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200 Day Accountability Report


This report includes a list of the specific types of days in the school calendar for a particular school year, such as teacher in-service days, teach-parent conference days, and stockpile days.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Calendar Number Selection

Selecting the calendar number determines what district calendar and associated schools will be reported in the output.

Report Input

For help with navigation and report generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Calendar Number

Choose the appropriate calendar number from the pop-up menu.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




School Year

The school year for which the calendar is reported, as entered at report runtime.



District Name

The district name.




District Number

The district number.




Calendar number

The calendar number assigned to the calendar, entered at report runtime.




The district telephone number.




Student Days

The number of instructional days with students present. There must be at least 180 days. A district may have more than 180 instructional days through funding by the local board of education.



Teacher Vacation with pay

The number of teacher vacation days with pay. There must be at least 10 days of paid vacation per year. There may be more than 10 days of paid vacation through funding by the local board of education.



In-Service Days

The total number of in-service days. There must be at least 5 in-service days. There may be more than 5 in-service days through funding by the local board of education.



In-Service Optional Days

The number of optional in-service days.



T/P Conference

The number of days for teacher-parent conference. There must be at least 1 day. A district may have more than 1 day for parent-teacher conference through funding by the local board of education.



Discretionary (Other) Days

The number of days the district is using as its discretionary (other) days if those days are not already identified. There may not be more than 4 discretionary (other) days.

The report totals the number of discretionary teacher vacation days, discretionary in-service days, discretionary administrative days, and discretionary other days entered on the TN 200 Day Calendar page at the district.








The total number of days in the district calendar. The total must equal at least 200 days.

The report totals the values for fields 6-11.











District Stockpile?

A value of Yes or No is reported to indicate if the district is stockpiling days. A local board of education, private, or church-related school may exceed the full six and one-half (6 ½) hours of instructional time required by law by at least one-half hour daily for the full academic year. The excess instructional time may be accumulated up to 13 instructional days each year, and applied toward meeting instructional time requirements missed due to extreme weather conditions. The time may also be used for professional development, meetings, teacher-parent conferences, etc.

[Prefs]Value=Y or N



District-Extended Day Makeup

The number of days used when amending the calendar to make up days that are missed.




The number of days used for professional development. A maximum of 13 days is allowed in combination with Stockpile-Inclement-Weather days.



Stockpile-Inclement-Weather Days

The number of days used for inclement weather. A maximum of 13 days is allowed in combination with Stockpile-Professional-Development days.



If your school system is not stockpiling days, do you have individual schools with at least a seven hour student day stockpiling days for the purpose of professional development for the current school year?

A value of Yes or No is reported to indicate if schools within the district are stockpiling days, even if the district is not.

Yes is reported if a school is marked to stockpile and if the reason is professional development days or both professional development days and inclement weather, or if the reason is left blank.




If yes, list schools:

A list of schools that are stockpiling days.

The school’s name is reported if the school is marked to stockpile and if the reason is professional development days or both professional development days and inclement weather, or if the reason is left blank.





Student Open Date

The first instructional day of school for students.

The report extracts the date for the district calendar day assigned an Event Type of Attendance Start Date. Tennessee-specific district calendar days are set up via Start Page > District Setup > District Info > Click HERE to Create/Edit 200 Day Calendar Information > [click the number under Scheduled Days].

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =AS


Christmas Break Days

The total number of school days allotted for Christmas break.

The report totals the number of district calendar days assigned an Event Type of Holiday – Christmas.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =CH


Christmas Break Date

The first day of Christmas break.

The report extracts the earliest date for the district calendar day assigned an Event Type of Holiday – Christmas.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =CH


Spring Break Days

The total number of school days allotted for Spring Break.

The report totals the number of district calendar days assigned an Event Type of Holiday – Spring Break.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =SH


Spring Break Date

The first day of Spring break.

The report extracts the earliest date for the district calendar day assigned an Event Type of Holiday – Spring Break.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =SH


Student Closing Date

The last day of instruction, reported as the last day students are in school.

The report extracts the date for the district calendar day assigned an Event Type of Attendance End Date.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =AE



The dates planned for in-service education for the district, reported as whole or partial days.

The report extracts the date and duration for each day in the district calendar with an Event Type of In-Service Day or In-Service Optional.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =IS

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =IO



Abbreviated Days

The dates planned for abbreviated days. The attendance accounting policy allows for a maximum of 3 abbreviated days.

The report extracts the date and duration for each day in the district calendar with an Event Type of Abbreviated Day.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =AD [Calendar_day]Bell_Shedule_ID=EventDuration


Teacher Parent Conference Day(s)

The dates planned for teacher-parent conferences, reported as whole or partial dates.

The report extracts the date and duration for each day in the district calendar with an Event Type of Parent-Teacher Conference.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =PT [Calendar_day]Bell_Shedule_ID=EventDuration


Discretionary (Other) Dates

The dates planned for discretionary (other) days. All days reported in the Discretionary Days (Other) field at the top of this report should be accounted for in this section.

The report extracts the date, duration, and activity code for each day in the district calendar with an Event Type of Discretionary Day – Administrative, Discretionary Day – In-Service Discretionary Day – Other, and Discretionary Day – Teacher Vacation.

[districtcalendarday]TN_200SchoolDayType =OV, OA, OS, OO




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