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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282157All States/Provinces: Health Info Report - Student Contacts Update

Health Info Report: Version 1.1

The report is now updated to pull the data from Student Contacts.

PSSR-300101All States/Provinces: New - Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search

A new “Digital Equity & Learning Preference Search” link is added to the special functions page and will allow users to search for Digital Equity & Learning Preference records using configurable filters.

PSSR-274766All States/Provinces: Report Works Startup Updates

The config files have been modified and are now only called through the re-initialization cycle. This will improve SRP startup times and avoid previously reported failures.

PSSR-275058All States/Provinces: Sub Teachers Portal Honors the Pref "Prevent Attendance Page Submit If Blank"

When the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" pref is checked on the Attendance Preferences page on the admin portal, the Sub Teacher is not able to submit attendance if blank attendance is used for Single day attendance and Seating Chart.

PSSR-302634Authorization error issue resolved in the Student Classification page.

The authorization error encountered during editing of the classification records has been resolved.

PSSR-301775Discipline Letters - Values Saving to Incorrect Field

The Discipline Letter Edit page has been updated and will now store values to the correct fields.

PSSR-302911Entry code E2 included in Director's Membership/Attendance, Director's Membership/Attendance Audit and End Of Month Membership By School and District Report

The following reports are updated to include students with the entry code E2:

  • Director's Membership/Attendance, version: 3.3
  • Director's Membership/Attendance Audit, version: 2.9
  • End Of Month Membership By School and District, version: 1.7
PSSR-299287Error When Downloading State Courses

To prevent an error when downloading the state courses, bullet characters are replaced with a hyphen ('-') in the Course Description.

PSSR-270501Performance Improvement - clubmembership - using direct table access

The studentclubmembership page is revamped with direct table access instead of virtual tables for Performance Improvement.

PSSR-270502Performance Improvement - ConcurrentEnrollments - using direct table access

The Concurrent Enrollment page is revamped with direct table access instead of virtual tables for Performance Improvement.

PSSR-270499Performance Improvement - instructprognumb - using direct table access

The studentclubmembership page is revamped with direct table access instead of virtual tables for Performance Improvement.

PSSR-299087Student Federal Race and Ethnicity Field has been made Read Only

TN State-specific ‘Student Federal Race and Ethnicity’ field has been changed to Read-only. This will be updated from the Student Demographics Page Race fields. This prevents blank entries from being imported and overwriting the data.

PSSR-302546TN - Unable To Save Homeless Non-Lunch Classification

The Save issue in creating new Classifications for Homeless Non-Lunch Classification has been resolved.

PSSR-301823EIS 040 Missing Students With No SSN or PIN

Students with a state number but no SSN or PIN are now pulled into the EIS 040 extract as expected, both Create and ReCreate.

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