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Unique Person Identifiers (Unique IDs)

All Ed-Fi categories and resources that carry data containing staff, students, or student contacts must include a reference to the corresponding Unique ID for that person. Unique IDs must therefore be assigned before any related data can be published to the state. The assignment of any missing Unique IDs is automatically managed by the Ed-Fi publishing process.
When data is published to the state, the Ed-Fi publishing process checks for missing Unique IDs, and automatically requests any needed Unique IDs from the State in real time. The state-assigned Unique IDs are then stored in Ed-Fi publishing tables for subsequent use.

Within the Ed-Fi Reporting Page views for Staff Demographics, Student Demographics, and Student Contacts, users can verify the current status of Unique IDs that have been assigned, that are unassigned, or those that are in the requesting process.

Unique Person Identifiers for Students

For Tennessee, the Student Unique ID is not stored in a regular PowerSchool table, but is held in the following Ed-Fi publishing table, and is referenced whenever student data is published or updated to the state ODS: [CST_PubUniqueIdStudent]UniqueId.

To view the current status of Student Unique IDs, navigate to Reports > System Reports > Ed-Fi Reporting > Student Demographic Data > Data Views > Student State Number Status.
To view a student's Unique ID within PowerSchool, navigate to: Student >State/Province – TN > Ed-Fi Information > State Assigned Unique Person ID.

Unique Person Identifiers for Staff

This category provides views related to Staff Unique IDs. For Tennessee, the Staff Unique ID is not stored in a regular PowerSchool table, but is held in the following Ed-Fi publishing table: [CST_PubUniqueIdStaff]UniqueId.
To view a staff member's Unique Person ID, navigate to Reports > System Reports > Ed-Fi Reporting > Staff Demographics > Data Views > Staff Published > Staff Unique ID Status.

To view a staff member's Unique Person ID within PowerSchool, navigate to: Staff > Information > Ed-Fi Information> State Assigned Unique Person ID.

Unique Person Identifiers for Student Contacts

For Tennessee, the Student Contact Unique ID is held in the STATE_CONTACTNUMBER field in the S_CONTACTS_S extended schema table. For Ed-Fi purposes, it is also held in the following Ed-Fi publishing table, and is reference whenever student contact data is published or updated to the state ODS: [CST_PubUniqueIdParent]UniqueId.

To view a student contact Unique Person ID within PowerSchool, navigate to: Start Page > Contacts > Contact Information > State Contact Number or State Assigned Unique Person ID.

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