School Setup
The following data elements are required for state reporting.
To navigate to the school setup page:
Click the School link at the top of the page. The School pop-up menu appears.
Choose a school. The school Start Page appears.
Under School, click Setup.
Note: The following information describes the setup required for State Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in These Reports |
Defining Attendance CodesAttendance Codes Attendance codes are used to calculate attendance based on the setup details of the attendance code. Attendance codes are defined as present or absent and then assigned attendance code categories. Attendance code categories include “Excused”, “Unexcused”, “Tardy”, “Left Early”, “Transport”, and “Expelled”. These attendance code categories, used in various combinations, produce the following results: There should be a blank attendance code with a present status for default present. This attendance code should have no attendance code categories assigned. This value is not transacted to EIS or Ed-Fi. All other attendance codes are not dependent on the code value but on the combination of present/absent status and the assigned attendance code categories. A present attendance code, other than the default blank present attendance code, is require to set a non-present attendance code back to a present state. Do not use the default blank present attendance code when setting an attendance code back to a present state. Any present attendance code, other than the blank present attendance code, regardless of attendance code categories, reports as a “P” to EIS, which equates to “Present for Attendance”. Present attendance codes are impacted by attendance code categories as noted below. An absent code with the Excused attendance code category reports as “A”, which equates to an Excused Absence. An absent code with the Unexcused attendance code category reports as “U”, which equates to an Unexcused Absence The following codes should be defined for reporting via Ed-Fi. Note: These values can be used to alter an absent code to a present code, but only the present value will be noted to EIS. A preset attendance code with the Unexcused and Tardy attendance code categories reports as “F”, which equates to an Unexcused Tardy to Ed-Fi. A present attendance code with the Excused and Tardy attendance code categories reports as “D”, which equates to Excused Tardy to Ed-Fi. A present attendance code with Unexcused and Left Early “G”, which equates to Unexcused Left Early. A present attendance code with Excused and Left Early “E”, which equates to Excused Left Early. | ||||
Defining Transportation Attendance CodesAttendance Codes – Transportation Transportation attendance codes are derived based on the presence of a transportation record, but overriding attendance codes can also be created, if desired. The following attendance codes setups will result in a T or X regardless of the presence of a transportation record. By default, Excused and Unexcused attendance codes convert to T or X if transportation record is present. An absent attendance code with Excused and Transport attendance code categories reports as a “T”, which equates to an Excused Absence, but Present for Transportation. An absent attendance code with Unexcused and Transport attendance code categories reports as “X”, which equates to an Unexcused Absence, but Present for Transportation Note: A “Present for Transportation” mean that a student was absent for the day, but had at least 1 minute of Daily attendance, or was present either the first or last period for Meeting attendance, and had a Transportation table record for the attendance date. | ||||
Code | Enter attendance codes with the proper setup to track the following attendance types. Refer to the “Attendance Code” section above. Note: Once the blank present status is altered and the student attendance must be set back to present do not use the blank present attendance code. Use another attendance code that represents a present status. | [Attendance_Code]Att_Code | 1 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Description | Enter the attendance code description, based on the codes listed above. | [Attendance_Code]Description | N/A | Required Setup Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Presence Status | Select Present or Absent as the presence status. | [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD | 1 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Code Categories | Select the checkboxes for the appropriate attendance code categories. See Attendance Codes for detail on attendance codes and category setup. Note: You must assign either the Excused or the Unexcused category to absent attendance codes in order for the codes to be included on the 049 Student Attendance extract. To designate the student as transported (rides the bus) by way of a specific attendance code, on the 049 Student Attendance extract, you may assign a Transport attendance code category to specific excused and unexcused absent codes. This setting overrides the logic that calculates attendance based on the presence of transportation records. | [Att_Code_Code_Entity]Code_EntityID | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance |
Code Categories – Continued | Select the checkboxes for the appropriate attendance code categories. See Attendance Codes for detail on attendance codes and category setup. The Expelled attendance code category should be assigned to an Excused or Unexcused attendance code that is marked as absent and used to designate attendance and membership that is not to be reported as a result of expulsion. Present attendance codes should be defined that are both excused and unexcused with both tardy and left early attendance code categories, for a total of four attendance codes. These codes are reported to Ed-Fi, but not reported to EIS. | [Att_Code_Code_Entity]Code_EntityID | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance |
Points | Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades. | [Attendance_Code]Course_Credit_Points | N/A | Not Required |
Teacher can assign | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to determine whether the teacher can assign the attendance code. | [Attendance_Code]Assignment_Filter_YN | 1 | Not Required |
Earns ADA credit | Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADA_YN | 1 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Counts toward membership | Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADM_YN | 1 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the code displays on the page. | [Attendance_Code]SortOrder | 2 | Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Creating Attendance Code CategoriesAttendance Code Categories Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year. | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code category abbreviation. Valid codes are “Excused”, “Unexcused”, “Tardy”, "Unex Tardy", "Exc Tardy", “Left Early”, “Transport”, and “Expelled”, DL, DLV, QSI, Homebound, Non Enroll, and Positive. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code | N/A | Required Setup |
Name | Enter the name of the attendance code category. The Excused and Unexcused attendance code categories are used on the 049 Student Attendance extract. You must assign either the Excused or the Unexcused category to absent attendance codes for the codes to be included on the 049 Student Attendance extract. Enter Transport to create a transportation attendance code category. You may assign this category to attendance codes in order to designate the student as transported (rides the bus) on the 049 Student Attendance extract. This setting overrides the logic that calculates attendance based on the presence of transportation records. Enter Expelled to create an expelled attendance code category. This code may then be assigned to an Excused or Unexcused attendance absence code to designate periods of expelled attendance for a student. Membership and attendance will not be included in the Director’s report. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance |
Name - Continued | Enter the name of the attendance code category. The Tardy attendance code category is used with Ed-Fi reporting. The Tardy attendance code category is used with a Present attendance code that is also either Excused or Unexcused. Changing an excused or unexcused absent code with a present excused or unexcused tardy code will transact a present code to EIS. EIS does not track tardy codes. The Left Early attendance code category is used with Ed-Fi reporting. The Left Early attendance code category is used with a Present attendance code that is also either Excused or Unexcused. Changing an excused or unexcused absent code with a present Excused or Unexcused Left Early code will transact a present code to EIS. EIS does not track Left Early codes. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance |
Name - Continued | The descriptions for the DL, DLV, QSI, and Homebound attendance code categories as follows:
The new attendance codes reported in the 049 extract are as follows:
| 049 – Student Attendance | ||
Description | Enter a description for the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]Description | N/A | Not Required |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page. | [Code_Entity]SortOrder | N/A | Required Setup |
Defining Attendance Conversions | ||||
Creating Attendance ConversionsAttendance Conversions > [New/Edit] > Attendance Conversion | ||||
Name | Enter the attendance conversion name. | [Attendance_Conversion]Name | 50 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Defining Period-To-Day AttendanceAttendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion Note: Use Period-To-Day (Meeting) or Time-To-Day (Daily) attendance to properly report attendance in the 049 – Student Attendance extract. Review additional information about Meeting attendance. | ||||
Periods Present/Absent | A list of the number of periods in the day appears. To edit the number of periods, navigate to Start Page > School Setup > Years & Terms > [click the year term]. The label reads, “Periods Present” or “Periods Absent” based on your selection for “Count these codes for period conversion” on the Attendance Preferences page. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for each period present/absent. For example, if the student must be present for 3 periods to be counted as present for the day, then enter 1 for Periods Present = 3. Alternatively, if the student earns half-day attendance for being absent for 2 periods, then enter 0.5 for Periods Absent = 2. Note: Set your school to count attendance based on present or absent attendance on the Attendance Preferences page. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items] [Attendance_Conversion_Items] | 10 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Defining Time-To-Day AttendanceAttendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Time-To-Day Attendance Conversion Note: Use Time-To-Day (Daily) or Period-To-Day (Meeting) attendance properly report attendance in the 049 – Student Attendance extracts. Review additional information about Daily attendance. | ||||
Minutes Present/Absent | Enter the number of minutes used to calculate attendance. For example, if half a day of attendance is awarded for attending 180 minutes and a full day of attendance is awarded for attending 360 minutes, then enter 180 in the first text box and 360 in the second text box. The label reads, “Minutes Present” or “Minutes Absent” based on your selection for “Count these codes for period conversion” on the Attendance Preferences page. Note: If Daily attendance is used for the school, then the student must have greater than zero minutes of attendance to be considered present for transportation (although absent for school) on the 049 Student Attendance extract. The student’s transportation status is calculated if the student has a transportation record. If the student has no transportation record, then the student’s absence status is based on their attendance code for the day. If the attendance code is assigned both a Transport and either an Unexcused or Excused code category, then there is no requirement for the student to be present for any period of the day to be reported as present for transportation, but absent for the school. The Transport category overrides the attendance calculation. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items] [Attendance_Conversion_Items] | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for number of minutes present/absent. For example, if the student must be present for 360 minutes to be counted as present for the day, then enter 1 for Minutes Present = 360. Alternatively, if the student earns half-day attendance for being absent for 180 minutes, then enter 0.5 for Minutes Absent = 180. Note: Set your school to count attendance based on present or absent attendance on the Attendance Preferences page. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items] [Attendance_Conversion_Items] | 10 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Entering Full-Time EquivalenciesFull-Time Equivalencies (FTE) | ||||
Name | Enter the FTE name. | [FTE]Name | 80 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Default Attendance Mode | Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu. Choose Meeting or Daily to properly report attendance in the 049 – Student Attendance extract. | [FTE]Dflt_Att_Mode_Code | 13 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Default Attendance Conversion | Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu. Choose Period-To-Day for Meeting mode and Time-To-Day for Daily mode, in order to report attendance properly the 049 – Student Attendance extract. | [FTE]Dflt_Conversion_Mode_Code | 11 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Setting Attendance PreferencesPreferences | ||||
Attendance Recording Methods | Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance. Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name = ATT_RecordModeMeeting [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name = ATT_RecordModeDaily | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: |
Meeting and daily attendance bridge | Choose one-way or two-way attendance to properly calculate attendance when using both Meeting and Daily attendance modes. Review additional information about the attendance bridge. | [Prefs]Value = oneway or twoway [Prefs]Name = ATT_RecordSection | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance |
Count these codes for period conversion | Choose Absences or Presents from the “Count these codes for period conversion” pop-up menu. Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes/minutes for period-to-day attendance conversions. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name= ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences | N/A | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Defining Bell SchedulesBell Schedules Create a bell schedule that contains the desired periods at their desired lengths. If the school uses the same sequence of periods each day, with the same period length then only define one bell schedule. If the school uses a different sequence of periods or different period lengths on some days, define a bell schedule for each unique sequence setup that is required. If there is a need to use more than one bell schedule setup on a given day, then it is suggested to define sets of the desired periods with the desired lengths in a single bell schedule setup. Each set of periods can then be used as a separate bell schedule for the purpose of scheduling students. If the school uses different sequences of periods or different period lengths on some days, define a bell schedule that contains the period sets for each unique sequence setup that is required. Tennessee schools use three schedule types: Full Day, Half Day, and Third of a Day. The bell schedule name must contain the day value name of Full, Half, Third. The name can have other detail than the value length, such as Full Day, Full A Day, Full A. The requirement is that each day have a length value in the name. | ||||
Name | Enter the bell schedule name. | [Bell_Schedule]Name | 50 | Required Setup Ed-Fi: |
Attendance Conversion Method | Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [Bell_Schedule]Attendance_Conversion_ID | 3 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Setting Up the School CalendarCalendar Setup | ||||
Date | Populate each date with the required values for the day. | [Calendar_day]DateValue | 8 | 022 – School Days 047 – Student Standard Day Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: AcademicWeek CalendarDate |
Day | Enter the day type. Note: The school day name and the district calendar day name must share a common name to use the copy calendar function. | [Calendar_day]Cycle_Day_ID | 1 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: ClassPeriodReference |
Schedule (Event Duration) | Enter the schedule type, such as:
Note: Schedule name must include Full, Half or Third so that the State reported value can be determined for the day. Note: The school bell schedule and the district calendar bell schedule must share a common name to use the copy calendar function. | [Calendar_day]Bell_Shedule_ID | 3 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: BellSchedule CalendarDate |
A | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track A to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]A | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
B | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track B to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]B | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
C | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track C to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]C | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: |
D | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track D to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]D | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
E | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track E to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]E | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
F | Select the checkbox to associate students assigned to track F to this calendar day. | [Calendar_day]F | 2 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
In Session | Select the checkbox to have the day be in session. | [Calendar_day]InSession | 1 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: AcademicWeek CalendarDate GradingPeriod Session StudentSchool StudentSection |
Membership Value | Enter 1 or 0 to assign a school membership value to students for this school day. | [Calendar_day]MembershipValue | 4 | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Type | Choose the event for this calendar day from the pop-up menu. Note: Calendar Membership Types are defined under the district setup. The list of codes can be found in the Appendix under Event Type Codes (200 Day Event Calendar) If more than one calendar type is required on a day then the code must defined in the district setup and be separated by a comma such as AS,CS for the Attendance Start Date and Calendar Start Date. | [Calendar_day]Type | 20 | 022 – School Days Ed-Fi: CalendarDate |
Note | Enter any notes about the event. | [Calendar_day]Note | N/A | Not Required |
Changes to In-Session Days may take up to Two Minutes to Display in Report Periods. Click “here” to navigate to Report Periods. | Use the link, “here,” to navigate to the Reporting Periods page. Any in-session change will force an event to create the reporting periods, which may take up to two minutes to happen. | N/A | N/A | |
Defining Reporting SegmentsReporting Segments > New/Edit Next Segment | ||||
Segment Name | Enter the name of the reporting segment, such as Reporting Period 1. | [Gen]Name [Gen]Cat=segment | N/A | Required Setup |
Start Date | Enter the start date of the segment. | [Gen]Value [Gen]Cat=segment | 8 | 021 – Instructional Program Report Period Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Vocational Annual FTEADM Transportation ADT Vocational Annual FTEADA |
End Date | Enter the end date of the segment. | [Gen]Value2 [Gen]Cat=segment | 8 | 021 – Instructional Program Report Period Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Vocational Annual FTEADM Transportation ADT Vocational Annual FTEADA |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order for the segment from the pop-up menu. | [Gen]SortOrder [Gen]Cat=segment | N/A | Required Setup |
Report Period Number | Choose the number of the report period during the instructional program from the pop-up menu. | [Gen]ValueLi [Gen]Cat=segment | N/A | 021 – Instructional Program Report Period Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Vocational Annual FTEADM Transportation ADT Vocational Annual FTEADA |
Instructional Program Number | Choose the number used to uniquely identify the program within the school from the pop-up menu. | [Gen]ValueT [Gen]Cat=segment | 2 | 021 – Instructional Program Report Period |
Defining Additional School Days to Report | ||||
Adding New DaysAdditional School Days to Report > View > Add/Edit a Day | ||||
Date | Populate the date with the required values for the day. If the fiscal year is set, the field only allows dates between either the start of the fiscal year and the start of the school calendar, or between the end of the fiscal year and the end of the school calendar. If the fiscal year is not set, the field allows only dates which fall outside of current school term. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Date_Value | 022 – School Days 047 – Student Standard Day Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: AcademicWeek CalendarDate | |
Cycle Day | Choose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Cycle_Day_ID | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: ClassPeriodReference | |
Bell Schedule | Choose the appropriate bell schedule from the pop-up menu. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Bell_Schedule_ID | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: BellSchedule CalendarDate | |
School In-Session | The box will be automatically checked or unchecked based on whether or not the date is entered as an in-session day in the core calendar. | [S_Additional_Days_S]InSession | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: AcademicWeek CalendarDate GradingPeriod Session StudentSchool StudentSection | |
Membership Value | Enter 1 or 0 to assign a school membership value to students for this school day. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Membership_Value | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: Required Setup | |
Tracks | Select the appropriate checkbox to associate students assigned to track A to this calendar day. | [S_Additional_Days_S]A [S_Additional_Days_S]B [S_Additional_Days_S]C [S_Additional_Days_S]D [S_Additional_Days_S]E [S_Additional_Days_S]F | 022 – School Days 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly Attendance/ Membership Audit Ed-Fi: CalendarDate | |
Type | Choose the event for this calendar day from the pop-up menu. Note: Calendar Membership Types are defined under the district setup. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Type_ID | 022 – School Days Ed-Fi: CalendarDate | |
Note | Enter any notes. | [S_Additional_Days_S]Note | 50 | Not Required |
Copying Additional DaysAdditional School Days to Report > Copy To copy additional day(s) to multiple schools:
Note: If an additional day has been copied to other schools, updates made on one of the copies will NOT update across all of the schools. To apply the updates to all applicable schools, the day must be copied again. | ||||
Defining Class Rank SettingsClass Rank Settings | ||||
Class Rank Methods | Enter the class rank method name, and configure the related fields that follow. | [ClassRank]GPAMethod | 50 | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Description | Enter a description for the class rank. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
GPA Calculation Method | Choose the class rank GPA calculation method from the pop-up menu. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
GPA result is | Choose numeric or text from the pop-up menu. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Only include grades | Select the checkbox to specify that only grades that count in class rank are to be used. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Exclude students | Select the checkbox to exclude students who are flagged to be excluded from class rank. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Include early graduates? | Select the checkbox if early graduates are to be included. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Early graduation exit code | Enter the early graduation exit code to be referenced by the class rank calculation. | [Prefs] | N/A | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Setting Up Comment CodesComment Setup | ||||
Code | Enter the comment code. | [PGCommentBank] | 10 | Ed-Fi: Grade StudentCompetency StudentGradebookEntry |
Comment | Enter the comment text. | [PGCommentBank] | 500 | Ed-Fi: Grade StudentCompetency StudentGradebookEntry |
Category | Enter the comment category. | [PGCommentBank] | 30 | Ed-Fi: Grade StudentCompetency StudentGradebookEntry |
Defining Cohort ProgramsActivities Setup > Edit Activities To indicate that an Activity is part of a Cohort Program, click the link “Click here to Setup Cohort Program” | ||||
Cohort Program | Select Yes to indicate that this Activity is part of a Cohort Program. The default is No. When you select Yes, Cohort Type and Educational Environment fields appear. | [S_TN_GEN_X]CohortEnabled | 1 | |
Cohort Type | When you select Yes for Cohort Program, this field appears. Select the type of cohort from the pop-up menu. | [S_TN_GEN_X]CohortType | 255 | |
Educational Environment | When you select Yes for Cohort Program, this field appears. Select the environment in which the cohort meets from the pop-up menu. | [S_TN_GEN_X]EducationalEnvironment | 255 | |
Defining Final GradesFinal Grade Setup Select NEW to create final grades for the school year and terms; configure the following fields for each final grade. Note: The fields in this section are not published in Ed-Fi, but are required to support the entities related to grading. | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the final grade. | [TermBins]StoreCode | 2 | Ed-Fi: Course Transcript Grade ReportCard StudentAcademic |
Starting Date | Enter the starting date for the final grade. | [TermBins]Date1 | N/A | Ed-Fi: Course Transcript Grade ReportCard StudentAcademic |
Ending Date | Enter the ending date for the final grade. | [TermBins]Date2 | N/A | Ed-Fi: Course Transcript Grade ReportCard StudentAcademic |
Grade Scale | Select the grade scale for the final grade. | [TermBins]GradeScaleID | 10,0 | Ed-Fi: Course Transcript Grade ReportCard StudentAcademic |
Excluded Marks | Select the checkbox for any marks that are to be excluded from the final grade. | [TermBins]ExcludedMarks | N/A | Ed-Fi: Course Transcript Grade ReportCard StudentAcademic |
Setting Up Variable CreditVariable Credit Setup To support alternative education programs, specify by course or section whether teachers are allowed to enter variable awarded credit and variable attempted credit. By default, this option is disabled. Settings for specific sections can also be entered on the Edit Section page. Note: The fields in this section are not published in Ed-Fi, but are required to support the entities related to transcripts. | ||||
Variable Awarded Credit | Select No or Yes from the pop-up menu. | [SectionAttrib]IsEarnedVarCreditAllowed | 3 | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic Course Transcript |
Variable Attempted Credit | Select No or Yes from the pop-up menu. | [SectionAttrib]IsPotentialVarCreditAllowed | 3 | Ed-Fi: |
Defining Cycle DaysDays | ||||
Day Letter | The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. | [Cycle_Day]Letter | 2 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Day Abbreviation | Enter the day abbreviation. | [Cycle_Day]Abbreviation | 3 | Required Setup Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Day Name | Enter the day name. | [Cycle_Day]Day_Name | 30 | Not Required Ed-Fi: BellSchedule Intervention |
Creating School DepartmentsDepartments | ||||
Department | Enter the name of the department. Create a department for each of the following vocational/CTE courses that are offered in your district: A12, FCS, FCSO, HS, TI, TEE, BT, ME, CA, and VOCM. | [Department]Description | N/A | Vocational Monthly FTEADM Vocational Monthly FTEADA |
Creating Schedule PeriodsPeriods | ||||
Period Number | The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. | [Period]Period_Number | 2 | 049 – Student Attendance Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: ClassPeriod ClassPeriodReference |
Period Abbreviation | Enter the period abbreviation. | [Period]Abbreviation | 3 | Required Setup Ed-Fi: Required Setup |
Period Name | Enter the period name. | [Period]Name | 80 | Not Required Ed-Fi: ClassPeriod ClassPeriodReference |
Entering Room InformationRooms > Edit Room | ||||
Room Number | Enter the number of the room. | [Room]Room_Number | 10 | Ed-Fi: Location LocationReference |
Room Maximum | Enter a number to specify the maximum number of students that the room can accommodate. | [Room]Occupancy_Maximum | 10,0 | Ed-Fi: Location LocationReference |
Creating Course SectionsSections Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section | ||||
Course Number | Enter the course number for the section. | [Sections]Course_Number | 5 | 030 – Class Section 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment Preliminary School Report Federally Funded Check Ed-Fi: Course CourseReference CourseOffering CourseOffering Section |
Schedule | Select the meeting schedule for the section. | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | 2 | 031 Class Section Schedule Ed-Fi: ClassPeriod ClassPeriodReference |
Term | Choose the term for the section from the pop-up menu. | [Sections]TermID | 2 | 030 – Class Section 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment Preliminary School Report Federally Funded Check Ed-Fi: CourseOffering SessionReference |
Teacher - Section Lead | Click Add to assign the lead teacher to the section. The lead teacher is the reported as the teacher of record. If a lead teacher is exited and a new lead teacher assigned that teacher will be reported as the teacher of record. The previous lead teacher will be exited and the new lead teacher will be added with the effective dates. | [Sections]Teacher | 9 | 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment Ed-Fi: StaffSectionAssociation |
Teachers/Staff - Additional To enter Role, Allocation, and Start and End Dates, click Add: Role Allocation Start Date End Date | Co-teachers and Job Share teachers will be reported as teachers that are not the teacher of record. Other teacher roles are not reported. | [Sections]Teacher | 9 | 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment Ed-Fi: StaffSection |
Section Lead: All Section Lead teachers are currently required to have the Role of Lead Teacher. Additional Teachers/Staff: Select a role from the pop-up menu. | [SectionTeacher]RoleID | 10 | Ed-Fi: StaffSection | |
Enter the teacher’s Contribution Percent. | [SectionTeacher]Allocation | 10,2 | Ed-Fi: StaffSection | |
Enter the date the teacher begins being associated with this section. Defaults to Term start date. | [SectionTeacher]Start_Date | N/A | Ed-Fi: StaffSection | |
Enter the date upon which the teacher is no longer associated with the section. Defaults to Term end date. | [SectionTeacher]End_Date | N/A | Ed-Fi: StaffSection | |
Room | Enter the room in which the course section meets. | [Sections]Room | 10,0 | Ed-Fi: Location LocationReference |
Section Number | Enter the section number. | [Sections]Section_Number | 10 | 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment 080 – Student Final Grade Federally Funded Check Ed-Fi: Section SectionReference |
District Where Taught | Enter the district ID of the district where the section is taught. Only enter a value if the section is not taught in the local school district. | [Sections]WhereTaughtDistrict | 3 | 030 – Class Section Vocational Monthly FTEADM Vocational Monthly FTEADA Vocational Annual FTEADM Vocational Annual FTEADA |
School Where Taught | Enter the school ID of the school where the section is taught. Only enter a value if the section is not taught at the current school. | [Sections]WhereTaught | 4 | 030 – Class Section |
Exclude From Attendance | Select the checkbox to exclude the section from the state reports listed in the Used in these Reports column. Note: Selecting this checkbox also excludes the section from non-state attendance reports. | [Sections]Exclude_ADA | 1 | Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance Ed-Fi: StudentSchool StudentSection |
Exclude From Storing Final Grades | Select the checkbox if the section is to be excluded from storing final grades. Use for Sections that are not graded so blank records are not stored with final grades. Defaults to the value selected for the Course. | [Sections]ExcludeFromStoredGrades | 1 | Ed-Fi: CourseTranscript Grade Report Card StudentAcademic |
Grade Scale | Choose the grade scale for the section from the pop-up menu. Defaults to the value selected for the Course. | [Sections]GradeScaleID | N/A | Ed-Fi: CourseTranscript StudentAcademic |
Exclude from GPA? | Select the option to include or exclude the section from GPA calculations. Defaults to the value selected for the Course. | [Sections]ExcludeFromGPA | 1 | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Exclude from Class Rank? | Select the option to include or exclude the section from class rank calculations. Defaults to the value selected for the Course. | [Sections]ExcludeFromClassRank | 1 | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Exclude from Honor Roll? | Select the option to include or exclude the section from honor roll calculations. Defaults to the value selected for the Course. | [Sections]ExcludeFromHonorRoll | 1 | Ed-Fi: StudentAcademic |
Defining Tennessee State InformationTN State Report Information | ||||
Class Duration | N/A | [S_TN_SEC_X]ClassDuration | N/A | Not Required for Extracts |
Federally Funded Class | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_TN_SEC_X]FederallyFunded | 1 | 063 – Staff Member Class Assignment Preliminary School Report Federally Funded Check |
Class Type | Choose the class type from the pop-up menu:
Note: Self-contained classes are reported as traditional – do not confuse this with self-contained departmentalized. | [S_TN_SEC_X]ClassType | 1 | 030 – Class Section Preliminary School Report Director’s Monthly/ Annual Membership/ Attendance |
Class Type Detail | Choose the class type detail code from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_TN_SEC_X]ClassTypeDetail | 1 | Preliminary School Report |
Teaching Method | Select a teaching method from the drop-down list:
Refer to the Teaching Method Codes for more information. | [S_TN_SEC_X]TeachingMethod | 1 | 030 – Class Section |
Grade Level Group | Choose the grade level group for the section from the pop-up menu. | [S_TN_SEC_X]GradeLevelGroup | 2 | Preliminary School Report |
Exclude from Preliminary School Report | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether to exclude this section from the Preliminary School Report. | [S_TN_SEC_X]ExcludeSection | N/A | Preliminary School Report |
Instructional Program Number | Choose the instructional program number from the pop-up menu. | [S_TN_SEC_X]InstructionalProgramNumber | 2 | 030 – Class Section 031 Class Section Schedule |
Honors Class Indicator | Choose the honors class indicator from the pop-up menu:
| [S_TN_SEC_X]HonorsClassIndicator | 1 | 030 – Class Section XAP Student Transcript |
State Dual Credit | Indicates whether the section is State Dual Credit. Valid values:
| [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]StateDualCredit | 1 | 030 – Class Section |
Local Dual Credit | Indicates whether the section is Local Dual Credit. Valid values:
| [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]LocalDualCredit | 1 | 030 – Class Section |
Dual Enrollment | Indicates whether the section is Dual Enrollment. Valid values:
| [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]DualEnrollment | 1 | 030 – Class Section |
Post-Secondary Institution | Enter the Post-Secondary Institution if one of the dual credit/enrollment values are yes. Fore more information, refer to Post Secondary Institutions. | [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]SecondaryInstuition | 50 | 030 – Class Section |
Exclude from EIS Extracts | Indicate Yes or No to exclude from EIS extracts. | [S_TN_SEC_X]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | 030 – Class Section 031 – Class Section Schedule |
Test Administration Window | Indicates the window in which testing will be administered. Valid values:
| [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]TestAdminWindow | 5 | 030 – Class Section |
Recreating Extract FlagsRecreate Extract Flags The recreate extract checkboxes enable you to recreate the 030, 031, and 063 extracts for the current section. When the selected extract is run from Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > Tennessee Education Information System (EIS) > Recreate Section/Staff Transactions, PowerSchool checks for any section with the recreate checkbox(es) selected and that data is extracted as a new transaction. See also Educational Information System (EIS) Reporting. | ||||
Recreate All 030, 031, and 063 Extracts | Selecting this checkbox will select all “Recreate” checkboxes below and the 030. 031, and 063 extracts for this section will be recreated when these extracts are selected on the Recreate Section/Staff Transactions page. | |||
Recreate 030 - Class Section | Select this checkbox to recreate only the 030 - Class Section extract for this section. | [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]Recreate_030_YN | 1 | |
Recreate 031 - Class Section Schedule | Select this checkbox to recreate only the 031 - Class Schedule extract for this section. | [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]Recreate_031_YN | 1 | |
Recreate 063 - Staff Member Class Assignment | Select this checkbox to recreate only the 063 - Staff Member Class Assignment extract for this section. | [S_TN_SEC_Honors_X]Recreate_063_YN | 1 | |
Other Primary Schools That Should Report This Section | If this section includes students who are enrolled at another school, then enter the school number for their primary school. Separate multiple school numbers with commas. | [S_TN_SEC_X]OtherPrimarySchools | 2500 | 030 – Class Section 031 Class Section Schedule |
Defining Years & TermsYears & Terms > New Years & Terms > Edit Terms | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the term. | [Terms]Name | 30 | All Extracts Ed-Fi: Session |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation for the term. | [Terms]Abbreviation | 6 | Ed-Fi: CourseOffering CourseTranscript Grade GradingPeriod GradingPeriod ReportCard Session SessionReference StudentAcademic |
First Day of Term | Enter the first day of the term. | [Terms]FirstDay | 10 | All Extracts Ed-Fi: AcademicWeek GradingPeriod GradingPeriod Session |
Last Day of Term | Enter the last day of the term. | [Terms]LastDay | 10 | All Extracts Ed-Fi: GradingPeriod Session |
What portion of the school year this term represents | For terms within the school year, elect the fraction or item that represents the portion of the school year during which the term takes place. For example, if you define Semester 1 and your school operates with trimesters, Semester 1 represents one-third of your school year. | [Terms]Portion | 10 | Ed-Fi: CourseOffering GradingPeriod GradingPeriod Session SessionReference |