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EDPlan Setup

EDPlan allows student special education data to be imported from EDPlan into new tables in PowerSchool. To see the table structures, please see the Tennessee-specific Data Dictionary. Special programs would no longer be used to manage student special education option information if using EDPlan. State reports will use student options found in the imported tables and not special programs if EDPlan is being used. Each EDPlan import is a full historical set of student special options information. There is no migration of existing special program special education information required.

Note: If using special programs to track special education option information these steps are not required. If using EDPlan then steps to configure special programs to track special education options are not required.

The following data items must be configured if using the EDPlan import in the district setup:

Note: Each of these steps is documented in the appropriate section of District Setup.

  1. Set "Import Special Education Data using the EDPlan Import" to "Yes" Under District > District Info.
  2. Configure the connection under System Administrator > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration > Remote Connection Manager > Remote Connection Manager. This requires contacting EDPlan for SFTP setup information.
  3. Schedule the EDPlan Import under Special Functions > Interfaces to Other Systems > Tennessee Education Information System (EIS) > Schedule EDPlan Imports.

The following items are covered in Student Setup when using EDPlan:

  1. To view a student's special education options, go to Student > State > Click HERE to View this student's Special Education Information. There are three sections on this page:
    1. Customer Managed Information: Use this to set the condition for a student that has a vocational class outside IEP. The default value is no. This is the only customer managed detail on the special education page.
    2. General Information: This lists general details provided in the EDPlan import relating to Disability Code, Disability Abbreviation, Initial Written Parental Permission to Assess, Eligibility Date, Last IEP Date, and IEP End Date. This detail is not used in state report calculations.
    3. Options Detail: This lists the student's current and historical primary and secondary options, including the Option Type, Option Value, Option Start Date and Option End Date. This detail is used in calculating state reporting values where options impact the report results.
  2. When exiting a student out of school using the Student > Functions > Transfer Student Out page the user can also exit the student out of special education options that have been imported using the EDPlan import. This is similar to the exit student out of special programs option.

Note: Exiting a student out of special education options will persist until the next import. For the data to remain constant EDPlan must be updated to provide the updated exit dates in the next import file.

The list of current reports and extracts that will use EDPlan data is as follows:

  • Vocational Monthly and Annual FTE ADA/ADM Audit
  • Vocational Monthly and Annual FTEADA Summary
  • Vocational Monthly and Annual FTEADM Summary
  • The Director's Monthly/Annual Membership/Attendance
  • The Director's Monthly/Annual Membership/Attendance Audit
  • Director's Annual Special Education Options by Primary & Secondary ADM Report
  • Director's Monthly Special Education Options by Primary & Secondary ADM Report
  • Preliminary School Report - Grades PK-12
  • Special Education Report of 12th Graders
  • Number of Promotions and retentions By school and District Report
  • Extract 048

Note: The End of Month Membership is being rewritten as of 5/2/2014. The targeted release date for this report is 5/23/2014. The Special Education Number of Promotions and Retentions report needs to be rewritten and has no target at this time.


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