040 – Student
This extract includes a record of demographic data for each active student during the current school year. Edits to 040 student data only generate a current year 040 record if the student has a current year enrollment. To resend 040 data for a previous year the current term year must be set to the previous year and the recreate student transactions function must be used to queue the data before extracting the 040 records.
Note: Editing student data that triggers the 040 record will only generate an event if the student has a current year enrollment. If there is a need to send 040 records for a student from a previous year, the recreate student transactions function must be used.
Report Input
For help with navigation and extract generation, see Create Selected Student Related Extract File.
Extract Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length | Track |
1 | Record ID | The identifier of this record. | Always "040" | 3 | N |
2 | Record Version | The version of this record. | Always "05" | 2 | N |
3 | Record Type | One of the following record types is reported in order to indicate how to modify the state data to match data in PowerSchool. The data in this record either needs to be added to, modified in, or deleted from the state data:
| N/A | 1 | N |
4 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 2 | N |
5 | District ID | The district number. | [Prefs]Value | 3 | N |
6 | School ID | The school number. If the student has a concurrent enrollment, then the concurrent school number is reported, otherwise the primary school number is reported. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number - if populated [Students]Enrollment_SchoolID | 4 | N |
7 | School Year | The four-digit year that the instructional program will be operated to provide instructional services to students. This is the current full year term, as defined using the special operation. See the District Setup > Years & Terms section for more information. | [Terms]FirstDay | 4 | N |
8 | Instructional Program Number | The number used to uniquely identify the program within the school. Valid values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06. If the student has a concurrent enrollment, then the concurrent track is reported, otherwise the primary track is reported. | [Students]Track | 2 | Y |
9 | Student Social Security Number | The student's social security number. | [Students]SSN | 9 | Y |
10 | Student PIN | The student's PIN, if the social security number is not provided or reported. | [S_TN_STU_X]StudentPIN | 9 | Y |
11 | Local Student Key | The internal ID assigned to the student's record in the PowerSchool database. | [Students]ID | 10 | Y |
12 | First Name | The student's first name. Note: If the student’s legal first name is available, then the legal first name is displayed in the report output. | [Students]First_Name | 50 | Y |
13 | Middle Name | The student's middle name, if applicable. Note: If the student’s legal middle name is available, then the legal middle name is displayed in the report output. | [Students]Middle_Name | 30 | Y |
14 | Last Name | The student's last name. Note: If the student’s legal last name is available, then the legal last name is displayed in the report output. | [Students]Last_Name | 50 | Y |
15 | Suffix | The student's legal suffix, if applicable. Note: If the student’s legal suffix is available, then the legal suffix is displayed in the report output. | [Students]Last_Name | 3 | N |
16 | Date of Birth | The student's date of birth. | [Students]DOB | 8 | Y |
17 | Student Previous Social Security Number | The student's previous social security number, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]PrevSSN | 9 | Y |
18 | Student Previous PIN | The student's previously reported PIN, if applicable. | [Students]PrevStudentID | 9 | Y |
19 | Previous First Name | The student's previously reported first name, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]PrevFirstName | 15 | Y |
20 | Previous Middle Name | The student's previously reported middle name, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]PrevMiddleName | 15 | Y |
21 | Previous Last Name | The student's previously reported last name, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]PrevLastName | 25 | Y |
22 | Gender | The student's gender. Valid values:
| [Students]Gender | 1 | Y |
23 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 1 | Y |
24 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 4 | N |
25 | Immigrant Student | Indicates whether the student is an immigrant. Valid values:
| [S_TN_STU_X]ImmigrantStudent | 1 | Y |
26 | Date First Enrolled in a US School | The first day the student enrolled in a school in the United States. Note: This field is only required for immigrant students. | [S_TN_STU_X]DateFirstEnrolledInUSSchool | 8 | Y |
27 | Year Entered Ninth Grade | The year the student enrolled in the ninth grade. For example, if the student was promoted to the ninth grade during the 2007-2008 school year, the value reported is 2007. | [S_TN_STU_X]YearEnteredNinthGrade | 4 | Y |
28 | Native Language | The student's native language code. | [S_TN_STU_X]NativeLanguage | 3 | Y |
29 | State Assigned Student ID | The student's state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_Studentnumber | 9 | Y |
30 | Mother's Maiden Last Name | The maiden name of the student's mother. | [S_TN_STU_X]MothersMaidenName | 25 | Y |
31 | City of Birth | The student's city of birth. | [S_TN_STU_X]CityOfBirth | 30 | Y |
32 | County of Birth Code | The student's county of birth, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]CountyBirthCode | 3 | Y |
33 | State of Birth Code | The student's state or province of birth, if applicable. | [S_TN_STU_X]StateBirthCode | 2 | Y |
34 | Country of Birth Code | The student's country of birth. | [S_TN_STU_X]CountryBirthCode | 2 | Y |
35 | Hispanic | The student's ethnicity | [Students]FedEthnicity | 1 | Y |
36 | Asian | The student's race | [Students]FedRaceDecline | 1 | Y |
37 | American Indian Alaskan Native | The student's race | [Students]FedRaceDecline | 1 | Y |
38 | Black or African American | The student's race | [Students]FedRaceDecline | 1 | Y |
39 | White | The student's race | [Students]FedRaceDecline | 1 | Y |
40 | SPID | This is the State Person ID generated by the TN-Ed-Fi person identity application. | cst_pubuniqueidstudent.uniqueid (where psid=students.dcid) | 9 | Y |
41 | English Language Background | The student’s English language background. | [S_TN_STU_X]ELB [S_TN_REN_X]TN_ELB | 1 | |
42 | Filler | N/A | N/A | 11 | N |