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Teaching Method Codes

The EIS - 030 Class Section extract uses the following codes:






Distance Learning (other than on-line)


Asynchronous Virtual Course - a fully online/virtual course in which a student can progress independently through the coursework and does not require students to attend regularly scheduled (daily/every other day) virtual classes with a teacher. 

SSynchronous Virtual Course - a fully online/virtual course in which a student can progress independently through the coursework and requires students to attend regularly scheduled (daily/every other day) virtual classes with a teacher.
BBisynchronous Virtual Course - a fully online/virtual course utilizing a mixture of asynchronous and synchronous instruction.

Hybrid Virtual Course - a course that offers primarily virtual instruction (asynchronous, synchronous, or bisynchronous) and requires students to periodically attend class-in person within a brick-and-mortar location. 

OOn-line (no longer used)
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