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Student Setup


The following data elements are required for state reporting.

To perform student-specific tasks:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Entering General Demographics


Name (Last, First Midde)

Enter the student’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName









040 – Student

Roster of Graduates

XAP Student Transcript

Export Club Membership

Export Student Classification




An appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family; required if applicable.

Field Name Suffix, for Generational Code Suffix (Roman Numerals 1-5; Jr and Sr).

These values are hardcoded so that when the field values are entered or updated, the data updates on all the pages. 



040 – Student

Legal Name (Last, First Midde

If legal name is enabled, the legal last, first, and middle name fields appear along with the suffix field.

Enter the student’s legal name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName

If the name and legal name are same, the user can click the Copy button next to the field. This legal last, first, and middle names along with the suffix will be populated with values from the name field.

The user can change the legal names and suffix if required.

Note: The same behavior is implemented in the Enroll New student page. 

[StudentCoreFields] Pscore_Legal_Last_Name

[StudentCoreFields] Pscore_Legal_First_Name

[StudentCoreFields] Pscore_Legal_Middle_Name

040 – Student

Roster of Graduates

XAP Student Transcript

Export Club Membership

Export Student Classification

SuffixThe suffix associated with the legal name.
3040 – Student

Home Address

Enter the student’s home address.











XAP Student Transcript

Mailing Address

If applicable, enter the student’s mailing address.











Home Phone

Enter the student’s home phone number.





XAP Student Transcript


Enter the student’s date of birth.



040 – Student

XAP Student Transcript


Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify ethnicity (District level setting), then select this value, if appropriate.

Valid Values:

  • 0 – No, not Hispanic or Latino (default)
  • 1 – Yes, Hispanic or Latino
  • 2 – Decline to specify (if used)



Not Required


Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race

Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category.

If you set up the option to allow the student to decline to specify race, then select this value, if appropriate.




Not Required


Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

Choose the student’s ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports.



040 – Student

Preliminary School Report

End of Month Membership

Annual Dropout

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Report of 12th Graders

SPED Report of 12th Graders

XAP Student Transcript

Net Enrollment



Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • F – Female
  • M – Male



040 – Student

Preliminary School Report

End of Month Membership

Director’s Monthly/ Annual
Membership/ Attendance

Annual Dropout

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Report of 12th Graders

SPED Report of 12th Graders

Net Enrollment

XAP Student Transcript



Enter the student’s social security number.



All Student Extracts
(040 – 052, 080-082)


Student Number

Enter the locally assigned student number.



Required Setup

XAP Student Transcript


Defining Parent/Guardian Information


Mother’s Name

Enter the mother’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName



XAP Student Transcript


Father’s Name

Enter the father’s name.

Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName



XAP Student Transcript


Guardian’s Name

Enter the guardian’s name.







XAP Student Transcript


Entering Student Contact Information

TN Contacts

The TN Contacts page is used to associate a student with a contact. TN Contacts are used to collect and report Responsible Party information to Ed-Fi in the Parent and StudentParentAssociation interchanges. TN Contacts are managed using the TN Contacts tab on the Start Page, and associated with students from either the TN Contacts > Edit Contact screen or the Contacts Student screen.

Click Add Contact Relationship to associate a student with a contact.


Enter the name of the contact to be associated with a student.

The contact name associated with the student is displayed, but the value stored in the field is the contact’s ID.





Enter the contact’s relationship to the student.




Primary Contact

Indicates whether the associated contact is the primary contact for the student.




Entering Tennessee State Information

State/Province – Tennessee

State Student Number

Enter the state assigned student ID.



All Student Extracts
(040 – 052, 080-082)

Transitional Grade

Check transitional grade if the student should be reported as having a transitional grade level.

If this checkbox is selected, then the student’s school enrollment grade level is extracted with a “T”, such as T5.




043 –Student Instructional Grade

080 – Student Final Grade

Preliminary School Report

This Student’s Standard Day

Enter the number of minutes the student is in school for a regular school day.



Vocational Monthly and Annual
FTEADA Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual
FTEADM Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual FTE ADA/ADM Audit

Director's Monthly/Annual Membership/Attendance

Director's Monthly/Annual Membership/Attendance Audit

047 – Student Standard Day

Student PIN (Current)

Enter the student PIN. This number is a unique identifier provided by the school if the social security number is not provided. See Report SSN in District Setup for more detail.



All Student Extracts
(040 – 052, 080-082)

Exclude from State Reporting

Select the checkbox to exclude the student from Tennessee extracts.



Preliminary School Report

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Student Federal Race and Ethnicity – Custom Field for EasyIEP

Custom field for EasyIEP reporting. The ethnicity and race of a student selected on the Demographics page is captured in this field in a comma separated list. A trigger exists on the Demographics page that updates the this custom field.

This field is read-only.

If additional assistance is required in setting up autosend to report data to EasyIEP, contact PCG.

Note: The state province page must be submitted one time after updating to the 7.9 release to create the TN_FRE custom field.

The Tennessee Refresh Federal Race and Ethnicity Data report is also available to update this data. You can run or schedule the report to update data in this field.


Autosend export to EasyIEP

Inst Service Period Type of Service

Choose the type of service for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • N/A
  • P – Primary Provider Where Student is Enrolled
  • S – Selective Services Only (Visiting Student)

Note: This value can also be entered for an individual school enrollment on the Transfer Info (Edit Current/Previous Enrollment) page. A different value may be entered for each school enrollment. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is the same as the value for the current school enrollment.

A value of S is always reported for concurrent enrollments.




041 – Student Enrollment

English Language Background

Choose the student’s English language background for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • L – English Language Learner
  • N – Non-English Language
  • E – English Native
  • 1 – Transitional 1 (the 1st year after scoring fluent in English)
  • 2 – Transitional 2 (the 2nd year after scoring fluent in English)
  • 3 - Transitional 3 (the 3 d year after scoring fluent in English)
  • 4 - Transitional 4 (the 4 th year after scoring fluent in English)
  • F – Former English Language Learner
  • W – Waived ELL Services

Note: This value can be entered for each individual school enrollment on the Transfer Info (Edit Current/Previous Enrollment) page. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is same as the value for the current school enrollment.




041 – Student Enrollment

Native Language

Native language uses smart search functionality. Type either the three-digit code or the student’s native language to select the native language from the list of options provided.

Note: If English Language Background is 'E', then Native Language must be ENG. If English Language Background is not 'E', then Native Language must not be ENG.



040 – Student

Immigrant Student

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether this student is an immigrant.



040 – Student

Date First Enrolled in a US School

Enter the date that the student first enrolled in a school in the US.

Note: This field only applies to immigrant students.



040 – Student

Course of Study

Choose the student’s course of study for this enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • N/A
  • Technical
  • University
  • Dual

Note: This value can also be entered for an individual school enrollment on the Transfer Info (Edit Current/Previous Enrollment) page. A different value may be entered for each school enrollment. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is same as the value for the current school enrollment.




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Primary Night Time Residence

Choose the student’s applicable homeless status.

Valid values:

  • (00) Not Homeless
  • (01) Shelters, Transitional Housing, Awaiting foster Care
  • (02) Doubled Up
  • (03) Unsheltered
  • (04) Hotels/Motels




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Served by McKinney - Vento

Choose the student’s applicable homeless served status.

Valid values:

  • (Y) Served by McKinney-Nento
  • (N) Not served by McKinney-Nento




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

Choose the student’s applicable homeless unaccompanied status.

Valid values:

  • (Y) Homeless and unaccompanied
  • (N) Homeless but not unaccompanied




041 – Student Enrollment

Immunization Record on File

Select to indicate that immunizations are specified for the student.

Note: The same value is stored as part of the student's enrollment information.


041 – Student Enrollment

The EIS 041 extract pulls the data from these fields if the district selection is set to Student Pages. Else the extract pulls from the Health module.


Medical (M) - Select to indicate student is medically waived.

Religious (R) - Select to indicate student is religiously waived.  

Note: The same value is stored as part of the student's enrollment information.




Funding Ineligibility Status

Choose the student’s funding ineligibility status from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • 0 – Not Excluded
  • 1 – Excluded – Out-off-State
  • 2 – Excluded – I20 Student



042 – Student Ineligibility Funding

Director’s Monthly/ Annual
Membership/ Attendance

Transportation ADT

Funding Ineligibility Begin Date

Enter the student’s funding ineligibility begin date.



042 – Student Ineligibility Funding

Funding Ineligibility End Date

Enter the student’s funding ineligibility end date.



042 – Student Ineligibility Funding

Year Entered Ninth Grade

Enter the year that the student enrolled in the ninth grade.



040 – Student

Document Type

Choose a document type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • 1 - Regular Diploma
  • 2 - Honors Diploma (no longer used)
  • 3 - Special Education Diploma
  • 4 - High School Certificate (no longer used)
  • 5 - No Diploma, Senior But Did Not Complete (no longer used)
  • 6 - GED
  • 8 - Alternate Academic Diploma
  • 11 - Regular Diploma with Foreign Language Waiver

  • 12 - Regular Diploma with Fine Arts Waiver

  • 13 - Regular Diploma with Foreign Language and Fine Arts Waiver



051 – Student End of Service

Promotions & Retentions

Roster of Graduates

Report of 12th Graders

SPED Report of 12th Graders

XAP Student Transcript

Graduation Period

Choose a graduation period from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • 3 – Early
  • 1 – Spring
  • 2 – Summer



051 – Student End of Service

Report of 12th Graders

SPED Report of 12th Graders

Completion Documentation Date

Enter the date that documentation was completed for the student’s graduation.

Note: This field is required for end-of-year processing.



051 – Student End of Service

Roster of Graduates

End of Service Action Taken

Choose an end of service action from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • P – Promoted
  • R – Retained
  • D – Demoted

Note: This field is required for end-of-year processing.



051 – Student End of Service

Promotions & Retentions

First Name (Previous)

Enter the student’s previous first name, if applicable.



040 – Student

Middle Name (Previous)

Enter the student’s previous middle name, if applicable.



040 – Student

Last Name (Previous)

Enter the student’s previous last name, if applicable.



040 – Student

Social Security Number (Previous)

Enter the student’s previous social security number.



040 – Student

Student PIN (Previous)

Enter the student’s previous student PIN.



040 – Student

Mother’s Maiden Name

Enter the maiden name of the student’s mother.



040 – Student

Student’s City of Birth

Enter the student’s city of birth.



040 – Student

Birth Country

Choose the student’s birth country from the pop-up menu.



040 – Student

Birth State/Province

Choose the student’s birth state or province from the pop-up menu, if available for their country of birth.



040 – Student

Birth County

Choose the student’s birth county from the pop-up menu, if available for their city of birth.



040 – Student

Defining Non-Lunch Classifications

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s non-lunch related classification > Edit/New

Classification Type

Choose the classification type for this student from the pop-up menu.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Classification Begin Date

Enter the date that classification began for the student.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Classification End Date

Enter the date that the classification no longer applies to the student.

Note: Do not enter the last day of the school year when setting up classifications. This value can be left blank if the classification remains active throughout the school year.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification


Choose the school associated with this classification from the pop-up menu.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Defining Lunch Classifications

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s lunch related classification > Edit/New

Classification Type

Choose the classification type for this student from the pop-up menu.

[S_TN_STU_LunchClassification_C] ClassificationType


044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Classification Begin Date

Enter the date that classification began for the student.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Classification End Date

Enter the date that the classification no longer applies to the student.

Note: Do not enter the last day of the school year when setting up classifications.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification


Choose the school associated with this classification from the pop-up menu.



044 – Student Classification

Preliminary School Report

Export Student Classification

Defining CTSO Memberships

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s club membership > Edit/New


Choose the student’s CTSO membership from the pop-up menu.



052 – Student CTSO Membership

Export CTSO Membership

CTSO Membership Begin Date

Enter the first day of the student’s CTSO membership.



052 – Student CTSO Membership

Export CTSO Membership

CTSO Membership End Date

Enter the last day of the student’s CTSO membership.

Note: Do not enter the last day of the school year when setting up CTSO membership.



052 – Student CTSO Membership

Export CTSO Membership

CTSO ChapterIDChapter ID (name or number) assigned by the National CTSO.[S_TN_STU_ClubMembership_C]TN_Club_ChapterID20

052 – Student CTSO Membership

Export CTSO Membership

CTSO MembershipIDStudent membership ID assigned by the National CTSO.[S_TN_STU_ClubMembership_C]TN_Club_MembershipID9

052 – Student CTSO Membership

Export CTSO Membership

Defining TA Instructional Services

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s TA Instructional Services > Edit/New

Assistance ID

Choose the TA Assistance Service type from the pop-up menu.



081 – TA Instructional Assistance

Assistance Begin Date

Enter the TA Assistance Service begin date.



081 – TA Instructional Assistance

Assistance End Date

Enter the TA Assistance Service end date.



081 – TA Instructional Assistance

Defining TA Support Assistance Services

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s TA support assistance services > Edit/New

Assistance ID

Choose the student’s support assistance service from the pop-up menu.



082 – Student TA Support Services

Begin Date

Enter the date the service began.



082 – Student TA Support Services

End Date

Enter the date the service ended.



082 – Student TA Support Services

Entering Concurrent Enrollments

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to Create/Edit this student’s Concurrent School Enrollments > Edit/New

Concurrent School

Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu. This field stores the school ID for the student’s concurrent school.

Create a concurrent enrollment to track services the student receives at a school other than their primary school. A student may have a concurrent school enrollment at the same time as their primary school enrollment. The concurrent enrollment should be created while logged into the student’s primary school of enrollment.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.

Note: To properly report classes enrolled at other schools (concurrent enrollment classes) the permanently store grades process must include the following options under the “Options for classes enrolled at other schools”:

  • Store grades for classes enroll at “All schools”
  • Record the name of “This school”

[S_TN_STU_ConcurrentEnroll_C] ConcurrentSchoolID


040 – Student

041 – Student Enrollment

042 – Student Ineligibility Funding

043 – Student Instructional Grade

044 – Student Classification

050 – Student Withdrew

Entry Date

Enter the date that the concurrent school enrollment began.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.



041 – Student Enrollment

043 – Student Instructional Grade

Entry Code

Select the appropriate enrollment reason code from the drop-down list for the concurrent school enrollment. Refer to Entry/Enrollment Codes.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.



041 – Student Enrollment

Primary SchoolID

Enter the primary/home school number for the timeframe of this enrollment.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.



041 – Student Enrollment

Primary DOR

Choose the student’s primary district of residence from the pop-up menu.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.



041 – Student Enrollment


Choose the appropriate instructional program number from the pop-up menu.

Valid values: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06.

Note: This field is not editable once submitted.



040 – Student

041 – Student Enrollment

042 – Student Ineligibility Funding

043 – Student Instructional Grade

044 – Student Classification

050 – Student Withdrew

Exit Date

Enter the date that the concurrent school enrollment ended.



050 – Student Withdraw

Exit Code

Choose the appropriate withdraw reason code from the pop-up menu for the concurrent school enrollment.



050 – Student Withdraw

Student's Standard DayEnter the number of minutes the student is in school for a regular school day.[S_TN_STU_ConcurrentEnroll_C] StudentStandardDay3047 – Student Standard Day

Entering Special Education Information

State/Province – Tennessee > Click HERE to View this student’s Special Education Information

Note: Customer managed information is only used if the use the EDPlan import is enabled. This is a customer set value used for reporting purposes. Detail under General information and Option Details only appears if using the EDPlan Import.

Entering Customer-Managed Information

Customer Managed Information

Student is in a Vocational Class Outside IEP

Select Yes or No if the student has a vocational class outside IEP.

Note: Only select the “Student in a Vocational Class Outside IEP” if using the EDPlan import. If not using the EDPlan import, then continue using special programs to enter special options and vocational outside IEP class information.

This is required to calculate a grade N student.

If all vocational class fall outside the IEP then setting the value to yes is adequate. If only specific classes are outside the IEP then enter the course numbers individually using the New IEP Course Button.

Note: The Student is in a Vocational Class Outside IEP must be set and save to yes before the “New IEP Course” button is available.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Vocational Monthly and Annual
FTEADA Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual
FTEADM Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual FTE ADA/ADM Audit

New IEP Course

This is used to enter course numbers and the school year for vocational classes outside of a student’s IEP and is required when the student in enrolled in vocational class that fall in the student’s IEP.

Note: The value for “Student is in a Vocational Class Outside IEP” must be set and saved as Yes before the New IEP Course button is available.





CTE FTE ADA and ADM reports.

Entering General Information

General Information

Note: This detail is read-only and for information purposes only. Data will only appear if using the EDPlan import.

Disability Code

Displays the most recent disability code.




Disability Abbreviation

Displays the most recent disability abbreviation.




Initial Written Parental Permission to Assess

Initial written parental permission to assess date




Eligibility Date

Displays the current eligibility date or the three year reevaluation date.




Late IEP Date

Displays the last IEP start date.




IEP End Date

Displays the last IEP end date.




Defining Option Details

Option Details


  • This data is read-only. The Student > Functions > Transfer Out of School function will allow active options to be exited when the student is transferred out of school.
  • When a student’s options are exited out of school the data be overwritten with the next EDPlan import. The student’s options must be updated in EDPlan to keep the data from returning to its previous state, prior to be exited in PowerSchool.


Indicates the option type. Options are Primary or Secondary.



See EDPlan Setup or Tennessee Reports in PowerSchool  for a complete list of impacted reports.


Indicates the option value. Option values are 01-10.



See EDPlan Setup or Tennessee Reports in PowerSchool for a complete list of impacted reports.


The start date of the indicated option.



See EDPlan Setup or Tennessee Reports in PowerSchool  for a complete list of impacted reports.


The end date of the indicated option.



See EDPlan Setup or Tennessee Reports in PowerSchool  for a complete list of impacted reports.

Entering Transportation Information

Transportation > Edit/New Transportation Entry


  • Do not delete a transportation record unless it was entered by mistake. If a student’s bus number changes, add the end date to the existing “To” and “From” records and create new entries.
  • For reporting transported students on the 049 Student Attendance extract, you may decide not to use transportation records or override existing transportation records. To designate the student as transported, assign an attendance code that is associated with Transport attendance code category. The attendance code must also be associated with either the Excused or Unexcused attendance code category. See School Setup for more attendance setup information. See the 049 – Student Attendance EIS extract for more information on how the transportation status is determined.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the bus route.

Note: Changes to the start date of a transportation record trigger an 045 edit record to be generated in the StateEventQueue.



045 – Student Transportation

Transportation ADT

End Date

Enter the end date of the bus route. The end date is used to properly report “Present for Transportation,” i.e. the student was absent for the day, but had at least 1 minute of Daily attendance, or was present either the first or last period for Meeting attendance, and had a Transportation table record for the attendance date.

Note: Changes to the end date of a transportation record trigger an 045 edit record to be generated in the StateEventQueue.



045 – Student Transportation

Transportation ADT

From/To School

Choose From School or To School from the pop-up menu.



Transportation ADT

Transportation Type

Choose a transportation type from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • R – Regular School Transportation
  • RS – Spec Educ on Regular School Trans
  • SS – Spec Educ on Spec Needs Trans



Transportation ADT

Bus Number -  Select bus from district bus list

Select the number of the bus used for the bus route.

The values in the pop-up menu are populated from the current year entries on Start Page > District Setup > District Information > District Bus Information.




045 – Student Transportation

Transportation ADT


Enter accurate miles in the “Distance Travelled in Miles” at the bottom of the transportation page or you can enter the distance traveled and choose Miles from the pop-up menu. The pop-up only allows whole miles where the “Distance Travelled in Miles” allows for incremental mileage entry.

[S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled or [Transportation]Distance if is not used [S_TN_TRN_X]Distance Travelled


045 – Student Transportation

Transportation ADT

Linking Indicator

Multiple transportation entries require a linking indicator. “To” and “From” bus route pairs must have the same linking indicator option. For example: The first “To” and “From” bus route may have a linking indicator of “A”, the next “To” and “From” bus route would then have the linking indicator “B” selected. The sets of bus route start and end dates should not overlap.

Note: If applicable to this student, create two transportation records, one for the AM bus and one for the PM bus.



045 – Student Transportation

Verifying Attendance Information


Note: When using Time-To-Day (Daily) attendance, you must enter an attendance code for the student for the class. The attendance code is automatically converted to the correct number of present or absent minutes for the day, based on the attendance conversion. By default, the total number of attendance minutes is greater than zero for present attendance and zero for absent attendance. The exception occurs when time attendance is edited on the student’s Attendance page, and Time In and Time Out are entered for absent attendance.


Verify that attendance data is entered for the student.

When using Daily attendance, the student must have greater than zero minutes of attendance to be considered absent but present for transportation on the 049 Student Attendance extract.

When using Meeting/Period Attendance, the student is considered absent on the 049 Student Attendance extract if they are assigned an attendance code with a Presence Status of “Absent” for more than 50% of the day. For example, if there are seven periods in the day, the student must be absent for at least four periods. If there are eight periods, the student must be absent for at least five periods

Note: For reporting transported students on the 049 Student Attendance extract, you may decide not to use transportation records to calculate absent (for school) status, but present for transportation. To override existing transportation records, designate the student as transported, assign an attendance code that is associated with the Transport attendance code category. The attendance code must also be associated with either the Excused or Unexcused attendance code category.

See School Setup for more attendance setup information. See the 049 – Student Attendance EIS extract for more information on how the transportation status is determined.



049 – Student Attendance

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Director’s Monthly/ Annual
Membership/ Attendance



Defining Log Entries

Log Entries

Date & Time

Enter the log entry date & time.




046 – Student Disciplinary Action


Enter the name of the staff member who created the log entry. This field is automatically populated with the staff member name for the user logged into PowerSchool while creating the log entry record.



Not Required

Log Type

Choose the log entry type from the pop-up menu.

Note: There are no specific log types for Tennessee. It is recommended to use Discipline for 046 – Student Disciplinary Action log entries.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action


Not Required.



Not Required


Not Required.



Not Required


Not Required.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Log Entry Text

Not Required.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Action Type (Action Taken)

Choose the action taken from the pop-up menu.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Discipline Action Taken Detail

Choose the appropriate action taken detail from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • S – Out of School Suspension
  • I – In-School Suspension
  • R – Remandment-Alternative
  • E – Expelled



Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Action Date

Enter the date that the disciplinary action began.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Action Taken End Date

Enter the date that the disciplinary action ended.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Primary Reason (Incident Type Category)

Choose the incident type category from the pop-up menu.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Incident Date

Enter the date that the incident occurred.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Zero Tolerance Indicator

Indicates if the act falls under a zero tolerance policy.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

SE Modified Action

Indicate if the Action is modified as a result of Special Education status.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

SE Disciplinary Action Authority

Indicate if the SE Disciplinary Action Authority is involved.



046 – Student Disciplinary Action

Staff Reference Association

Staff reference association sent with Discipline information when reporting log entries to Ed-Fi


Log Reporting

Entering Stored Grades

Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade

Historical Grades > New Single Entry

School Name

Enter or view the school at which the course was completed.



Not Required


School year (Term)

Enter or view the term during which the course was completed.



080 – Student Final Grade


Store Code

Enter or view the store code associated with this grade.

One of the following values must be used for the 080 – Student Final Grade extract, in order to correctly identify the term during which the class was taken:

S1 – Semester 1

S2 – Semester 2

T1 – Trimester 1

T2 – Trimester 2

T3 – Trimester 3

Q1 – Quarter 1

Q2 – Quarter 2

Q3 – Quarter 3

Q4 – Quarter 4

Y1 – Year Long (Reported as YR in the 080 extract)

U1 – Summer School (Reported as SU in the 080 extract)



080 – Student Final Grade

Ed-Fi: CourseTranscript

Historical Grade Level

Enter or view the grade level the student was enrolled in when the grade was awarded.



080 – Student Final Grade


XAP Student Transcript

Course number – Section number (New Stored Grade page)

Enter or view the course and section number associated with the stored grade.


  • When entering a stored grade that is not associated to a student section enrollment, such as private or out-of-state transfer grades, submit only the course number, leaving the course name and section number blank.
  • Course number is a required field when entering historical grades from an out-of-state or a private institution.




080 – Student Final Grade


Associated Section (Edit Stored Grade page)

View the section associated with the stored grade.



080 – Student Final Grade

Required Setup

Course Number (Edit Stored Grade page)

Enter or view the course number associated with the stored grade.



080 – Student Final Grade


XAP Student Transcript

Course Name

Enter or view the name of the course associated with the stored grade.

Note: When entering a stored grade that is not associated to a student section enrollment, such as private or out-of-state transfer grades, submit only the course number, leaving the course name and section number blank.



Not Required


XAP Student Transcript

Associated grade scale (Edit Stored Grade page)

View the grade scale associated with the course. The grade scale is assigned on at the course level.



Not Required


Enter or view the alpha grade.

Note: Both an alpha and a numeric grade must be entered for each final grade reported in 080 – Student Final Grade.



080 – Student Final Grade


GPA Points

Enter or view the grade points.




XAP Student Transcript


Enter or view the numeric grade.

Note: Both an alpha and a numeric grade must be entered for each final grade reported in 080 – Student Final Grade.



080 – Student Final Grade


XAP Student Transcript

Earned Credit Hours

Enter or view the number of credits awarded for the course.



080 – Student Final Grade


XAP Student Transcript

Potential Credit Hours

Enter or view the number of credits available to be awarded for the course.



080 – Student Final Grade


XAP Student Transcript

GPA Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from GPA calculations.




XAP Student Transcript

Class Rank Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from class rank calculations.




Honor Roll Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from honor roll calculations.




Graduation Calculation

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from graduation calculations.



Graduation Plan

Display on Transcript

Select or view the option to include in or exclude from the transcript.




Teacher Comment

Enter or view the teacher comment.




Private Paid or Out of State Transfer Status

Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the stored grade is associated with a private paid or out-of-state transfer course.



080 – Student Final Grade

Exclude from EIS Student Final Grades report

Select the checkbox to exclude this grade record from the EIS report.



080 – Student Final Grade

Transitional Grade

Select the checkbox to indicate that the student’s transitional grade level should be reported for this historical grade.

If this checkbox is selected, the grade level for this historical grade is extracted with a “T”, such as T10 for 10th grade.



080 – Student Final Grade

Verifying Enrollments

All Enrollments


Information about the class of enrollment.








048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Vocational Annual FTEADA



Enroll Date

Enter the enroll date.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Vocational Annual FTEADA


Exit Date

Enter the exit date.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Vocational Annual FTEADA


Enrolling the Student in Special Programs

Special Programs

Note: Special Programs provides filtering for those customers who have Ed-Fi enabled. These filters are Ed-Fi Programs, Non Ed-Fi Programs, and Ed-Fi Cohorts. Selecting one or more of these filters alters any page with filtering, including display pages and new and edit pages, so that only Special Programs of the selected type are available.

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the special program.

Note: Enter the first day of special program enrollment.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

End of Month Membership

Monthly SPED Options

Promotions & Retentions

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Annual Dropout

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Vocational Annual FTEADA

Annual SPED Options


Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the special program.

Note: Enter the day after the last day of special program enrollment.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

End of Month Membership

Monthly SPED Options

Promotions & Retentions

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Annual Dropout

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Vocational Annual FTEADA

Annual SPED Options


Choose the program type for the special program from the pop-up menu.

For Tennessee reports, special education students must be enrolled in a special program with the name Option 01, Option 02, Option 03, Option 04, Option 05, Option 06, Option 07, Option 08, Option 09, or Option 10.

To be included in vocational reports, students must be enrolled in a special program with the name Option 07, Option 08, or Option 09.

Note: There is no specific special program name for Tennessee extracts.



048 – Student Class Assignment

Preliminary School Report

Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

End of Month Membership

Monthly SPED Options

Promotions & Retentions

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Annual Dropout

Suspension, Expulsion & Remands

Vocational Annual FTEADA

Annual SPED Options


Choose the option type from the pop-up menu.

See Option Codes for a table of possible primary and secondary option combinations.

For Ed-Fi enabled district this value only displays if the Program value is “Option”



Director's Annual Special Education Options by Primary & Secondary ADM Report

Director's Monthly Special Education Options by Primary & Secondary ADM Report

Consulting (High School Only)

Not Required.

For Ed-Fi enabled district this value only displays if the Program value is “Option”



Not Required

Vocational Outside IEP Course Number(s)

Enter the course numbers for vocational courses in which the student is enrolled. Separate multiple course numbers with commas.

For special education students to be included in the vocational reports, this value must be A12, FCS, FCSO, HS, TI, TEE, BT, ME, CA, or VOCM.

For Ed-Fi enabled district this value only displays if the Program value is “Option”



048 – Student Class Assignment

Vocational Monthly and Annual FTEADA Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual FTEADM Summary

Vocational Monthly and Annual FTE ADA/ADM Audit

Reason Exited

Indicates reason the student exited the program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Served Outside Of Regular Session

Indicate if the student served outside of the regular session.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

CTE Career Pathway Type

Indicates the CTE career pathway type for the student program, if a CTE type program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation


Indicate the CTE CIP code for the student program, if a CTE type program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

CTE Primary Program Indicator

Indicate the CTE Primary Program indicator, if a CTE type program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

CTEProgram Completion Indicator

Indicate the CTE program completion indicator for the student, if a CTE type program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Title I Part A Type

Indicate the Title 1 part A type for the student, if a title 1 type program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant Priority For Services

Indicate the migrant priority status for services, if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant Last Qualifying Move Date

Indicate the migrant last qualifying move date, if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant Continuation of Service Reason

Indicate the migration continuation of service reason if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant US Initial Entry

Indicate the migrant US initial entry date, if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant US Most Recent Entry

Indicate the most recent entry in the US, if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Migrant US Initial School Entry

Indicate the US initial School entry, if a migrant program.

Ed-Fi use only.



Ed-Fi: StudentProgramAssociation

Editing Current/Previous Enrollments

Transfer Information

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment.

Note: This is the first day of school enrollment.




All Student/ Attendance / Membership Reports

Ed-Fi: StudentSchoolAssociation

Entry Code

Select the entry code for the school enrollment from the drop-down list.

Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments.




041 – Student Enrollment

End of Month Membership

Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance

Net Enrollment


Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment.

Enter the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs on a weekend.

Note: End dates must also be entered in the following fields for students who exit the school during the school year:

  • Transportation
  • Student Classification
  • Special Programs




All Student/ Attendance / Membership Reports


Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.




(050) Student Withdraw

Annual Dropout


Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




Required Setup

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




All Student/ Attendance / Membership Reports



Choose a track for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • A – 01
  • B – 02
  • C – 03
  • D – 04
  • E – 05
  • F – 06

The track is used to link a student to an instructional program number if more than one instructional program is used at a school. If there is only one instructional program, choose Track A.

Districts can set up a calendar for each unique attendance schedule used at the school level. Students, teachers, and sections (classes) are associated to each calendar using school-specific Instructional Program numbers. For example, Calendar Number 01 may be associated with Instructional Program number 01 at School 100. At School 100, assign Instructional Program number 01 (Track A) to students using that unique attendance schedule.




All Student Extracts (040-052, 080 - 082)

Required Setup if applicable

District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.




041 – Student Enrollment

Vocational Monthly FTEADM

Vocational Monthly FTEADA

Vocational Annual FTEADM

Transportation ADT

Vocational Annual FTEADA



Inst Service Period Type of Service

Choose the type of service for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • N/A
  • P – Primary Provider Where Student is Enrolled
  • S – Selective Services Only (Visiting Student)

Note: A different value may be entered for each school enrollment. This value can also be entered for the student on the Tennessee Student Information (State/Province – TN) page. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is same as the value for the current school enrollment.

A value of S is always reported for concurrent enrollments.




041 – Student Enrollment

English Language Background

Choose the student’s English language background for this school enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Note: A different value may be entered for each school enrollment. This value can also be entered for the student on the Tennessee Student Information (State/Province – TN) page. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is same as the value for the current school enrollment.




041 – Student Enrollment

Course of Study

Choose the student’s course of study for this enrollment from the pop-up menu.

Valid values:

  • N/A
  • Technical
  • University
  • Dual

Note: A different value may be entered for each school enrollment. This value can also be entered for the student on the Tennessee Student Information (State/Province – TN) page. The value reflected on the Tennessee Student Information page is same as the value for the current school enrollment.




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Primary Night Time Residence

Indicated the student’s Homeless Primary Night Time Residence




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Served by McKinney - Vento

Indicated if the student’s is served by McKinney - Vento




041 – Student Enrollment

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

Indicated if the student’s is a homeless unaccompanied youth.




041 – Student Enrollment

Immunization Record on FileSelect to indicate that immunizations are specified for the student.



041 – Student Enrollment

The EIS 041 extract pulls the data from these fields if the district selection is set to Student Pages. Else, the extract pulls from the Health module.


Medical (M) - Select to indicate student is medically waived.

Religious (R) - Select to indicate student is religiously waived.




Transitional Grade

Indicates if the student has a transitional grade.



080 – Student Final Grades

Primary SchoolID

If the school for this enrollment is not the student’s primary/home school, then enter their primary/home school number for the timeframe of this enrollment.



041 – Student Enrollment

Health Module

Immunization Record on File 

Valid Values:

  • Y- Yes, If immunizations are entered, Y is reported
  • N -No, If no immunizations are entered, N is reported
  • M - Medically Waived, M is reported
  • R - Religiously Waived, R is reported
  • Blank - If no value is specified, by default Y is reported. 

Note: If a vaccination date is entered for one disease and Medically or Religiously Waived for another, then Y is reported. 

Business Rules:  
1.    If at least one Immunization record exists, Y is reported.  
2.    No immunization record, N is reported.  
3.    If there is an N and a waiver exists, either M or R is reported. 

Y is reported for both cases shown below:
1.    At least vaccinated for one disease + Exemption for one of the vaccines (either medical or religious waiver)
2.    At least vaccinated for one disease + Exempted for two vaccines (one waived for medical and another one for religious)

Student Health Record1041 – Student Enrollment

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