District Info
This category represents information about buses and bus staff associated with a particular district as published within the District Bus category.
This view captures the associations of buses to districts as published in the DistrictBus entity within the District Bus category. The layout provides the School Name, School Year, Bus Number, Daily Miles One Way AM, Bus Type, Year Bus Began Operation, Inspected by TN Dept of Safety, Privately Owned, Wheel Chair Lifts, Last Publish Date, and Publishing ID.
This entity represents the buses associated with a particular district.
Note: The districtBus entity is not published for school years prior to the 2016-17 school year.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [S_TN_District_Bus_S]
Entity Output
- DistrictBus is only publishable at a district level.
- A single record is published for each bus in the district.
- The districtBus entity is not dependent on the prior publishing of other Ed-Fi resources.
- LEAs may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
busNumber | The number assigned to the bus. Note: The bus number must be unique within the district for the school year. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]BusNumber_New Special characters are removed from the busNumber. | R |
speciallyEquipped | Indicator of whether or not this a specially equipped bus. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]SpeciallyEquipped | O |
dailyMilesOneWayAM | Daily one-way A.M. miles traveled by the bus from where the bus is parked overnight to the last school drop off | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]DailyMiles | R |
busTypeDescriptor | The type of bus. Valid values: ·
| String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]BusType | R |
yearBusBeganOperation | The school year the bus first became operational. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]YearBeganOperation | R |
inspectedbyTNDeptOfSafety | Indicates whether or not the bus has been inspected by the Tennessee Department of Safety. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]DOSInspectionCurrent | R |
privatelyOwned | Indicates whether or not the bus is privately owned. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]PrivatelyOwned | R |
wheelChairLifts | Indicates whether or not the bus is equipped with a wheel chair lift. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]WheelChairLifts | R |
commercialAdvertising | Indicates whether or not there is commercial advertising on the bus. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]CommercialAdvertising | R |
totalNumberAccident | Indicates the total number of accidents for this bus this year. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]InvolvedAccident_New | R |
occupantRestraints | Indicates whether or not the bus has occupant restraints. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]OccupantRestraints | R |
twoWayCommunication | Indicates whether or not the bus is equipped with two-way communication. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]TwoWayCommunication | R |
audioVideoSurveillance | Indicates whether or not the bus is equipped with audio video surveillance. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]AudioVideoSurveillance | R |
typeOfFuelDescriptor | Indicates the type of fuel the bus uses. Gas, Diesel, CNG | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]FuelType | R |
gpsSystem | Indicates whether or not the bus is equipped with a GPS system. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]GPSSystem | R |
airConditioning | Indicates whether or not the bus is equipped with air conditioning. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]AirConditioning | R |
personalInjuryAccidents | Indicates the number of personal injury accidents. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]PersonalInjury | R |
treatedAndReleased | Indicates the number of students treated and released. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]TreatedAndReleased | R |
hospitalizedOvernightOrLonger | Indicates the number of Students hospitalized overnight or longer. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]Hospitalized | R |
fatalitiesOnBoard | Indicates the number of deaths on the bus. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]FatalitiesOnBoard | R |
fatalitiesOffBoard | Indicates the number of deaths off of the bus. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]FatalitiesOffBoard | R |
propertyDamageAccidents | Indicates the number of property damage accidents. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_S]PropertyDamage | R |
safetyComplaints | Need to update | Integer | Need to update | Need to update |
electronicStabilityControlSystem | Need to update | Boolean | Need to update | Need to update |
localEducationAgencyReference/localEducationAgencyId | The LEA with which the bus is associated. | Integer | LEAId downloaded from the state. Derived from: [Prefs]Value where name=’districtnumber | R |
_ext.tdoe (Need to confirm if this is 1-1, 1-many) | ||||
submittedForSchoolYearTypeReference/schoolYear | The identifier for the school year. | Int32 | [Terms]YearID | R |
submittedByEducationOrganizationReference/EducationOrganizationId | Need to update | Int32 | Need to update | R |
This view represents the bus staff associated with a district as published within the District Bus category. The layout provides the School Name, School Year, Regular Drivers, Substitute Drivers, Employed Bus Driver with CDL, Contracted Bus Driver with CDL, Bus Assistants, Last Publish Date, and Publishing ID.
This entity represents the extended details of the bus staff associated with a particular district.
Note: The districtBusStaff entity is not published for school years prior to the 2016-17 school year.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
- [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]
Entity Output
- DistrictBusStaff is only publishable at a district level.
- A single, summary record is published.
- The districtBusStaff entity is not dependent on the prior publishing of other Ed-Fi resources.
- LEAs may upload (publish) data to the ODS in real-time or on-demand (“Run Now” button).
Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req’d |
schoolYear | The identifier for the school year. | Enumerated List | [Terms]YearID | R |
regularDrivers | Indicates the number of regular drivers. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]RegularDriver | R |
substituteDrivers | Indicates the number or substitute drivers. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]SubstituteDriver | R |
employedBusDriversWithCDL | Indicates the number of bus drivers employed with CDL. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]EmployedDriverCDL | R |
contractedBusDriversWithCDL | Indicates the number of bus drivers contracted with CDL. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]ContractedDriverCDL | R |
busAssistants | Indicates the number of bus assistants. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]BusAssistants | R |
busGarageAndMaintenance | Indicates whether or not the district owns and operates a bus garage, and that the garage provides bus maintenance. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]BusGarageMaint | R |
mechanicsMaintenanceOnNonBusVehicles | Indicates whether or not the bus garage mechainic performsmaintenance on non-school vehicles. | String | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]MaintenanceOnSchBus | R |
fullTimeMechanics | Indicates the number of full-time mechancs that are employed by the district. | Integer | [S_TN_District_Bus_Staff_S]FullTimeMechanics | R |
localEducationAgencyReference/localEducationAgencyId | The LEA with which the bus is associated. | Integer | LEAId downloaded from state. Derived from: [Prefs]Value where name=’districtnumber | R |
_ext.tdoe (Need to confirm if this is 1-1, 1-many) | ||||
submittedForSchoolYearTypeReference/schoolYear | The identifier for the school year. | Int32 | [Terms]YearID | R |
submittedByEducationOrganizationReference/EducationOrganizationId | Need to update | Int32 | Need to update | R |
Need to update