certificate, GED, and Special Education Diploma.

Completion Document Periods

This descriptor defines the completion document periods for students, for example: early, summer, spring graduation.

Continuation Of Service Reason

In the Migrant Education program, a provision allows continuation of services after a child is no longer considered migratory for certain reasons. This descriptor holds the reasons prescribed in the statute.

Credential Field

This descriptor defines the fields of certification that the SEA offers to teachers.


This descriptor defines diagnoses that interventions are intended to target.


This descriptor defines a student's impairment.

Discipline Reasons

This descriptor defines the type of reason for an action or removal from the classroom used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident.


This descriptor defines the type of action or removal from the classroom used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident.

Employment Status

This descriptor defines the type of employment or contract.

Entry Type

This descriptor defines the process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session.

Exit Withdraw Type

This descriptor defines the circumstances under which the student exited from membership in an educational institution.

Funding Status

This descriptor defines the funding status of the student.

Grade Level

This descriptor defines the set of grade levels.

Grading Period

This descriptor defines the name of the period for which grades are reported.

Graduation Plan Type

This descriptor defines the set of graduation plan types.

Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Types

This descriptor defines the homeless primary nighttime residence types of students.

Instructional Calendar Types

This descriptor defines the types of instructional calendars during the school year, for example: Traditional, Year Round.

Instructional Services

This descriptor holds the description of the Targeted Assistance Instructional Services for students, for example: mathematics, RLA, science, social studies, vocational or other.


This descriptor defines the language(s) spoken or written.


This descriptor defines the grade level(s) certified for teaching.

Level Of Education

This descriptor defines the different levels of education achievable.

Licensure Check Types

This descriptor holds the description of the reason a staff member may not be located on the licensure file, for example: new teacher, ROTC, University, or other.

Limited English Proficiency

This descriptor defines the indications that the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient.

Performance Level

This descriptor defines various levels or thresholds for performance on the assessment.

Program Assignment

This descriptor defines the name of the education program for which a teacher is assigned to a school.

Program Characteristic

This descriptor defines important characteristics of the Program, such as categories or particular indications.

Reason Exited

This descriptor defines the reason a student exited a program.

Reporter Description

This descriptor defines the type of individual who reported an incident.

Residency Status

This descriptor defines indications of the location of a person's legal residence relative to (within or outside) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.


This descriptor defines types of responsibility an education organization may have for a student, for example, accountability, attendance, funding.

Scheduled Day

This descriptor defines the types of scheduled days in an organizations calendar, for example: Monday through Friday, Monday through Saturday.

School Food Service Eligibility

This descriptor defines indications of a student's level of eligibility for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.

Section Characteristics

This descriptor defines characteristics of a section, such as whether attendance is taken and the section is graded.

Separation Reason

This descriptor defines the reasons for terminating the employment.

Special Education Authority

This descriptor defines the types of special education authority for the disciplinary action imposed on a special education student, for example: IEP team decision, removal by hearing officer.

Special Education Setting

This descriptor defines the major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student's special education program).

Staff Classification

This descriptor defines an individual's title of employment, official status, or rank.

Student Characteristic

This descriptor reflects important characteristics of the student's home situation: Displaced Homemaker, Homeless, Immigrant, Migratory, Military Parent, Pregnant Teen, Single Parent, and Unaccompanied Youth.

Support Services

This descriptor defines the types of Targeted Assistance Support Services received by students, for example: guidance, eye card, dental, health, advocacy, other.

Teaching Credential Type

This descriptor defines an indication of the category of a legal document giving authorization to perform teaching assignment services.


This descriptor defines the types of weapon used during an incident.

Downloaded Code Set Values

This view captures a complete list of Descriptor values by code set as provided by the state. Descriptors are used to categorize data for publishing to the state dashboards. The view captures the Code Set Name, Code Value, Description, Effective Begin Date, and Effective End Date (if applicable).

In some cases, local district and/or school codes must be mapped to these state descriptor values in order for data to be successfully published. The Ed-Fi Codeset Mappings page can be found by district personnel on the System Administrator page. If this page contains no data, select [Run Now] on the main dashboard page to request that descriptor code values be downloaded from the state. Other elements shown below may be provided by the state as internal references, but are not displayed in the PowerSchool view.

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